NPB AAUW Yearbook 2000-2001® lmw ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY BRANCH 2000-2001 YEARBOOK AMER I CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY BRANCH 2000-2001 YEARBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Association and State Officers 3 Board Meeting Schedule 9 Branch Budget 24 Branch Calendar 2000-2001 11-12 Branch Officers 5 Branch Policies 22-23 Committees 6 Founders 2 Goals 10 Important AAUW Dates 4 Interest Group Chairs 6 Membership Directory 13-21 Mission Statement 10 Named Grant Honorees 7 Past NPB AAUW Branch Presidents 8 Published by Northern Palm Beach County Branch American Association of University Women Diane Cochran, President Sally Bailey, Editor September 2000 1 -AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY BRANCH North Palm Beach, Florida Organized 1959 FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Berry Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs. Edward M. Sharp Mrs. Clair A. Thomas AAUW promotes equity for women, education, and self -development over the life span and positive societal changes,, The AAUW Educational Foundation provides funds to advance education, research, and self -development for women, and to foster equity and positive societal changes. AAUW's Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sexual discrimination. In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. AAUW provides the opportunity to use education to make a difference AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Sandy Bernard, President Amy Swauger, Interim Executive Director 1111 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-4873 Helpline: 1-800-821-4364; email: mail@aauw.org SOUTH ATLANTIC REGION LaRonnia "Ronnie" Williams 505 E. New Hudson Street Valdosta, GA 31601 912-247-4775; email: mhaile@surfsouth.com FLORIDA AAUW Leslie M. Henderson, President 13608 Lytton Way Tampa, FL 33624-2539 Home: 813-960-7621; FAX: 813-962-3403 Email: FLAAUW@aol.com Connie Davis, Secretary 6906 SE Raintree Avenue Stuart, FL 34997 1-561-782-5812 email:raycon@veriomail.com Doris Karlik, Co -Convention Chair 4640 Holly Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 622-4410 Sally Bailey, Co -Convention Chair 140 Ocean Pines Terrace Jupiter, FL 33477-9666 748-9909; FAX 748-9991 Email: sallyb@pb.seflin.org 2 3 SOUTHEAST FL CLUSTER RE PRE SENTAT IVE Ann Eldredge 17143 SW 79th Place Miami, FL 33157 Home:305-253-7013; Email: anneldredge@prodigy.net Barbara Schwartz 7920 SW 138th Court Miami, FL 33183-3035 305-385-5877 email: bchak37@hotmail.com PADS BEACH COUNTY INTERBRANCH COUNCIL (Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Northern Palm Beach County and Palm Beach County Branches) **2001 FLORIDA STATE CONVENTION** April 27-29, 2001 Sheraton Orlando Ma i t 1 and, FL **2001 LOBBY DAYS -- TALLAHASSEE** March 23-26, 2001 ***2001 ASSOCIATION CONVENTION*** June 22-25, 2001 Austin, TX I OFFICERS 1999-00 President: Diane Cochran 1-561-692-1807 Vice -President (Program) Connie Davis 1-561-781-5812 Vice -President (Membership) Naomi Rothstein 848-4914 Secretary Phyllis Sjolander 848-3569 Treasurer Karen Moseley 744-6286 APPOINTED OFFICERS Bulletin Editor: Carol Whalen 863-7654 By -Laws & Parliamentarian: Sally Bailey 748-9909 Community Involvement: Judy Pierman 626-6486 Diversity Coordinator: Sally Bailey 748-9909 Historians: Phyllis Sjolander 848-3569 Hospitality: Nancy Cook 630-3648 Publicity: Doris Karlik 622-4410 Sunshine & Shadow: Sally Alice Diller 844-1331 Telephone: Nancy Cook 630-3648 5 STANDING COMMITTEES Educational Foundation Marion Knapp 575-4779 Legal Advocacy Fund: Linda Casale 624-8751 Public Policy: Lucille Wendel 622-6708 INTEREST GROUPS Art and Beyond: Bookclub/Women in Literature Dinner Club: Ann Hutchins 863-1621 Evening Literary Group: Naomi Rothstein 848-4914 National Issues Forum Carol Whalen 863-7654 SPECIAL PROJECTS Candidate Forum: Jan Barker, Lucille Wendel, Pat Lloyd, Carol Whalen EF Fashion Show & Luncheon. Susan Bailey and Doris Karlik High School Girl' s Award: Connie Davis, Sally Bailey, Judy Pierman and Naomi Rothstein Local Scholarship Committee, Betty Vantrease, Sally Alice Diller, Sally Bailey, Doris Karlik, and Helen Zientek Hispanic Resources Adopted class. Judy Pierman, Diane Cochran, Breezy Freeman EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION HONOREES OF NAMED GRANTS Branch contributions to the Association for the General Fellowship Endowment of the Educa- tional Foundation were named in honor of: 1967 Thelma Obert 1971 Patricia Sharp 1974 Jean Groff Santos 1975 Jean Atherton 1976 Libby Saylor, Elaine James 1977 Shirley Barton, Susan Seufert 1978 Lea Cloyed, Betty Vantrease 1979 Priscilla Bennett 1980 Maybelle Davie 1981 Judy Pierman 1982 Thelma Obert 1983 Jean Haun 1984 Jean Boller Contributions to the Association's Educa- tional Foundation for the Thelma Obert Research & Projects Endowment were named in honor of: 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Judy Pierman, Jane Havill & Betty Moore Sue Slone Ellen Finnerty Anne Fitzpatrick Ann Moore Molly Cleare Kitty Dew, Marion Knapp Thelma Obert Sally Bailey 6 7 & Betty Moore Contributions to the Association's Educa- tional Foundation were divided between the Thelma Obert Research & Projects Endowment and the Patricia A. Robinson Named Grant. These contributions were named in honor of: 1994 Helen Zientek 1995 Thelma Obert 1996 Ann Hutchins & Lucille Wendel 1997 Doris Karlik 1998 Phyllis Sjolander & Carol Whelan 1999 Naomi Rothstein PAST PRESIDENTS Patricia Sharp 1959-1961 Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 1963-1965 Lu Lehman 1965-1967 Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 Sue Kohlmeyer 1969-1970 Nancy Fisher Holland 1970-1971 Jean Groff Santos 1971-1973 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 Virginia Eng 1975-1977 Priscilla Bennett 1977-1979 Jane Havill 1979-1981 Judy Pierman 1981-1985 Anne Fitzpatrick 1985-1987 Sue Slone 1987-1989 Marion Knapp 1989-1991 Sally Bailey 1991-1993 Molly Cleare & Helen Zientek 1993-1995 Council Of Past Presidents 1995-1996 Doris Karlik 1996-1999 BOARD MEETINGS Members are encouraged to attend Board Meetings which begin at 7:00. Locations to be announced in BranchOut. Meeting dates are: Sept 5 2000: Oct 7 2000: Nov 6 2000: Jan 2 2001: Feb 6 2001: Mar 6 2001: Apr 2 2001: May 7. 2001 : 8 9 BRANCH MISSION STATEMENT Promote the goals of AAUW locally and provide the opportunity for our members to use their education to make a positive impact in our community. BRANCH GOALS 1. Actively seek a 5% increase in a membership representing all ethnic, age, and vocational groups. 2. Support community action projects related to education & equity for women. 3. Continue stimulating monthly programs of varied formats appealing to a wide audience. 4. Increase our support of the Educational Foundation to at least $35.00 per member. 5. Increase our support of the Legal Advocacy Fund to at least $4.00 per member. 6. Work with women's groups of other ethnic or racial backgrounds to exert a positive influence in Palm Beach County 7. Continue awarding a local scholarship to a local woman in the spring. 8. Increase our visibility through regular contact with all media including local papers, TV, radio and FloriVision. 9. Develop individual leadership skills through workshops and/or attendance at cluster and state meetings. 10.In coalition with diverse organizations, plan and carry out an activity targeting one of the many social justice issues. NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW CALENDAR 1999-00 Sept. 18t, %A Year of the Member" Salad and Dessert 6:00 PM North Palm Beach Library 303 Anchorage Drive, NPB Oct. 18th Candidate Forum (Local Candidates) With the Woman's Club and the League Women Voters 7:00 PM Palm Beach Gardens Community Center 4404 Burns Road, PBG Nov. 20 American Culture Shock Becky Peterson, Multicultural Studies Graduate Student, Antioch College 6:30 PM North Palm Beach Library 303 Anchorage Drive Monday Hostesses: Kitty Dew, Ozzie Kopf, Cheryll Plotkin, Dolores Washam, Becky Weber-Riso Dec. 18th A Southern Holiday Celebration 7-400 PM Holiday social Twelve Oaks Club House Bring a guest and enjoy! Monday Hostesses: Juanita Demrick, Sally Bailey, Mary K. Flucke, Suzanne Herzin( Catherine Nelson, Pat Walters, Gretchei Zale 10 11 Jan. 15th Women's Social Issues 6:30 PM Speaker: North Palm Beach Library. 303 Anchorage Drive Monday Hostesses: Helen Zientek, Sue Slone, Breezy Freeman, Kathy Miller, Anna, Wi lban ks Feb41 24 th Educational Foundation Benefit Social 11AM Luncheon & Fashion Show Lunch Loon Cafe Chardonnay Saturday Gardens Square Shops March 19th History of Southern Women Speaker: 6:30 PM North Palm Beach Library 303 Anchorage Drive Monday Hostesses: Betty Vantrease, Peg Williamson, Muriel Hall, Maybelle Davie, Alice Vitatoe April 17h Annual Meeting; Election of new officers AAUW Issues 6:30 PM North Palm Beach Library 303 Anchorage Drive, NPB Monday Hostesses: Ann Ruth Blum, Margaret Luce, Ann Hutchins, Jacquie Balaschak, Stella Strauss May 21st Covered Dish Dinner Officer Installation, Scholarship Award 6:30 PM Natasha Consigli's home Monday 5901 White Tail Lane, Jupiter Hostesses: Carmen Jaramillo, Donna Ruhala, Susan Seufert, Lilli Wilder, Dolores Yeaw r�AMBERS 2000 - 01 BAILEY, CAROLYN M. * 13976 153' ROAD NORTH JUPITER, FL 33478 BAILEY, SALLY 140 OCEAN PINES TERRACE JUPITER, FL 33477-9666 BA, SMITH COLLEGE; MLS, NC CENT. U. BAILEY, SUSAN* 3450 CANAL COURT TEQUESTA, FL 33469 BALASCHAY414 JACQUIE 14272 LEEWARD WAY PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BS, HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY 748-3665 email:carrimo@lycos.com 74$-9909 email:sallyb@pb.seflin.org 262-1682 etnail:ssb683@hotmail.com 622-9279 BANTLE, VIRGINIA (GINI) 627-1113 11 ST GEORGE PLACE SUMMER: 4 SOUND SHOP.E DR, #21D PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418-4024 GREENWICH, CT 06830-7252 BARKER, JANICE 4366-A HAZEL AVENUE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA, BS, U OF NEB; MS U. OF NORTHERN ILL BAUM, EVE PO BOX 540064 LAKE WORTH, FL 33454-0064 BA, U. OF PITTSBURGH BLUM, ANN RUTH 18 BRIGHTON COURT PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, SUNY; MA COLUMBIA UNIV. BOSSO, LUISA R. 516 QUADRANT ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, BARRY COLLEGE 12 13 624-0947 966-3022 626-5371 email:davidb@lb.com 844-0755 844-0209 BRAWLEY, CAROLYN 622-4316 DEMRICK, JUANITA 694-7576 3574 CYPRESS STREET 11344 BRIARWOOD PLACE 626-5100 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 NORTH PLAM BEACH, FL 33408 email: demrick@pb.quik.com BS, EAST CAROLINA COLLEGE BA, DUKE UNIVERSITY CASALE, LINDA 1047 BEDFORD AVENUE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33403 BA, FAU SHARON 124 LAKESHORE DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 COCHRAN, DIANE L. 474 SE STRAIT AVENUE PORT ST. LUCIE 34983 BM, UNIV OF PACIFIC COLLIER, MARTHA K. 593 PALMETTO RD, # 5 LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BSN, MSN, U OF PA; MA NYSU-FREDONIA CONSIGLI, NATASHA 5901 WHITE TAIL, LANE JUPITER, FL 33458 BSE, ABILENE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY COOK, NANCY T.* 117 LOST BRIDGE ROAD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 DAV'IE, MAYBELLE 1101 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, EDINBURGH UNIV., SCOTLAND DAVIS, CONNIE 6906 SE RAINTREE AVENUE STUART, 34997 BA, MARSHALL UNIVERSITY NE 624-8751 DEW, BARBARA (KITTY) 825 CENTER STREET, # 38 A JUPITER, FL 33458 BA, SMITH COLLEGE 691-9014 DILLER, SALLY ALICE 1177 NORTH LAKE WAY PALM BEACH, FL 33480 BA, WHEATON COLLEGE; MLS, USF 561-873-1193 emailmcochran@adelphia.net 844-1817 SUMMER: 2221 BLAISDELL AVE, # 12 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55404 747-4698 email:kittydew@ixnetcom.com 844-1331 FLUCKE, MARY KATHERINE 842-5436 625 SO ND CIR. #205 email:76543.2734@compuserve.com NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 SUMMER: 19578 LAKESHORE DRIVE BS, SMITH COLLEGE THREE RIVERS, MI 49093 FREEMAN, BREEZY 845-1231 439 DATE PALM DRIVE LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BA, HUNTER WAGNER; MED, IDAHO ST; MA, U OF TENN 745-4634 GARDNER, TILLIE 1117 MARINE WAY, K -1-L NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, OHIO STATE UNIV. 630-3648 GRAF, LOIS 72 EDINBURGH DIRVE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 626-7374 BS, FINCH COLLEGE SUMMER: 836 HUNTING HILLS DRIVE FALL, MURIEL BOONE, NC 286074983 501 XANADU PLACE JUPITER, FL 33477 1-561-781-5812 BS, UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND email: raycon@veriomail.com 622-1034 776-8642 (w) 626-3200 email:loispaga@webtvnet 747-3447 HERZING, SUZANNE 626-0834 64 CAYMAN PLACE 627-9233 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA FLORIDA SOUTTI-IERN, MA UNIV OF WISCONSIN, MILWAUKEE 15 HUTCHINS, ANN 112 ATLANTIC ROAD; PO BOX 14836 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, U. OF MICHIGAN JARAMILLO, CARMEN 441 INLET ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, U OF PUERTO RICO; MA NYU KARLIK, DORM 4640 HOLLY DRIVE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, KERN COLLEGE KNAPP, MARION P. 137 SEASHORE DRIVE JUPITER, FL 33477 BS, U. OF MISSOURI KOPF, AUSMA (OZZIE) 868 WEST HIDDEN RIVER AVE PALM CITY, FL 33990 BS, NY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LANDEN, GAYLE A. 158 LOST BRIDGE ROAD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA & MED, U. OF OKLAHOMA LLOYD, PATRICIA A. 12897 LA ROCHELLE CIRCLE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BS, MA OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 863-1621 email:cshutchins@mdsi2.com LUCE, MARGARET N. 300 NORTH AIA, APT 1-106 JUPITER, FL 33477 BA SUNY AT FREDONIA, MA HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY 848-0390 622-4410 LYNCH, DIANE KARLIK 18862 FETTERBUSH COURT JUPITER, FL 33458 BA, USF; JD, STETSON LAW MILLER, KATHY 625 SOUTHWIND CIRCLE, # 206 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 MOORE, NANCY 437 OYSTER ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 MOSELEY, KAREN F. 369 RIVER EDGE ROAD 575-4779 JUPITER, FL 33477 BA, MS, STATE UNIVERSITY NEW YORK W: 682-8711 NELSON, CATHERINE 126 COVENTRY PLACE 1-561-781-8668 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, ST JOHNS UNIVERSITY 622-3029 email: landenwell@aol.com 630-4179 email:creative@flinet.com PIERMAN, JUDY M. 560 GREENWAY DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, BLUFFTON COLLEGE PLOTKIN, CHERYLL R. 11808 HEMLOCK STREET PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA BELOIT COLLEGE, MA BOSTON U ROTHSTEIN, NAOMI 625 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 575-1024 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, RADCLIFFE; MED, WILLIAM & MARY RUHALA, DONNA 1271 BIMINI LANE SINGER ISLAND, FL 33404 BS, MED, FAU 16 17 744-8294 W: 625-5220 842-2734 844-0684 848-0445 744-6286 email:lanoseley@ix.netcom.com 694-1586 626-6486 email:HHRCJMP@aol.com 775-1881 W: 848-9633 email:cplotkin@hibel.com 848-4914 email:rothstein.n@worldnet.att.net 848-4593 SEUFERT, SUSAN 12955 DRAYTON ROAD JUNO ISLES, FL 33408 BA, U OF FL; MSW, BARRY U. SJOLANDER, PHYLLIS 422 CRESCENT DRIVE LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BS, CENTRAL CONN COLLEGE;MED FAU SLONE, SUE Z. 4211 LARCH AVE. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, FSU; MED, U OF FL; SPEC ED, FAU STRAUSS, STELLA G. 413 QUADRANT ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, OHIO NORTHERN U.; MS, U. OF MD. 626-2909 688-4533 848-3569 email:phyllsj@gate.net 626-0119 848-4689 TERWILLEGAR, JANE C. 691-1860 911 OAK HARBOUR ROAD email.-jterwill@bellsouth.net JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 BA, ELMIRA COLLEGE; MLS SUNY; EDS U OF GA VANTREASE, BETTY 29 YACHT CLUB DRIVE, #406D NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY VITATOE, ALICE 701-A SABAL RIDGE CIRCLE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, UN1V. OF MIAMI WALTERS, PATRICIA H. 44 YACHT CLUB DRIVE, #510 SUMMER -- NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, BALDWIN WALLACE COLLEGE WASHAM, DOLORES 1812 ASCOTT ROAD JUNO ISLES, FL 33408 BS, TRENTON STATE COLLEGE; MED, FAU 18 627-6745 WEBER RISO, REBECCA (BECKY) 1009 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, DMD, U OF PA. WENDEL, LUCILLE 6-C LEXINGTON LANE, EAST PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BS, NORTHWESTERN U. WHALEN, CAROL 125 OCEAN AVENUE, APT 703 PALM BEACH SHORES, FL 33404 BA, SMITH COLLEGE WILDER, LILLI 8667 SE MERRITT WAY JUPITER, FL 33458 WILBANKS, ANNA M-* 625 SOUTHWIND CIRCLE, # 109 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WILLIAMSON, PEG* 911 OCEAN DRIVE, APT 505 JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 WOLF, MURIEL (MERLE) 3400 N. OCEAN DRIVE, #1101 625-1407 SINGER ISLAND, FL 33404 BA, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY YEAW, DOLORES 645 KINGFISH ROAD 626-7041 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS & MED, FAU 3939 SAVOY DRIVE FAIRVIEW PARK, OH 44126 626-1787 ZALE, GRETCHEN 2241 MONET ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 19 626-4613 622-6708 863-7654 email:caroltriggs@aol.com SUMMER: PO BOX 1304 BOULTON, NY 12814 747-7728 842-4152 627-1971 863-7755 email:PPi&WW@aol.com 844-6824 630-0612 email:T'EAL94@worldnet.attnet ZIENTEK, HELEN 624-2018 4125 HICKORY DRIVE email:zienteh@aol.com PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA, FLORIDA SOUTHERN U. MLS, NOVA L NIVERSITY *FRIEND OF THE BRANCH 20 POLICIES - NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY AAUW It is understood that these policies should be generally followed and that branch officers and chairs should be familiar with them. They are in accord with Association and Division bylaws, and are more specifically designed to serve as guidelines for branch activities. COMMITTEES 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members elected by the board, in accordance with the bylaws. One member shall be a non -board member. It is suggested that a past president be asked to serve. Members interested in seeking an office for which nominations are open should be exlcuded from the nominating committee. The committee shall be elected at the January board meeting. 2. The Finance Committee shall -be chaired by the Treasurer and have three other members. Those members shall include at least one non -board member and the incoming Treasurer, if possible. This committee shall be appointed at the January board meeting. 3. The EF Committe to select named honorees shall be chaired by the EF chair. Thelma Obert shall serve as honorary chair and there shall be two other unrestricted members. This committee shall be appointed at the March board meeting. INTERBRANCH COUNCIL According to the bylaws of the Palm Beach Area Interbranch Council, each member branch is entitled to three voting delegates. Our delegates will consist of the President or a designee for the President, and two others to be appointed by the President for a term of one year. FINANCES 1. Non -dues revenue a. Study Groups: Study groups shall be entitled to $10.00 each from the program budget for their use. If their monetary needs exceed $10.00, the groups may undertake fund-raising projects. The profits from these projects may be used by the group. All monies shall be handled through the branch treasury. Any excess funds will revert to the branch treasury to be earmarked for convention and conferences. b. Other excess from field trips or other branch projects shall be earmarked for conventions and conferences. 2. There shall be two authorized signers on all branch bank accounts but only one shall be required to write checks. 3. The branch books shall be reviewed by a qualified individual midway through the Treasurer's term of office and prior to the beginning of a Treasurer's term of office. 4. An amount equal to at least $.50 per member should be allocated annually for Association conventions, under the Conventions and Conferences budget item. If unused, funds shall accrue until the next convention. 5. Memorial gifts for members or their immediate family shall be in accordance with the family's wishes. 6. If the branch wishes to give a gift to an out -going president the money for the gift should come from the administrative costs budget item. The transaction should be handled by the Treasurer. APPOINTED OFFICERS 1. All appointed officers and chairs shall serve for a term of one year. 2. Appointed officers (except the chair of the telephone committee) shall be considered voting members of the board. Study group chairs shall not be voting members of the board. 3. The .chair of any board -approved function such as the EF benefit or cultural field trip, shall have the authority to plan and execute the event. The board shall be kept informed of the status of the event. STUDY GROUPS 1. Persons who are eligible for membership must join AAUW in order to participate in study groups. 2. Persons not eligible for membership are welcome to attend study group meetings. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Branch membership lists may not be sold or supplied to other organizations or individuals to be used for mailings or other commercial purposes. 2. The branch may not support partisan or non-partisan candidates for public office. Individual candidates shall only be invited to branch meetings to participate in branch -sponsored candidate forums. REVISION These policies shall be reviewed biennially during the second year of the term of office of the Branch President by a committee composed of board members. Revisions shall be approved by a majority vote of the board upon recommendation of the committee. April 28, 1999 PROPOSED BUDGET 2000-2001 --�-- Projected Income: Dues regular members (53 X $55) $2915 Ox t n ine.com Dues life members (3 X $16) 48 Dues one dual members 16 61-748-9658 Friends of branch (5 X $15) 75 53rd Road N. Interest — CD Yearbook advertisements 48 90 Jupit� .3.3478 EF Ticket Sales 4220 EF Silent Auction Items 978 Local Scholarship 355 CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A. Total Balance carried forward $ 8745 $ 3151 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Total Funds $11896 3450 NORTHLAKE BLVD, SUITE 200 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33403 Projected Disbursements: TELEPHONE: (561-625-5220) Association Dues (53 X $39) $2067 State Dues (57 X 8) Administrative costs (Newsletter, Yearbook, etc) 456 472 CARj, L. CAMPBELL Liability Insurance 255 DIANE L. KARLIK Branch Programs 100 Memorials, gifts 50 CONCENTRATING IN AREAS (a" Association Convention stipend EF fundraiser expenses 60 2601 PROBATE, TRUSTS, WILLS, ESTATE PL EF contribution 4759 REALESTATE AND CORPORATIONS LAF Contribution 40 --. Boynton Beach share of silent auction 220 Scholarship Award 500 Total Disbursements $ 11580 gge edge creations Projected balance forward June 30, 2001 $ 316 s bailey 561744-3086 creating easycare washable artvvear! image wild things roaming your unique bags for everything in every to fit, fLM ometlkiiraciaededllN-���- hing special for forsomeo