Membership List 1959-1960 (2 pages)z�-JRZC N ocz%T�c� OF U.NIV---'-TRSITY 110M`�N NORTH PALM B-.'r!RICH BR;i1\TCH 1959 - 1960 NATI01\11-'iL FR'-�SIDENT Dr. -Anna Le Rose Hawkes 1634 Eye Street, N, Wo Washington 6 D, Co FLORIDA DIVISION FRE"S I D-�-4-iTN T Yrs. Dave Caton 2'.x`203 N. 20th Avenue Pensacola, Florida NORTH Br',,yCH BRi')1.L\CH OFFICi!2d President First Vice President 34-::7cond Vice President Record ink Secretary Corresponding :,3ecretary Treasurer I'-`EMBERSHIF LIST Mrs. Edward Me Sharp Mrs. Edmund Rodman Mrs, Thomas Hart Mrs. Harvard Crabtree Mrs. William We Abbott Mrs . William Sunshine b b o t t firs e (Barbara Voorhees) V18-1056 William BS University of Connecticut 404 Driftwood Rd NPB Barnett, Mrs. William (Mary Jo powers) V14-4014 B3 Purdue University 521 .inchcrage Dre , NPB ? '" Mrs, Harold (Dorit Anderson) v14.4372 Bis,.,pry - 516 Bay Rd. I\TPB itB 1\11 ortlawes tern. University Benjamin, Mr's Marshall (Nancy Sctlademan) V14- 767 533 Bad Rd*, i\TPB A-ty of Jrichirran .,1B Univers to Churchill, MV18-2648 �rs, Leslie (.Ilcyone Haas)5B3 Bucknell University05 Driftwood Rd*, NFB Cloyed, Mrs. Keith ( Leota Harrison) V14-6570 BS Northeast Missouri State Teachers College 516 Fairwind Dr. - NPB rt) V14 -o608 Crabtree, Mrs. 11"?arvard He Jr. (Elizabeth Rineha Carleton College 1150 Beach Rd Riviera Beach Dower, Mrs. John (olive Voo-el) 'IB� MS William Smith College Emerson, Mrs. Lewis (Jean McIntosh B3 University of Rhode Island Gildan, Mrse Herbert i.,.B Hunter College Gibson, Mrs. David BS Purdue UnivOrsity (Kathleen Yeager) V18-2117 414 Flotilla Rd4 NPB V18.2746 405 Ebb tide Rd... NPB VI 8.36 43, 535 Gulf Rd,, ,' NPB (Patsy Lively) 820 5th St Park 1 V14-1035 MEDIRMSHIF LIST 2 1959 1960 Hart, Mrs. Thomas (Kathryn Dunkelberser) V14- 5203 ABO 11A Duke University 418 i'Inchorao-e Dr., NPB Jones, Yxs, David (Cary Bailey) v14-0791 BA Ohio State University 247 W* 28th St. Riviera Bch, Keller, Mrs. Ginna Kennedy) V18-3662 AB Duke University 509 Inlet Rd., NPB Ladd, Mrs,, John (Joyce Williams) V18-1226 BS Iowa State College 655 Kingfish Place, NPB Lehmann, Mrs. Eugene (Lee DeHart)- V14-6552 Bis University of Michigan 505 Harbour Rd,,, NPB Marting,, Mrs.,, Jay (Virginia Parker ) V14-6833 BS Ohio State University 532 Kingfish Place, NPB Obert, Mrs, J. Edwin (Thelma Akinson) V14-7011 Bk'l Dickinson College, MA New York Univ, 505 &'Inchorage Dr., NPB Olson, Mrs. _'41bin (Frances Wetmore) V14-4933 BS State Teachers College, Framingham, m.ass. 405 Driftwood Rd., NPB Phillips, Mrs,, Robert (Helen Fogel) V14-4921 BA University of Maryland 532 Harbour Rd. NPB Robin, Mrs* 0. Donald (Elizabeth Wilson) v14,.0088 B. -'i Flora Stone 14"ather College 508 Bay Rd NPB Rodman, Mrs. Edmund (Frances George) 4703 BS Mississippi State College for Women RR#1 Seabrook Rd., Jupiter Schilling, 11xse Max (Catherine McCartlay) V14e,0669 "B Nazareth College,- Mk Marquette Univ, 524 Kingfish Rd., NPB Sharp, Mrs, Edward (Patricia Carlson) V14-3568 BA Michigan State University 421 Driftwood Rd*, 1\TPB Strauss,. Mrs. I'llbert (Stella Gergel VI8,-,3641 MS University of Maryland 421 Gull Court, NFB Sunshine, Mrse William (Nancy Conley) vl4u2914 BS University of Connecticut 428 Inlet Road, ITFB Thomas, Mrs. Clair A. Jr. (Kay Virginia Wier) VI8*-1574 AB Bucknell University 432 Harbour Rd., NPB Tiedemann, N�rs. Harold (Eunice Wythe) V14--9839 BA Queens College 656'Kingfish Place, NPB VanDuzee, Yxs. Lowell (Regina Ebbe sen V14&-9737 BBA Univers.ity of Minnesota 1217 Island Rd., Riviera Beach Wilson, Mrs. Willian, (Joanne) V18,w1517 BS Miami University, Oxford Ohio 643 tiustralian'021rlep Lake Park