NPB University Women install new officers (Gulf Stream News) 10-29-59\ ...
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AAUW discuss
varied topics
Members of the North Palm
Beach Branch of the American
Association of University Wo-
men met Monday evening at the
North Balm Beach Country
Mrs. Edmund Rodman intro-
, duced different chairman who
discussed subject areas around
which future programs and
study groups will be planned.
rte subject areas discussed ;
were education, international
relations, `social and economic
issues, arts, etc.
Hostesses for the evening
were lairs. Harold Berry and
Mrs. Donald Robin.
Anyone interested in receiv-
ing more information about the
new Association may contact the
membership chairman, Mrs,
�Rd •
install n
The newly formed North meeting.
Palm Beach Branch of Amer- The American Association
ican Association of University lof University Women was foun-
Women held installation cere- ded in 1382 to open doors of
monies recently at a dinner education for women, and to
meeting at the home of Mrs, widen opportunities for women
Thomas Hart, 418 Anchorage to use their training. Practical
Drive. Mrs. Harry Tustison, educational work is its objec-
past vice-president of the Flo- tive. AAUW members number
rida State Division of AAUW, more than 142,000 organized
gave the new officers their oath into approximately 1380 bran -
®f office. rhes in the United States.
New officers include Mrs. AAUW is a member of the
I Edward M. Sharp, president; International Federation of Uni-
Mrs. Thomas Hart, second versify Women, which unites
vice-president; Mrs. Edmund associations in 48 countries.
Rodman, first vice-president;! IV , V
Mrs. William Abbott, corres-
ponding secretar • Mrs -
Crabtree, recording secretary .. .
and M r s. William
Mrs. Albert Keller, hospi-
tality chairman, was in charge
of the dinner arrangements.'
Ten members attended the
Special Interest Meeting Satur-
day at the Galt Ocean Mile Hotel
in Ft. Lauderdale. They were:
Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. William Bar -
f nett, Mrs. Keith Cloyed, Mrs.
Lewis Emerson, Mrs. Hart,
Mrs. Harold Beery, Mrs.
Edwin Obert, Mrs. Donald Rob-
in, Mrs. L.G. VanDuzee and
Mrs. Edmund Rodman. s
A breakfast for the Division
President, Mrs. Dave Caton of
Pensacola and officers were r
held in the morning. Members
were welcomed at a reception
i and luncheon followed by the
guest speaker Dr. Catherine
Sims, National AAUW Chair-
man of International Relations.
A United Nations Day theme
was carried throughout the
or a'. ea(
. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ben- AAL
jamin will speak on Kindergar- ''The year a child spends in
ten Education at the February kindergarten is as important as
meeting of the North Palm , any that will faJlow in his educa-
eac Branch of the AmQrican - _ ... _ .:........ .
Marshall Benjamin in their talk
Association of University Wo- ion Kindergartens before the s
men Monday evening at the
Country Club, Forth Palm Beach Branch of
the American Association of
Experienced educators, the
Benjamins formerly operated a University Women, :Monday ev-
ening at the Country Club.
private kindergarten in West Good kindergartens play a
Palm Beach and are presently significant role in the develop- .
associated with the Palm Beach went of good study habits. A
County School System. ' good kindergarten provides an
opportunity to discover the e-
motionally and physically hand--
icapped and to seek out the
gifted child. These ideas were
presented by the Benjamins,
graduates of the University of
Michigan, who have operated
their own private kindergarten,
tauzht in Afrira gnri rhP Pilrn