AAUW Officers Installed 6-6-60�: � �j �/j 'i� � �� `�'✓/` •i/ �•// 1"�/ 1'Y/ 1// �`// ���/ .\ �/1 �// C// ���> ��� l` � ' •�- ��'!J l`'�l l`'�, .�'� �� �J C\'�. �� �-� � i }� • • • �. • • • e • • • s - • • • • • • • o • r j . . !i.��. !/ �`. -!r.� .✓ ��i;.� !i.��. G.�\ !i �� G:�\/✓. .� !/:J fi �l 7i,.�\ .'� ��' lS.a\ ✓.1 r .J (i:: //.J/.� /i.�/.� 2a q / Way N th P U or. alm Bea h i r ay • -�\ .1 Mrs.Barnett opens home for AAUW The North Palm Beach branch of the American As- sociation of University Women met at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Barnett, 521 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach, Mon- day evening. Mrs. Herbert Gildan acted as moderator for a panel dis- cussion on Latin-American problems and policies. Cor- related accounts were presented by special guest, Mrs. Robert Abernathy, a native Panaman- ian; Mrs. Wm. Abbott, Mrs. Max Schilling, Mrs. Lewis Emerson, Mrs. Harold Beery, Mrs. Mar- shall Benjamin, and Mrs. Rob- ert Phillips. New officers elected were: first vice president, Mrs. Her- bert Gildan; second vice president, Mrs. Robert Phillips; treasurer, Mrs. -David Jones. Mrs. Donald Robin, arts chairman, announced that Willis Woods, Director of the Norton Gallery, will be guest speaker and conduct a tour of the gal- lery for members and their .guests, April 18 at 8:00 p.m, 1 P r i � University Women to discuss cacrion LA, on legislation Statements of principles. for.: .action on national legislation supported by the American A s so ciation of University Women will be discussed at a meeting, of the A.A,U.W..North Palm 1. Beach branch Monday, May.16, at 8.00 p.m. at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Current issues under consi deration at this meting will be: Legislation for the advancement of elementary, secondary, - and , higher education; sufferag e and home rule for the District of Columbia; the support of a con- structive foreign policy pro- gram; and the promotion and de- velopment of library services. Mrs. Lowell VanDuzee,Leg- islation Chairman, will be dis- cussion leader will a panel com posed of Mrs. Herbert L,Gil- dan, Mrs. Lewis D.Emerson, Mrs.Marshll J. Benjamin, Mrs. H.H. Crabtree, Jr., Mrs. Wil- liam Wilson, Mrs. Keith Cloyed,, and Mrs. Robert N. Phillips. U 'University Women 'AA W itour Norton, Galle-ry of Art: Willis Woods, Director ofthe Gallery, Monday night. the Norton Art Gallery and Mr. Woods gave a brief talk !the Norton School of Art, ad- regarding the history of the dressed the members and Gallery. He stated that Mr. friends of the North Palm Beach Norton chose paintings from branch of the American Asso- personal preference rather than ciation of University Women at from the dictates of current fashion and this has made for a rich and unusual display of paintings and sculpture. Mr. Woods then conducted the group through the perman- ent galleries as he described' in detail some of the most inter- esting works. He pointed out with e x a m p l e s the gradual change from stylized medieval art to the exuberant humanism of the Renaissance to the dem- and for high society portraits of the 17th and 18th centuries, and finally- up to the "modern" room which has examples of some of the great men of the early contemporary movement. 0- The tour was climaxed with a visit to the Chinese Jade Room where Mr. Woods vividly des- cribed the ancient times during which the jades and bronzes were carved. The evening closed with a visit to the Norton Art School student show in the current exhibit galleries. Tui)e, V,,., 11160- AAUW Installs officers, hears Judge Propp speak Officers of the North Palm facilities for law offenders. Beach Branch of the American . The delegates for the State Association of University Wo- and Regional AAUW Convention men were installed Monday eve- in Miami Beach July 6-8 are ning. - Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mrs.- officers rs.Officers installed were: Mrs. Herbert Gildan. Alternate dele- Edward Sharp, president; Mrs. gates are Mrs. William Abbott Herbert Gildan, first vice pre- and Mrs. William Barnett. sident; Mrs. Robert Phillips, There will be delegates to this second vice president; and Mrs. convention from South Atlantic David Jones, treasurer. Mrs. Region which is comprised of Sharp, Mrs. William Abbott, the states of Florida, Georgia, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Maryland, North Carolina,South H. H. Crabtree, Jr., recording Carolina, Virginia, West Vir- secretary will continue in of- ginia and the District of Colum- fice for the fiscalyear 1960-61. big___ - --- - Mrs. Edmund Rodman, pro- gram chairman, introduced Judge Beatrice Propp, munici- pal court judge of West Palm Beach, who was the guest spea- ker. Judge Propp who had sparked the movement to improve local penal conditions, emphasised that there must be both public interest and public approval in, order to accomplish further improvement and extension of