Annual Report 1959-1960 (3 pages)AlZi-MICAIT ASS0CIkTI01'-,' OF UNIVERSITY 71C -,!EH A IT 0 TR Ea" 1. L, L-11 3EAM-T. DRA1`TM Annual Report 1959 &* 1960 Althou3h the North Pren.1y, Beach Branch was not officially recor-7,nized by t, the Association until October 29th, 19590 a full year of activity has ex.pirecl since an interested f . -.p of enthusiastic women 'voted to forma a breanch of AAM1 in April 19,59. In retrospect, we can view the completion of an exray of orLr-;a,,-,,-nize?,tionea,1 activities and the beginning of llpractical- educational T -his annual report is a braL.ef aj.Gest of more complete reports on file* -view of the Yorth Palm, Bez,:--i.ch Branch.. -.-t is presented. as'an overdo0a.11 E; pa- F CH I Z E T I ITG S M The prol:;ram of the Forth Beach ;branch ij�,ias developed around a.. general orientation Theme air. -,ed at emphasizing the Slaiding princ*ples Of kAUVI Consideration was given to the fact that more than three a e AA LTI w foj�Lrths of the membership hc,,,,-.CL head no prcvio s cont ct with ,V An r-,ttempt was made to present cc-, disti:zactively AAU",'Jprogram concerned with membership particip, tion, consideration. of commun* tv needs an� problems, and intellectual growth, N.d Dr. Ludd Spivey, PreSident er�-,critus of Florida Southern Collc3e, v�-ias the Guest speaker at the Septc-Lnibor He presented a challcnging aiscussion of the ,,Univers'ty ��jjomeanls Opportunity to Present a Cultural 1 Linvironrnent to Her Famil YTT Tho branch installed its first officors at a buffet supper in October. I.Ars, Harry Tustison, momber of tho Fts UU.-ud-ordralc Brc,-.rich and past division officer, was guest speaker te.nd' took pert in the instce-11ation cc reEnioni o s 'Lliss -;Iary Rose Hieloran , Ft, Ijauaerdcale Pre sidcnt, also participated in the pro3ram. Ti s pre in 17ovember by the faro. am Xno%1,,r Your A2--4UW Study Arc vi ;xc chcn,irm-an `;-nd the study area chairman* In January, a reception, honorinS the recoonition of Forth Pfelm Beach C� Branch by the ssocia.tion, was. held. with 'Idrs, Dourflas- Tomkies, Rcrional 'ision President as gruest dpoakcrl.. vicc---Prc-sid-ent and. '--ilrs. Dave Ccc,-Lton, Div )vjr. and I-Trs. 1-Tarshall Bci,4a.min, teachers with extensive backr-rounds in C19 tc a I -ling, discussed "Kinderg-eartens in kind-orgarten and-- c-ler,,,ontcary c bruary ri-iceting. Bench Count " at the yFe .ape e 2 In March, the International Relations Chairman and several members of the branch •held a panel discussion of Latin American social, economic, and political problems. DIrs,, Robert Abernethy, a Panamanian, was a special g-aest and- spoke on problems relative to the United States and Panama, Members and friends were invited to the Norton Art Gallery in April to hear Mr. Willis Wood -s, d-ireotor of the gallery, speak on the history of the gallery and I cond-lact thr--, group on a tour of the gallery. At he 11ay meeting the Legislative Chai-l",-irian and a panel of mernb-ers discussed. the "AAUVI Lecf-islcative Prograir The ear came to a close at our dinner meeting at Creighton's e cl Restaurant in June, Judge Beatrice Propp, guest speakert discuss -1 local social problems. Officers for 1960 _ 1.961 were installed* S TUDYr GROUPS Two study groups met regiilarly throughout the yeei.r. The popular Book Group studied a current controversial book each mcr.th, generall.v non- fiction, Husbands and interested couples and individuals in the cor-liminitil' were invited- , Infor'Mal discussions, with all members participating, were led- by a, different discussion leader each month,, The Z-,-oup concluded the year with a picnic supper with more than twenty couples attending, T-he Art stuay Group offered the study course YTSemiiiars in Art" published by the Book of the Mionth Club under the direction of the 11iletropolitan Museurin, of Art* The group was led by the Art Study Chairman. Meetings were also open to ii^,.terested individuals 'in the community and- proved so popular that both morning and evening meetings were held. The group concluded its: years work in Ifay with a workshop U various media studied* C u which time members tried 'heir hand at the The organization of two new study areas is being considered. GENERAL ACTIVITIES The North Palm Beach Branch participated in e, -,Ln area meeting at Ft. Lauderdale in October. More than a third of the membership was present at this meeting. S.everal projects were planned and ent-husiastically supported to raise money for the AAUtq Educational. Center Building Fund* The branch contributed $70.15. iount was taken from Our Fellowship contribution was $30,00, This arr annual dues and represents $1050. per Qapita, -71 P a, e 3 7 The bulletin, 8 i'vine of branch cc�ctivities was distributed, monthly to members and pro s-ii-ective ii-i&Iembers by the corresponding secretary. A membership list was compiled, Tiiri-ieographed and distributed to the membership, Items of interest concerning AAT_T,,,T activities have been collected and. ;e-. record -ed in the scrapbook ofth�.; Brcr:i,nch Historian. Candid pictures were taken on severe --e1 occasion,c,--,, and will �.lso be included. Articles appearin.o, in the local newspaper were submitted by the record. i x 1 secretary, ,le "Social. Hour" following - branch meetings has been the responsibility ,,)i' the hospitcc;,.,lity chairmiCIM. :1,1any meri-ibers -n.carticipated by serving as hostesses, North Palm Beach Branch wi send i.,Irs. Herbert Gildan, incoming 1st Vice-president, 11rs. Rober, Phillips, incominE 2nd Vice*..president, and President, Mrs, Edward Sharp as official deleg�tes to the annual -meeting of the Ft. orida Division held in connection with the Regional Convention in _Kiami in July. Four branch members will displLoy art work at the Convention. AD� 111 N I SI -MA T I C, N The Board of Directors raet each rinionth from September through June, The Board comprises a team; each member has spocific responsibilities, but all participate in conductingthe affairs of the North Palm Beech Branch, Complete minutes of the Board of DirectQrs meetings are kept by the Recording Secretary and are e_1 t ' o the members of the branch fo3- refer.ence. A report of the policy comiTiAttee is also on file for reference, I The branch has grown in seven months fr,orri a me-m-bership of 19 to the dare sent meri-iborship of 29 which represents 26 colleges and laiaiLversities throughout the country. -r e -,,-7- our President wc,_�,s your representative at the Division Board .11 eting a Tar.ripa in September and perticipate i the area ,, , n( I Workshop in d, n i-Iniecting in Ft. Lauderdale in the Fall as one of the first cactivitie's, of the newly forr.^,ed branch, The usual tasks of @Arministra,t*ion hcr-,Uve been lightened b7 the enthusi- ­! astic cooperation of branch officers and ch,r1.11"1".171.1611. Your president. is, grateful for your thoughtful assistance in dischoxging res-i)onsi~ bilitic-so Respectfully submitted, .4 (.f7rs . Edward M, 'Sharp) Pre sident , North Palm Beach Branch