Three local women attend AAUW meet at Miami Beach (Gulf Stream News) 7-14-60Page 10 THE GULF STREAM NEWS Thursday, Jul Z 14, 1960 1 Three local women attend . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAUW meet at Miami* Beach Inspiring speakers highligh- banquet which closed the con - ted the Florida and South At- ference. : t lantic Region, American Asso- Mrs. Douglas Tompkies Region Vice-- of University Women South Atlantic Reg AVOO t Ostes Conference july 6 8 at the President, c�,:nducted the ses- Deauville Hotel in Miami Beach. sions and T rs. W. R. Pitts, r The modern role of women, Miami, was general chairman -M Ah 'i 0. were discussed by guest speak- tj na. the press, and social security of the conference. C a or e io oilve-tj- t The orth Palm Beach Br- ers, Miss Jeanne Bellamy, sen- anch of A.A. was repre- ior editorial writer of the Miam; sented by Mrs. Edward HOLLYWOOD The Sharp, Branch president; Mrs. Herald; Miss Gladys 1, White, Sj�a­- I Hollywood Branch of the'' Tvlliami attorney and a member Hb­rb—eft­F-il`dan, lst vice-pre�- American Associatio s i —de n —t; of the national A.A.U.W. Status and Mrs.- _Robert Phil- of uni- of Women committee; Roy L -president. be host-. lips, 2nd vice versity Womeji will -�n con unction wit-h-this-c'--o-n- Swift, information officer for esses at a tea. in connection the Social Security Administra- ference, there was a display of A-Vitli the Florida and the tion, U. S. Department of Health, arf'work submitted by A.A.U.W. 96uth,­ A t I a n t i c Reg, Vl Welfare, and Education; and members from the South Atlan- lona Miss Margaret Tfiomas, direct- tic Region. Paintings were AAUW eODNentions which ave, or of manpower development, shown by Mrs. Donald Robin, being held this week. U. S. Department of Labor. Dr. Mrs. William Sunshine, Mrs. The tea will be from 3:30 to ALudrey K. Wilder, Dep-:! Jf-wO- David Jones, and 1VIrs. Lewis 5 p.m. Friday at Barry C61 - men at Albion College, Albion, Emerson of the P-47orth Palm lege. Guests will include 350 Michigan, and Michigan divi- Beach branch. women delegates froir'-i' the s=on president spoke at the F region which covers Florida, I Georgia, Maryland, V' -ginia, West Virginia North a nC South Carolina and the Dis- ix; .f'; Ow 9U:: W -ON X X W,� Ti Ik Mrs. Roy Allgaier will furl - Ur r n1sh music while tea is being '21 -ea . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-" -o ic o a ornen The modern role of women, ihlepress, and social security K will be disdussed at the South Atlantic Region, American Association of University X.: Women conference Wednes- . . ............. . . . . . . . ::r' .......... -day through, Saturday in Ml - Beach. . ................ . ............ h"i Mrs. Douglas Tomkies 47h&e�ng, West Va., regional e president, will conduct Ae sessions, Y. Guest speakers include Miss Jeanne Bellamy, senior edito- Miss Mr. Mrs. rial writer of The Miami Bellawy SVj 7 j. f t Pitts Herald; Roy L. Swift, infor- X, ma -tion officer for the Social ti Security Administration, U. S. ......................... ... ........ . ................. Department of Health, Edu- . . . ........... cation and-Welfaire; and Miss ........... ....... ....... ........ .......... ....... Margaret Thomas, director of .....ti manpowel-I development, U.S. Department of Labor. Miss Bellamy will diseugs . . ......... "'The Press — Rear View Mir ,': - ror or Headlights?" at t h o opening sessioln 1' h u r s d a Y morning in the De,-auville Ho- Mrs. Dr. Mrs, tel. s Smith Wilder Boyd "Women's Stake in SociaA which begins with a reception theme luncheon Thursday and Security" will be Mr. Swift's -topic. He and Miss Thomas, Wednesday night, given . by a tea Friday afternoon at who will talk an woman power. Mrs. Dave Caton, Florida di vision president® pre Barry College. in the 1960's, speak at the Dr. Audrey K. Wilder, na- Friday morning session. Regional social activities in- tional 'status of women con! - Panels on television in dude an Early American mittee member and Michigan school and the role of films -- - -- -division president, will speak'� in mass media will be held, at the closing, banquet. Dr. Woman's status will be dis- Rosamond Boyd, former re- cussed by Miss Gladys White, gional vice president will in. Miami, and Mrs. W. R. Hin- troduce her. Shaw, AAUW 'national status Mrs. William R. Pitts is of womeD members com- general ch*airm,anof the con- mittee. Mrs. Veta Lee Smith, vention, AAUW national mass media chairman committee, is an- other AAUW speaker. I The Floridk Division w I meet Wednesday and m o s t state delegates will. remain for the regional 'conference served 11 F t e co e ge s Florida --------------- ............ room and gardens. Nuns will take the guests on guided I tours of the college. Arrangements for the tea :; are under the direction of Mrs. Max Auerbach. Her committee Ais Mrs. Elsie, Johns-, Mrs .Harold F. Fried --and Mrs. Otha Lee Gross. The state and i­egtonal con- ventions will be held concur- rently July 6-8 at the Deau_ Ville Hotel, Miami Beach. .Mrs. A. C. Michelson * 1 taki.nLy reservations for th%1 state luncheon at 12:30 P.m; Wednesday at the Deauville.' On Thursday Morning Mrs, Claude David., -newly-electe president of the Hollywoodi. branch, will gi�,;,e a welco Speech. L-)qlegates, to the converiti 1 from hp local branch ar Mrs. McCormick. Mrs. Marvin Bla, k, Mrs.. John. k Nixon and Mrs. Dav_irj,. Mrs. McCormick will takp- over best -new positionas state, ellLairman of the co-m-mittee o-nll, the statU-Sof women. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . .