Study Groupsr' r University Women hold ArtWorkshoF AAUW AR's' GROUT' i `Composition in Arta' Will j be discussed at the American Association of Ung oursitMyWO- onday i men Art Study home of Mrs. evening at the J.R. Kessler, 1201 Yacht Har- bor Drive Singer Island, roup will meet Thursday, March The morn g 10th, at the home of Mrs. Keith Cloyed, 0 --- book groonotLup sponsored`.. The n-- zerican Assoc,ati by ren met at the hOme iVersity �,�,'olnen and1r s . l-larold Tiede of , Jr. - n-lann Sunday evening• AAUW B aok Group Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Ro- bin entertained the AAUW Book Study Group at their home Sun -1 day evening, "House of Intel- lect" was the book discussed. The Art Study Groups of the North Palm Beach Branca of the American Association of University Women held a work- shop. meeting at the home of Mrs. Margaret Savin, 324 CasQ ART STUDY GROUP f. Cade Lane, Palm Beach Shores., Monday evening. The members The AAUW Art Study Group I' _ had an opportunity to demon - met Monday morning at the home � _ _>-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ _ AAUW � strate their individual abilities with charcoal, pastels, and oils of Mrs. Thomas Hart, 418 Anchorage Drive. The eve- ART' STUDY GROUP � � This meeting terminated ning group met with Mrs. Ro- bent „, Painting Media -oils, water. ; simulating monthly series o- lectures which had been giver Phillips, 5-32 Harbour Road. Abstraction in various colors, etc., will be the topic for the April meeting of the, � by `Mrs. Donald Cd Robin ! art forms was studied. American Association of Uni- A.A.U.W. Arts Chairman.Mrs versity Women art study group. Robin has presented inform - The evening group will meet ation based on a course of stud) Monday at 8:00 p.m., at the by the Metropolitan Museum o: _ -.- :- -,-- -- .. - - --- ---- ;home of Mrs. William Abbott, Art. l 404 Driftwood Road, Due to the high degree o AAUW Art Study Group The morning. group will meet interest shown in this year'; ;Thursday, April 7th, from 1.0:00 lecture series, Mrs. Robin sai( Composition will be the 'to 19:00 noon, at the home of that there are plans for a sim- topic for study at the FebruaryMrs. H.H. Crabtree, 1150 Beach ilar creative study which wil meeting of the Art Study GroupRoad , Singer Island, begin in September. of the American Association of Mrs. C. Donald is the group Study groups which are spon- University Women. The morn- discussion leader, sored b t y he American Assoc - ing group will meet Monday atj � -� �- �- iation of University Women wel- 10:00 a.m. at the home,of Mrs,; come participation by botl J. Edwin Obert; 505 Anchorage members and their friends, Drive, and the evening group -----_ will meet at the home of Mrs. Marshall Benjamin, 533 Bay.��--- Road, at 8:00 p.m. AAUW AR's' GROUT' i `Composition in Arta' Will j be discussed at the American Association of Ung oursitMyWO- onday i men Art Study home of Mrs. evening at the J.R. Kessler, 1201 Yacht Har- bor Drive Singer Island, roup will meet Thursday, March The morn g 10th, at the home of Mrs. Keith Cloyed, 0 --- book groonotLup sponsored`.. The n-- zerican Assoc,ati by ren met at the hOme iVersity �,�,'olnen and1r s . l-larold Tiede of , Jr. - n-lann Sunday evening• AAUW B aok Group Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Ro- bin entertained the AAUW Book Study Group at their home Sun -1 day evening, "House of Intel- lect" was the book discussed.