NPB AAUW Yearbook 2015-2016empowering women since 1881 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY WW"W" GESTATE PLANNING — POWERS OF HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES - REAL AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY BRANCH Organized 1959 FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Berry Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs. Edward M. Sharp Mrs. Clair A. Thomas 2015-2016 YEARBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS AAUW Action Fund 7 AAUW Funds 6-7 AAUW Information 2 AAUW President 2 AAUW Florida Elected Officers 3 Branch Calendar 2015-2016 12-13 Branch Dues Structure 2015-2016 9 Branch Goals 8 Branch Mission Statement 8 Branch Elected Officers & Appointees 5 Branch Policies 21-23 Charitable Foundation Board & Committees 6 Charitable Foundation, INC AAUW NPBC 7 Committee Chairs: Special Projects Chairs 5 Educational Foundation Honorees 10-11 Florida AAUW Public Policy Action Priorities 9 Important AAUW Dates 4 Interest Group Chairs 5 Leadership Programs Fund 7 Legal Advocacy Fund Information 7 Local Scholarship Fund Information 7 Membership Directory 14-20 New Member Additions 24 Past AAUW NPBC Branch Presidents 10 Table of Contents 1 Published by American Association of University Women Northern Palm Beach County Branch Cheryll Plotkin, President Sally Bailey, Editor AAUW Information Patricia Fae Ho, President Linda Hallman, Executive Director 1111 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-4873 202-785-7700; Helpline: 1-800-326-2289 Email: connect@aauw.org Website: http:H www.aauw.org * * * * * * * * * * * AAUW advances equity for all women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW provides funds to advance education, research, and self - development for women, and to foster equity and positive societal changes. AAUW provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for discrimination in any workplace environment. The AAUW Action Fund supports and advocates legislation, policies and procedures related to women's equity, and education. In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. AAUW provides the opportunity to use education to make a difference. 2 AAUW-FLORIDA Elected Officers Co -Presidents — Susan Berlin — 561-694-2975; aauwflBerlin@gmail.com and Virginia Farace — 561-965-9426; aauwfiFarace@gmail.com Director for Program — Jacqueline D'Alessio — 941-753-1792; jqllne@verizon.net Director for Membership — Carol Richardson -305-378-0954; aauwmiami@gmail.com Director for Finance — Nancy Pura — 727-389-7138; njpura@gmail.com Director for Development — Joan Dick — 863-676-4665; joandick2@yahoo.com Director for Public Policy — Patricia DeWitt— 904-429-7338; grocheio@gmail.com Director for Communications — Carol Napper 904-829-8835; bcnapper@gmail.com Secretary — Susan Baird - 386-793-4123; susanbaird9@cfl.rr.com AAUW NPBC on the web: http-Hnorthernpalmbeach-fl aauw. net AAUW Florida on the web: http-Haauw-fl.aauw.net AAUW on the web: www.aauw.orq 3 IMPORTANT AAUW DATES 2015-2016 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW ANNUAL BENEFIT LUNCHEON Saturday, February 6, 2016 11;00 AM Social Hour; Noon Luncheon Capital Grille Restaurant 11365 Legacy Place Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 5th ANNUAL APRIL IS FOR AUTHORS Saturday, April 16, 2016 9 am —4 pm Palm Beach Gardens High School Free 2016 AAUW-FLORIDA WORKSHOPS AND ANNUAL MEETING April 15 - 17, 2016 Palm Beach Gardens Marriott 4000 RCA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Advance Registration Necessary 2016 NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENT LEADERS June 2-4, 2016 College Park, MD Advance Registration necessary 2016 TechTrek Florida For girls entering 8t" grade fall 2017 June 12 — June 18, 2016 Palm Beach State College Boca Raton, FL Admission by application BRANCH ELECTED OFFICERS 2015-2016 President: Cheryll Plotkin 775-1881 Vice -President (Program): Shirley Koo 776-4957 Vice -President (Membership): Liz Shapiro 656-2413 Secretary: Marie Flynn 625-8746 Treasurer: Jacquie Balaschak 622-9279 APPOINTEES Bulletin Editor: Carol MacDonald & Sally Bailey 863-7654; 748-9909 By -Laws & Parliamentarian: Gloria Malden Kaplan 799-7090 Public Policy Sally Bailey 748-9909 Publicity: Doris Karlik 622-4410 Sunshine & Shadow: Barbara Quirk -Rizzo 625-9002 Website Manager Deborah Nelson 818-5438 INTEREST GROUP CHAIRS Bridge Club: J Pierman & B Rizzo 626-6486; 625-9002 Dinner Club: Ann Hutchins 863-1621 Literary Group: Susan O'Connell 704-651-4704 Members are encouraged to attend board meetings that begin at 6:30 PM. Meeting dates will be announced in the newsletter and on the website. SPECIAL PROJECTS CHAIRS: TechTrek: Becky Mercer 203-464-2037; 561-207-5057 Hispanic Human Resources Adopt -A -Class: Judy Pierman 626-6486 April is For Authors Liaison Sally Bailey 748-9909 4 5 CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, INC NPBC AAUW BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Vice -President: Susan Seufert 626-2909 Secretary: Cheryll Plotkin 775-1881 Treasurer: Diane Karlik Lynch 625-5220 Director -at -Large: Cheryll Plotkin 775-1881 Ex -Officio: Doris Karlik 622-4410 Foundation Committees: Benefit Luncheon: Barbara Quirk -Rizzo 625-9002 Finance: Diane Karlik Lynch 625-5220 Scholarship Awards: Gloria Kaplan 626-3423 AAUW - a 501(c)(3) CORPORATION AAUW's purpose is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW promotes equity, education and development of opportunities for women and girls that enable them to realize their full potential; provides fellowships and grants to women; and cooperates with other organizations and foundations having mutual interests. In July 2009 AAUW, The Educational Foundation and the Legal Advocacy Fund merged into one non-profit, 501 (c)(3) corporation. The endowed funds, part of the Educational Foundation from 1958 to July 1, 2009, are now included in the Educational Opportunities Fund section of the AAUW Funds. AAUW has 100,000 members in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Florida has over 3,000 members most of whom belong to one of the 39 branches in the state. THE AAUW FUNDS Contributions to these funds are income tax deductible to the donors. Educational Opportunities Fund: Awards Fellowships and Grants such as the American, Selected Professions and International Fellowships; Career Development and Community Action Grants. Eleanor Roosevelt Fund: Provides understanding of issues important to women and girls through research and published research reports. Legal Advocacy Fund: Provides legal case support, case support travel grants and funds campus outreach projects. The Legal Advocacy Fund was a separate organization from 1961 to July 1, 2009. Public Policy Fund: Advocates for laws and policies that are fair to women through government relations, civic engagement and field organizations. 101 Leadership Programs Fund: Develops women's potential to learn in their schools, communities, states and countries through Campus Action Projects, Campaign College and the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders THE AAUW ACTION FUND The purpose of this Fund is support and advocate for legislation, policies, and procedures related to women's equity and education which qualifies it as a 501(c)4 organization. The fund will provide information and resources facilitating the purpose and activities of the Fund to AAUW members, branches, and states and cooperate with other organizations having mutual interests. CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, INC OF NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW The Foundation was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in January 2008. The first officers were elected on February 25, 2008. Beneficiaries of the funds raised by and contributed to the Foundation will be the AAUW Funds and the Doris Karlik Local Scholarship Fund. Contributions to the Charitable Foundation are income tax deductible to the donor. The Foundation's major fundraiser is the annual benefit luncheon. DORIS KARLIK LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS The local scholarships were created in 1999 by then out -going branch president, Doris Karlik, to assist deserving local women needing financial support to continue their educations. Prior to the establishment of the Foundation the initial Karlik family grant was augmented with fundraising efforts including "Women Pins", candle sales, game nights, special fundraisers, etc., and individual donations. Since 1999 40 deserving Palm Beach County women have been awarded scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 to help them complete their college educations. 7 BRANCH MISSION STATEMENTS AAUW advances equity for all women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW NPBC promotes AAUW goals locally and provides opportunities for members to use their education to make a positive impact in our community. BRANCH GOALS • Actively seek an increase in membership representing diverse groups in the community. • Work in coalition with area branches and local organizations on projects related to education and equity for women Continue working on a variety of outreach programs that will improve the lives of the community's women and children. • Educate our members and members of the community at large about AAUW Florida Public Policy Action Priorities, the Legal Advocacy Fund, the Educational Opportunities and Eleanor Roosevelt Funds. • Continue and sustain our support of the AAUW Funds. • Continue to raise funds in order to award the Doris Karlik Scholarship(s) annually to Palm Beach County women. • Continue our visibility through regular contact with media including local papers, TV, radio, Internet, FloriVision and the AAUW web sites. • Develop and implement a mentoring plan to increase active participation. 0 AAUW FLORIDA PUBLIC POLICY ACTION PRIORITIES • Support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. • Support Pay Equity • Support a strong system of public education that promotes gender fairness, equity, and diversity. • Support economic self-sufficiency for all women • Support the right of every woman to safe, accessible and comprehensive reproductive health care. • Support a fair election process • Support the protection of civil and constitutional rights and Individual liberties. BRANCH DUES The AAUW Dues Year begins July 1St and ends on June 30th. Association (2014-2015) $49 State $12 Branch 13 Branch Member Total $74 Honorary Life Member (No Dues) $00 Paid Life Member (No Association dues) $25 Out of State Dual Member $25 Florida Dual Member $13 Student Affiliate X20 9 PAST NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW BRANCH PRESIDENTS 1971 Patricia Sharp 1959-1961 Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 1963-1965 Lu Lehman 1965-1967 Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 Sue Kohlmeyer 1969-1970 Nancy Fisher Holland 1970-1971 Jean Groff Santos 1971-1973 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 Virginia Eng 1975-1977 Priscilla Bennett 1977-1979 Jane Havill 1979-1981 Judy Pierman 1981-1985 Anne Fitzpatrick 1985-1987 Sue Slone 1987-1989 Marion Knapp 1989-1991 Sally Bailey 1991-1993 Molly Cleare & Helen Zientek 1993-1995 Council of Past Presidents 1995-1996 Doris Karlik 1996-1999 Diane Cochran 1999-2001 Jane Terwillegar 2001-2005 Barbara McHugh & Martha Smith 2005-2007 Barbara Quirk 2007-2009 Elizabeth Shapiro 2009-2013 Gretchen Rauch -Herron 2013-2015 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION BRANCH HONOREES From 1967 to 1984 our Branch contributions to the Educational Foundation General Fellowship Endowment were made in honor of: 1967 Thelma Obert 1971 Patricia Sharp 1974 Jean Groff Santos 1975 Jean Atherton 1976 Libby Saylor, Elaine James 1977 Shirley Barton, Susan Seufert 1978 Lea Cloyed, Betty Vantrease 1979 Priscilla Bennett 1980 Maybelle Davie 1981 Judy Pierman 1982 Thelma Obert 1983 Jean Haun 1984 Jean Boller 10 A Research and Projects Endowment was established in 1985 to honor Thelma Obert, a branch founder. Contributions were made in honor of: 1985 Judy Pierman, Jane Havill & Betty Moore 1986 Sue Slone 1987 Ellen Finnerty 1988 Anne Fitzpatrick 1989 Ann Moore 1990 Molly Cleare 1991 Kitty Dew, Marion Knapp & Betty Moore 1992 Thelma Obert 1993 Sally Bailey In 1992 Florida AAUW established a Named Grant to honor Pat Robinson, branch member and outgoing State President. When the Obert Endowment became stipend bearing in 1994, branch contributions were split between the two endowments and made in honor of: 1994 Helen Zientek 1995 Thelma Obert 1996 Ann Hutchins & Lucille Wendel 1997 Doris Karlik 1998 Phyllis Sjolander & Carol Whalen 1999 Naomi Rothstein 2000 Breezy Freeman 2001 Diane Cochran 2002 Sally Bailey 2003 Karen Moseley & Connie Davis Following the completion of the Robinson endowment in 2003, the branch contribution to the Florida AAUW 75th Anniversary Endowment honored: 2004 Gretchen Zale 2005 Jane Terwillegar 2006 Mary Katherine Flucke & Elyse Isadore 2007 Cheryll Plotkin 2008 Merle Wolf Following the completion of the Florida AAUW 75t' Anniversary Fund the branch contribution to the AAUW Funds honored: 2009 Martha Smith 2010 Barbara Quirk 2011 Marion Knapp 2012 Elizabeth Shapiro 2013 Sally Bailey 2014 Carol Whelan 2015 Gretchen Rauch -Herron 11 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW Jan. 11th How to Save Money on Taxes CALENDAR 2015-2016 6:30 PM Speaker: Gloria Malden Kaplan IRS Enrolled Agent & Tax Preparer North Palm Beach Library Sept. 21st Salad and Dessert Supper 303 Anchorage Drive 6:30 PM Getting to Know You North Palm Beach One AAUW North Palm Beach Library Feb. 6th Annual Benefit Luncheon & Auction 303 Anchorage Drive 11:00 AM Speaker: TBA North Palm Beach 11:45 Capital Grille Restaurant Luncheon 11365 Legacy Place Palm Beach Gardens FL 33410 Oct. 19th Obesity Health Concerns for Women 6:30 PM - Speaker: Dr Alina Alonso, Director March 21st Nutrition for Women 8:30 PM Palm Beach County Health Department 6:30 PM Speaker- Barbara Goldman p h Palm Beach Library North y Nominees for Office Announced 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach Library North Palm Beach 303 Anchorage Drive Nov 16th Women in Power North Palm Beach 6:30 PM Speaker: Dr. Jean Wihbey Provost. Palm Beach State College Eissey Campus April 25th Sogetsu Ikebana North Palm Beach Library 6:30 PM (Japanese Flower Arranging) 303 Anchorage Drive Speaker: Betty McCarthy. Advanced North Palm Beach Sogetsu Student at the Morikami Museum Annual Election of Officers Dec 14th Annual Holiday Party North Palm Beach Library 6:30 PM Bring a book suitable for a 4 year old in our HHRC adopted 303 Anchorage Drive class and an appetizer or dessert to share North Palm Beach Susan O'Connell's home 1565577 th Trail North May 16th Introduction of Local Scholarship Palm Beach Gardens 6:30 PM Recipients and Installation of Officers Corner Cafe & Brewery Teq uesta 12 13 MEMBERS 2015-2016 + LIFE MEMBER ++STUDENT AFFILIATE D=DUAL MEMBER "HONORARY AAUW LIFE MEMBER H=HONORARY BRANCH MEMBER BAILEY, SALLY 748-9909 140 OCEAN PINES TERRACE sbailey.140@aol.com JUPITER, FL 33477-9666 BA, SMITH COLLEGE; MLS, NC CENTRAL U BALASCHAK, JACQUIE 14272 LEEWARD WAY PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BS, HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY BLUM, ANNRUTH 18 BRIGHTON COURT PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, SUNY; MA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BOSSO, LUISA** 516 QUADRANT ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, BARRY COLLEGE 622-9279 jab@ticcar.com 626-5371 annruthdavid@aol.com EVANGELISTA, DOROTHY (D) 743-0415 300 NORTH A1A, #E-309 jaedo50@hotmail.com JUPITER, FL 33477 SUMMER: PO BOX 1937 MILLBROOK, NY12545 BA, SU NY AT CORTLAN D, MA, SUNY AT NEW PALZ cell: 914-489-8506 FABRICANT, BARBARA 624-3245 356 GOLFVI EW ROAD, #403 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Ba, POST COLLEGE LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY FANNO, MARIA 626-3082 60 GREEN POINT CIRCLE mfanno1 @yahoo.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, KENT STATE UNIVERSITY FARACE, VIRGINIA (D) 1841 CARIBBEAN ROAD WEST WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 BA, RIDER UNIV, MLS RUTGERS UNIV FLUCKE, MARY KATHERINE`* 2249 MONET ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33410 844-0755 BA, SMITH COLLEGE BROWN, GUTA (H) 772-545-0713 10780 JUPITER NARROWS DRIVE (W) 772-919-8517 HOBE SOUND, FL 33455 cell: 561-307-7024 BS, BUSINESS ADMIIN guia.brown@raymondjames.com CHICKERING, CHARLOTTE 627-8882 308 GOLFVIEW ROAD, #104 chchic@hotmail.com NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT; MS, FSU COCHRAN, DIANE (D) 474 SE STRAIT AVENUE PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34983 BM, UNIVERSITY OF PACIFIC ESCOFFERY, LEONIE 4112 LAKE TAHOE CIRCLE WEST PALM BEACH MA, FAU 772-877-3362 d ianecochran6902@comcast. net FLYNN, MARIE S. 60 YACHT CLUB DRIVE. APT 302 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 MA, TUFTS UNIVERSITY GRAF, LOIS 72 EDINBURGH DRIVE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, FINCH COLLEGE HAVI LL, JANE 619 RIVERSIDE ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, ROLLI NS COLLEGE 965-9426 aauwflFarace@gmail.com 624-9085 ra-mk-flucke@juno.com SUMMER: 19578 LAKESHORE DR THREE RIVERS, MI 49093 269-279-5796 625-8746 johnandmarie89@aol.com 776-8642 lagraf6767@comcast.net 844-7486 sunny561 @aol.com HERZING, SUZANNE 626-0834 64 CAYMAN PLACE Suzanneherzing@mac.com 471-8253 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 SUMMER: 1660 N. PROSPECT AVE (W) 207-5022 #1009, MILWAUKEE, WI 53202 escoffel@palmbeachstate.edu BA, FL SOUTHERN; MA, U OF WI, MILWAUKEE 414-347-9318 14 15 HOLMES, MARGY 622-6239 11399 TWELVE OAKS WAY Cell 561-603-8610 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 tcccny12@gmail.com BA, KINGS COLLEGE, NC HUTCHINS, ANN 863-1621 112 ATLANTIC ROAD; Mail to PO BOX 14836 ashutch@umich.edu NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 150 STONE MANOR DRIVE BS, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SOMERSET, NJ 08875 HYMAN, LISA 799-0897 26 SELBY LANE gogiggles@aol.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 MSS, ADELPHI UNIVESITY JARAM I LLO, CARMEN 848-0390 441 INLET ROAD royluce@aol.com NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, U OF PUERTO RICO; MA, NYU KAPLAN, GLORIA MALDEN 626-3423 356 GOLFVIEW ROAD, #702 W:799-7090 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 gloriamaidenkaplan@comcast.net BS, BROOKLYN COLLEGE, MA NYU KARAS, LAUREL. (D) 748-0266 BA, U OF MASSACHUSETTS; globy@hotmail.com MS, HUNTER COLLEGE KARLIK, DORIS** 622-4410 4640 HOLLY DRIVE cell: 561-762-0094 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, KEAN UNIVERSITY KNAPP, MARION P** 575-4779 137 SEASHORE DRIVE edbird137@comcast.net JUPITER, FL 33477 BS, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI R KOO, SHIRLEY 776-4957 12476 AVI LES CIRCLE Cell 561-603-8610 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 tcccny12@gmail.com BS, CCNY, MA COLUMBIA TEACHERS COLL. KORAL, LOIS 799-2893 9 PORTA VISTA CIRCLE LJkoral@aol.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 150 STONE MANOR DRIVE BA, MS Ed, CCNY SOMERSET, NJ 08875 LAVAN, JEANNE (DEB) 561-766-1822 1036 US HWY 1, #122 jamaicadeb@yahoo.com NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LUCE, MARGARET N 575-1024 300 NORTH A1A, #1-106 royluce@aol.com JUPITER, FL 33477 BA, SUNY AT FREDONIA; MA, HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY LYNCH, DIANE KARLIK 744-8294 18862 FETTERBUSH COURT W): 625-5220 JUPITER, FL 33458 DLKarlik@aol.com BA, USF; JD, STETSON LAW MACDONALD, CAROL 655-9296 1805 N. FLAGLER DRIVE, APT 202 carol.macdonald@yahoo.com WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 BA, PENNSTATE, MA SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY MAC DO NAL D, NATALI E 625-9210 880 WINDERMERE WAY nkfmassteach@aol.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 9 CLAFIN ST MED, CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE ATTLEBORO, MA 02703-1705 508-222-3354 MARCUS, KAREN (H) kmarcusmema@gmail.com y 17 MERCER, BECKY (H) 203-464-2037 2 BERWICK ROAD (W) 207-5057 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 mercerb@palmbeachstate.edu PHD, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MEYERS, PEARL 160 GREEN POINT CIRCLE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA, KEAN UNIVERSITY 622-0206 perile33@aol.com SUMMER: 2 LITCHULT LANE MAHWAH, NJ 07430 201-825-4331 MOH R, LINDA 561-845-1985 517 ANCHORAGE DRIVE cell- 561-307-4340 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Lindamohr7@bellsouth.net BS, UNIV OF MISSOURI, MS PURDUE UNIV, MBA NOVA NAYLOR, HEATHER 2656 LALIQUE CIRCLE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 MA, NYU (H) 308-5378 (W) 207-5081 naylorh@palmbeachstate.edu NELSON, DEBORAH 818-5438 1753 SW BOATSWAIN PLACE Rnelson351 @aol.com PALM CITY, FL 34490 BSBA, WESTERN NEW ENGLAND, MBA, WESTERN NEW ENGLAND NILL, CAROL K 20 CELESTIAL WAY #111 JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 BA, ST LAWRENCE U MA, MLS, U OF PITTSBURGH O'CONNELL, SUSAN 1565577 TH TRAIL NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 624-9521 APR-NOV: 412-751-0852 1505 OHIO AVE WHITE OAK, PA 15131-2111 704-651-4704 sjoconne112013@gmail.com PIERMAN, AMANDA 312-9998 10294 ALLAMANDA BLVD amandampierman@yahoo.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BS, EXETER (ENGLAND) PIERMAN, JUDY M+ 626-6486 560 GREENWAY DRIVE cell: 389-0714 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 hhrcjmp@aol.com BS, BLUFFTON COLLEGE 18 PLOTKIN, CHERYLL R 775-1881 11808 HEMLOCK STREET cel1:632-0353 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 crplotkin@gmail.com BA, BELOIT COLLEGE; MS, BOSTON UNIVERSITY PLOTKIN, WENDY++ 11808 HEMLOCK STREET PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 AA, PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE, QUIRK-RIZZO, BARBARA 151 GREEN POINT CIRCLE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BSN, MN U KANSAS; PHD, U MISSOURI ROTHSTEIN, NAOMI 2220 MASTERPIECE WAY PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA, RADCLIFFE; MED, WILLIAM & MARY 775-1881 senshisong@yahoo.com 625-9002 BLongQ35@aol.com 848-4914 nmrothstein@gmail.com SAMMIS, BETTY 339-3288 736 WESTWIND DRIVE ( W) 841-3373 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 bsammis@gmaii.com BA, OLD DOMINION, MLS, UNC CHAPEL HILL SEUFERT,SUSAN 12955 DRAYTON ROAD JUNO ISLES, FL 33408 BA, U OF FLORIDA; MSW, BARRY U SHAPIRO, ELIZABETH "LIZ" 8385 IRONHORSE COURT WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33412 BS & MS, UNIVERISTY OF WISCONSIN 626-2909 seufertsurf@aol.com 656-2413 cookrag@aol.com SLONE, SUE Z+ 626-0119 150 BARCELONA DRIVE cell -379-3014 JUPITER, FL 33458 szslone@comcast.net BS, FSU; MED, U OF FLORIDA; SPEC ED, FAU SMEDLEY, SARAH 791-8708 1221857 th ROAD N cell: 818-2905 ROYAL PALM BEACH, FL 33411 ssmedley1 @yahoo.com BS, MLS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA TOHN, DIANE "DEEDY" 630-9609 139 CORAL CAY DRIVE dtohn@aol.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 35 North Chatsworth BA, SMITH COLLEGE Larchmont, NY 10538 19 WHALEN, CAROL** 247-7690 125 OCEAN AVENUE, #703 caroltriggs@aol.com PALM BEACH SHORES, FL 33404 SUMMER: 61 WALKER LANE BA, SMITH COLLEGE QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 CELL: 518-409-1844 WI H BEY, DR JEAN 297-5400 PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE wihbeyj@palmbeachstate.edu 3160 PGA BLVD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 PHD, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT YEAW, DOLORES 844-6824 645 KINGFISH ROAD dolores645@att.net NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS & MED, FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY ZIENTEK, HELEN 818-9753 4488 HICKORY DRIVE hzientek@comcast.net PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA, FLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE; MLS, NOVA UNIVERSITY 20 POLICIES — AAUW NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY It is understood that these policies should be generally followed and that Branch officers and chairs should be familiar with them. They are in accord with Association and State bylaws and are more specifically designed to serve as guidelines for branch activities. COMMITTEES 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members elected by the board, in accordance with the bylaws. One member shall be a non - board member. It is suggested that a past president be asked to serve. Members interested in seeking an office for which nominations are open should be excluded from the nominating committee. The committee shall be elected at the January board meeting. 2. The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and have three other members. Those members shall include at least one non board member and the incoming Treasurer, if possible. This committee shall be appointed at the January meeting. 3. The Committee to select named honorees shall be chaired by Charitable Foundation Benefit Chair. The branch president shall select two other members. Judy Pierman shall serve as an honorary member. The committee shall be appointed at the January board meeting. The honoree(s) will be announced at the annual benefit or at the spring dinner. FINANCES 1. There shall be two authorized signers on all branch bank accounts but only one shall be required to write checks. 2. The branch books shall be reviewed by a qualified individual midway through the Treasurer's term of office and prior to the beginning of a new Treasurer's term of office. 21 3. An amount equal to at least $.50 per member should be allocated annually for National Conventions, under the Conventions and Conferences line item. If unused, funds shall accrue until the next convention. 4. Memorial gifts for members or their immediate family shall be made in accordance with the family's wishes. 5. If the branch wishes to give a gift to the out -going officers, the money for the gift should come from the administrative costs budget line item. The transaction should be handled by the Treasurer. APPOINTEES/CHAIRS 1. All appointees/chairs shall serve a term of one year. 2. Appointees/chairs shall be considered voting members of the board. Interest Group chairs shall not be voting members of the board. 3. The chair of any board approved function such as the Dinner Club, Bridge Group and Book Club activities or cultural field trips shall have the authority to plan and execute the event. The board shall be kept informed about the event. 4. All contracts shall be signed by the Branch President or her specifically designated appointee. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Branch membership lists may not be sold or supplied to other organizations or individuals to be used for mailings or other commercial purposes. 2. The branch may not support partisan or non-partisan candidates for public office. Individual candidates shall only be invited to branch meetings to participate in branch sponsored candidate forums. 22 3. Soliciting at branch meetings and events will be limited to AAUW sponsored activities, events, and fundraisers without prior approval of The Branch Board. 4. Persons who are eligible for membership must join AAUW to attend study group meetings. 5. The branch website will be limited to AAUW activities and events and those of organizations that the branch officially supports such as the Hispanic Human Resources Council Child Development Centers, the Palm Beach County PACE Center for Girls and the Friends of the Library of any public library where we regularly hold meetings. 6. The branch email lists may be used for branch newsletters, official AAUW notices, AAUW Florida and AAUW legislative alerts, Charitable Foundation activities, and special events of the organizations the branch officially supports provided AAUW NPBC appears in the subject line. 7. The branch newsletters will be limited to the activities specified above. REVISION These policies shall be reviewed biennially during the second year of the term of office of the Branch President by a committee composed of board members. Revisions shall be approved by a majority vote of the board upon recommendation of the commi May 2015 New Member Additions 24