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ERHAPS no single link holds AAU.W��-
members together more strongly than
the Fellowship Program. For more than
two generations now -this work has been ,ry
carried on. An enterprise cannot endure �}
that long unless it is bringing to both
donors and recipients surpassing rewards.
Endowments have been built through .t
large and generous gifts and also through
the patient amassing of myriad small con-
tributions. The yearly fund-raising prof-
ects which form the backbone of the pro-
gram are a vital part of each branch's life;
beyond these is the richly human experi-
ence of participation in the advancement.,_
of knowledge through the accomplish
in.ents of our fellows.
The number of annual awards has
grown vastly. Each year now forty or so
AAUAAT fellows study at home and abroad,
venturing into new fields of study, pushing
on to horizons of learning that could
barely have been . glimpsed by our foun-
Purposed by-laws were pre- regarding eligibility.
sented for approval and tem- Other ladies present were
nif porary officers were elected, Mrs. Jeanne Emerson, Mrs.
�',�� 6- Eunice Teterman, Mrs.. Bar -
orar f f_i c e r named
were: --Mrs. Patarp, _presi- bara Abbott, Mrs. Lee Cloyed,
dent; Mrs,_ Pat Keller, vice Mrs. Betty Robins, Mrs. Kay
president; Mrs. Dorit Beery, Hart, Mrs.Ann Lannahan,.Mrs.
recording sec r e t a r y; _rs-. Olive Dower, Mrs. Ginny Mar
Thelma ^ .-
Obert; corresponding ting, Mrs. Joyce Ladd and Mrs.
Mimi Churchill.
secretary aniVlrs._Nancy Sun-