AAUW Holds District Meet in Ft Lauderdale 10-24-59M03,28 ATTMiDING FROM No Pe i3. Mrs. Will.iate. Barnett Mrs. Harold Beery Mrs. Yubith Cloyed It'irs. Lewis aaerson tir s . '11homa s Hart Mrs e Jo Edwin Obert krirs. Donald Robin' Ivirs, E&aund Rodman irs. Edward sharp Mrs. Lowell. Van Duzee 9 . AAU Holds Meet inFortzLauderd.ale _ American Association' of University Women's meeting for" South Florida branches j will be held at -9:30 a.m. today in the -Galt Ocean Mile Hotel, T". ort Lauderdale. SIX BRANCHES PLAN Miami branch members will SPECIAL MEETING be there to hear guest speak- 0c.tober 24th six branches planned a joint meeting in Ft. Lauderdale. The par- er fir. Catherine Sins, na.tin- ticivatino br«nclles were Gulfstrearl1, liol] y'- al chairman of international wood Miami North Palm Beach, Palm relations, and three Miami Beach and Ft.Lauderdale. Miss Mary Rose leaders will be on the pro Heilman, president presided. A svmposlunl, "Education for Leadership" was lead by gram. Mrs. H. W. Tustison. Mrs. Dave Caton, Ur. Melanie Rosborough, president of the Florida federation' spoke past regional vice president, ion AAUW board membership, Mrs. Nicolas will discuss "How Should i' Hodsdon reported on program planning AAUW Meet Controversial Is' ; and Miss Alvazine Young, state building sues," Mrs., Nicholas Hodsdon, fund chairman, spoke. will speak on program plan _ ning and Mrs. Wirt Peters, Miami branch president, will.; report on the natfona.l conven- tion. i Y. .•` , -.�,_ tom. ''r. ~/ AIERICAIT ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMT - Y SPECIAL INTEREO"T 14EETIt G of Six Florida Branches Ft. Lauderdale - Gulfstream - Boll3mood .amt - N. Pala Beach No Palm Beach Cct offer 2� 1959�. Galt Ocean Mile, Hotel .Ft,*- Lauder d a:. -Florida