AAUW Charter 10-29-59 (4 pages)r � 1 i - 'r r pa Q j 11014 or u � cp t� ��CCCLXxX�� AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMAN This is to certify— That ern f y—That the Board of Directors has granted recognition to the ._.�_ s - Branch to promote the purposes and policies of the Amer- ican Association of University Women and hereby confers upon it all the rights, privileges and obligations of a branch as embodied in the Charter and By-laws of the Association. In witness whereof the seal of the Association has been affixed this day of t T---� d at Washington, District of Columbia. President 01 low G'g General Director n1Ya?Y r�rz; tib; ' y _ s 4%-�l' 7 iVorth Palm Beach Branch AA UW receives charter at r ci I tree, recording secretar-y; Mrs.The William AAUW has over 141700! ' Sunshine, treasurer; Mrs. Herbert Gildan, Mrs. Al -1 members in 1451 branches lo- The North Palm Beach Bert Strauss, Mrs. Marshall sated in the 50 states, - te ,the Dis 1 trict of Columbia and Guam.' Branch of the American As - _ Benjamin, Mrs. Lewis Errier-� � son, Mrs. C, Donald The North Palm Beach' sociation of University Women has received its charter t ch to from P . Robin, Mrs. Harold Beery. Mrs. � Branch offers members a stu- the' Association in Washington, � ' ,� ohn a Mrs. Albert Keller, Mrs.: d - y action program covering the fields of higher education, D.C.Last Friday evening at ;- ---- _ _ _ ---------- --- a David ]ones, Mrs. J. Edwin; Obert, Mrs. William Barnett,' ele- mentary and secondary educa- the home of Mrs. J. Edwin r 0 Obert, 5 5 Anchorage Drive, W -AA-banch ! l0iirs. Leslie Churchill, tion, international relations, North Palm each a r e - B ec pAA . Mrs. Keith Cloyed, Mrs.ohn Dower, J social and economic issues, the status t sus of women, mass media tion was held honoring the oc- h Mrs. Eugene Lehmann, Mrs. I Jay Marting, Mrs. Albin Olson, and the arts. The Association also supports a Legislativell rasion. Mrs. Dave Caton, Division President, from Pensacola; i Charter Ce-F0,46emon Mrs. Max Shilling Mrs, Claorf Program, by delegates _ ThonasMrs. ,. voted to Mrs. Douglas T o m k i e s, Re - Harold Tiede-; its biennial conventions, and[ gional Vice President, from mann. Mrs. L. Ga 'Van Duzee, Mrs. David Gibson, and firs. members participate in the Fel-! lowshi Program, which awards P � Huntington, West Virginia; Mrs. Wirt Peters, NEST PALM BEACH —.- Official recognition from g , Robert Phillips. g -==----=-_--- ---- =_- -: - =-_ Miami Branch President; and Mrs. Charles Washington inspired the reception which the North Palm !Imore than 40 fellowships each Palmer, chairman of the divi- Beach. branch, AAUW gave the other day at the home of .year to women n scholars and Sion convention to be held in ert 505 Anchorage Dr. Mrs' J' Edwzn Ob g' brings annually about 30 women Miami in July were honor Honor guests were Mrs. Dave Caton, Pensacola, state from other countries to the United States for professional guests. Mrs• Tomkies was the guest' president; Mrs. Charles Palmer, Miami, chairman of the stud, speaker for the evening and state convention set for July; Mrs. Douglas Totnkies of 'Women college g r a d u a t e s Mrs. Caton presented the char-- Huntington, W.Va., re-giona.l vice president, and Mrs Wirt interested in the AA.UW pro I p t6r and gavel to Mrs. Edward Peters, president of the Miami branch. - ram may call Mrs. g y M Thomas Sharp, president of the North ' Palm Beach Branch. I. . 1 i s resented the charter and gave! to I!'I.rsm Mss. Tom e p Hart, VI 4-5203 for information Mrs. Albert Strauss and �t win Sharp, local president. Mrs., Albert Keller serx-ed AA Meet about membership.� Members of the North Palm, ! Mrs. Albert Keller presided at j ; the tea table following for T• teas follov� ir►g the charter cexen�ort� UW'to Beach Branch are: Mrs. Ed- the :meal ceremony. Organized last May, the North Palm Beach branch ward Sharp, President; Mrs. the North Palm Beach- has formed art and study groups. Officers" are: Mrs. . Members of the North Palm Edmond Rodman, first Vice- ' Branch was formed in May ' Shar. p, president , M rs. Edmond Rodman and Mrs. Thomas Beach branch of the American president• Mrs. Thomas Hart 1959 and has organized art Hart, vice presidents; Mrs. William Abbott, and Mrs. H. H, Association of University second Vice-president; Mrs. William Abbott and controversial book study , Crabtree, secretaries; and Mrs. William Sunshine, tr.eas- f h Women (AAUW) will meet to- corresponding secreta _ , secretary; Mrs. HQ Ho Crab groups y p tic- i far communis partic- user. day at 8 p.m. at the Contempo- _____- �___. pation. Other charter members are: Mrs. William Barnett,. rary Arts Center, 301 Broad- � There are 445 colleges and ill Ms. Keith Ms's, Harold Beery, Mrs. Leslie- �Chur c h , way, Riviera Beach. Artist Michael Campbell will � � universities- whose women graduates are eligible for mem- k Cloyed, Mrs. John Dower, Mrs. Lewis Emerton, Mrs. Her - take members and guests on a bersh-ip. To be recognized beet Gildan, Mrs. Norbert Kurty, Mrs. John Ladd, Mrs. tour of the "Laser Art" exhib- i for AAUW membership, these Eugene Lehmann, Mrs, Edwin Lundy, Mrs. Jay T. Mart- it at the center. Women graduates of accred- institutions must have high aca- demic standards, a substanial ing, Mrs. David McGregor, Mrs. J.1 -Edwin Obert, Mrs. Al� ited colleges and universities ! foundation in the liberal arts, ben Olsen, Mrs. Donald Robin., Mrs. Max Schiller, Mrs. I are invited. {{ recognition of women in facul- g nition Clair Thomas, Mrs. Harald Tiedman, Mrs. L., G. Van Duzee, i ty and administration, adequate - for Mrs. David R. Jones, Mrs. Marshall Benjamin, Mrs. Wil- provision women students,4' and maintenance of academic liam .Wilson, Mrs. David Gibson, Mrs.: Albert Keller, freedorz� . _ _. _ _ - ► Mrs: Albert Strauss and Mrs. Robert Phillips. b . V.% 15-y AAU W JOURNAL New Branches Ten new branches have been recognized since the October JOURNAL went to press, bringing the total number to 1447. The new branches are Beaufort, South Caro- lina; North Palin Beach, Florida; Milford, Delaware; r ington eights and Munde- lein -Libertyville, Illinois; Crescent City, Louisiana; • Blair, Nebraska; Marceline, Missouri; Wilburton, Oklahoma, and Kai- lua, Hawaii. NOYI� ,1 AIiii 3 (;H BRA!qC# I� ��If' .IV `:SIE 1446TH Bpi CH OF ,i If '. �• a ...tl xy i L{es r�,,�a �� '�Ttt't tt�� h y FLASH! FLASH! FLASH][ ! aa t..-.1�'z�. A brand new branch has been UP. nrersiBrancli 4 7l: iP t Y+v a: Recoi"g-nzh CharreredT Ir It Mrs. Edward Spar as r, p president. The North Palmi. NORTH PALM BEACH The Mrs. Lewis Emerson, Mrs,'. North Palm Beach branch of the Donald IAmerica.n in Tampa. , Assn. of University cabin, Mrs. Harold Beery,. women has obtained official rec- Mrs. John Ladd, Mrs. Albert ognitian from the association ire Keller, Mrs. Cary Jones, Mrs. J. r Washington, D. C. Edwin Obert. � Friday evening at the home of . --- -- , Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, 53� Anchor- Gage Drive, North Palin. Beach a -eco ti® p n was held celebrating the yy SY , cccasion. ' f Mrs. DA've Caton of Pen.sacoI4 `• :tate president; Mrs. Douglas To -1 of Huntington, W.Va., 1 egianaivice president; is.. Charley Palmer of Miami, chfr­ xnan of the state and regional 'con - 7 vention to be held in Miami Beach ixi July; t. a.nd � Mrs. �'Vi.r, t ''eters, Miami Branch president, were the j honored guests. i Mrs. 'ToMki.es was the guest speaker for the evening ,and. Mrs. Mrs. Dave Caton Caton handed over the. charter and. gave:! to Mrs. Edward Sharp. �wesident of the locEd group. Mrs. j j Albert . Strauss and, Mrs. Albert Keller presided over the tea table i fallowing the formal ceremony. -- ---_ -- _ The, North Palm Beach branch T� Mrs. Dave Caton ( Betty) was born in was formed, in May of 1959 and Shebo an Wisconsin but lived in New yg w i r has organized art and controver- sial book. study'groups for coni - York and Philadelphia until marriage. munity participation. Since then it has been Pensacola. Betty The rec�ptlo�n vias attended by - met her husband at college Duke Uni- Mrs. Sharp; Mrs. Edmond Rod- • versity where she received her BA. Dave rY� yrs, 1st vice president; Mrs•. Thomas Hart 2nd vice president, ' ' is an attorney and they have three boys. Mrs. William Abbott, caries pond, - Larry is 17 and attends Tulane on a ten - Larry secretary; Mrs. H. H: Crab - nis scholarship. Don 15 is in high ' tree, recordin , g secretary , Mrs. William Sunshine treasurer; l�.Irs. school and Bruce, 4, is in kindergarten. 'Herbert Gilden, � Mrs. A l�b art; ,. As a member of the First Methodist Strauss, Mrs. Marshall 'Benjatrain,; Church, Betty was a Counsellor of Youth b . V.% 15-y AAU W JOURNAL New Branches Ten new branches have been recognized since the October JOURNAL went to press, bringing the total number to 1447. The new branches are Beaufort, South Caro- lina; North Palin Beach, Florida; Milford, Delaware; r ington eights and Munde- lein -Libertyville, Illinois; Crescent City, Louisiana; • Blair, Nebraska; Marceline, Missouri; Wilburton, Oklahoma, and Kai- lua, Hawaii. NOYI� ,1 AIiii 3 (;H BRA!qC# I� ��If' .IV `:SIE 1446TH Bpi CH OF ,i If '. �• a ...tl xy i L{es r�,,�a �� '�Ttt't tt�� h y FLASH! FLASH! FLASH][ ! aa t..-.1�'z�. A brand new branch has been ac- cepted in the Florida Division.` Its 7l: the No B ra h with ,��; Mrs. Edward Spar as r, p president. The North Palmi. Beach charter was ap- prove d at the State Board Meeting in Tampa. , Y5.rrty�,rf.�y SY /( tti KI ',�