New Jersey State Division Yearbook 1951-1952MEMBERS NIRS. M. W. LOVELAND (Dickinson) P. O. Box 353, Mantolokin:g Pt. P. 5-2374-J-2 MRS. DONALD MARTIN (Montclair State) Waves and Beachwood Blvd., Beachwood TR 8-2341-M MRS. JOHN MARTIN (Rosemont College) Breton Harbor, Toms River I. H. 4-0667-W MRS. MILDRED McCORaKLE (U. of Penn.) 119 Horner St., Toms River TR 8-2024-M * MISS BEIS,SIE McLEAN (Conn -Columbia Lib.) Gateway, Toms River TR 8-1932-R * MRS. FELIX MEINIKHEIM (Vassar -Yale) Box 190, Bayville TR 8-0496-M-1 MRS. MORRIS MEYERS (Hunter) 44 Hadley Ave., Toms River 'TR 8-2254-M MISS NANCY L. MUSSER (Penn, 'State Teachers College) Maple Ave., Cranmoor Manor, Toms River TR 8-0083-J * MRS. ROBER F. NOVINS (Georgian Court) Maiden Lane, 'Toms River TR 8-2263-W * MRS. J. EDWIN OBERT (Dickinson-N.Y.U.) New Egypt N. E. 3121 MRS. ROBERT L. OXEE (Trenton State) Box 230, Dover Rd., Toms River TR 8-2178-R MRS. REGINALD PAGE (Hunter) Whitesville Rd., Toms River TR 8-0220-R MISS JANET PALMER (C. of Wooster) 28 Broad St., Toms River 'TR 8-0327 MISS DOROTHY REEVE (Dickinson) 50 Main St., Toms River TR 8-1999 MRS. HARVEY RINZLER (N.Y.U.) 614 Main St., Toms River d TR 8-0408 MISS SALLY ROBERTSON (TrentonState) 1211 Lexington Ave., Lakewood LA 6-2191-M � MEMBERS MRS. FRED SCAMMELL (Cornell) Box 230A, Dover Rd., Toms River TR 8-1941-J MRS. WILLIAM F. SCHNEIDER (N.J.C.) 205 Dayton Ave., Toms River 'TR 0295-J * MRS. CLARENCE SHAPPELL (Hood) 38 Park St., Toms River TR 8-0013-R * MRS. .LAWRENCE SIMPSON (Trenton State) Lakewood Rd., Toms River TR 8-2260 MRS. CLYDE W. SLOCUM (N. Y. State) 201 Hooper Ave., Toms River TR 8-1510 MRS. JOHN SOR,NSON W. of Nebraska) 106 Seward Ave., Toms River TR 8-0029-R MRS. F. WILLIAM ;,,LITTON (Wellesley) Box 25, (Cranmoor Manor), Toms River TR 8-1313 MRS. JOHN C. THOMAS (Mt. Holyoke) Box 174, Westcott Ave., Waretown MRS. GECRGE WHEELER (N.J.C.) Breton Harbor, Toms River I. H. 4-1893-M MRS. PROSPER. WIR'T (Carleton) Clifton Ave., Toms River TR 8-1323 MRS. J. LESTER YODER (Hood) Central Ave., Toms River TR 8-1430 v,�il1E`LOO ,.. * Call evenings Amrr'irc'Ttt N,ssDCIc�i�TOtT of IA'nineisirumen `P"ov- U. Vh�` s rA 2 •c Q � \�`c 0 I ,7vetvzart tome Altier I415I - I9;i2 It is for the wise man to set things in order - --Aristotle PROGRAM OFFICERS MEMBERS Meeting - Town Hall - 8:00 P. M. ( 3rd Monday) September 24—Covered Dish Supper . Sally Robertson's Home, -Folly Bauman, Betty iSc.ammell, - -Veru Loveland October 15—Legislative - Open to the public Arline Kee.phart, Lydia. Page, Helen Sorn- son, Elaine Carmona, Madeline Lillie October 16—Suzari Marionnettes-Rumplestil:tskin November 19 Status of Women Dora Ames, Miriam Evans, Jane Davis, Pegeen Jones, Olga Clement December 17—Christmas Program Peryl King's Home, Island Heights Janet Glen, Elizabeth Force, Anne Schneider, Betty Goss, Dorothy Reeve, Mildred Mc- Corkle ,January 21—Social Studies Grace Bobo, Betty Erath, Carolyn Campbell, Estelle Martin February 18—International Relations Evelyn Rinzler, June Sutton, Virginia Slo- cum, Janice Wheeler, Renee Ewart March: 17—Fellowship Rose Simpson, Eunice Golden, Isabelle Meyers, Helen Wirt, Bessie McLean April. 2I—Education Thelma. Obert's Home, New Egypt Lenore Berry, Janet Palmer, Marie Licht May 3 -25th Anniversary Trenton Annual State 'Meeting May 19—Art Ruth -Oxee, Margaret Shapell, Mary Lou Yoder, Judy iMeinikheim, Eleanore Martin June 16—Picnic Supper Edith Lee, Regina Fedor, Margery Grover, Frances Thomas, Nancy Musser, Irene Novins President ................. HELEN SORNSON rice -president ..... ELEANORE MARTIN Recording Secretary ...... VERA LOVELAND Corresponding Secretary ... PERYL KING Treasurer ............... BETTY SCAMMELL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Art .......................... June Sutton Education ................... Renee Ewart Fellowship .............. ... Betty Erath Historian Margaret Shappell International Relations ........ Jane t Glen Legislation .................... Helen Wirt Membership ................ . Jane Davis Publicity .............. Anne Schneider Social Studies ............. Pegeen Jones Statua of Women ......... Janet Palmer Ways and Means .......... Elaine Carmona MEMBERS MISS DORA AMES (Wheaton College) Horner St., Toms River TR 8-12924 MRCS. GEORGE BAUMAN (Simmons -Drexel) Maiden Lane, Toms River TR 8-1969 MRS. FRANiKLIN BERRY (Wm. Smith College) Radnor Ave., Pine Beach TR 8-0169 MRS. HENRY BOB!O (,Mary Baldwin College) Lincoln Ave., Pine Beach TR 8-1206-R MISS CAROLYN CAMPBELL (Montclair State) Ship Ave., Beachwood TR 8-0278-W MRS. R. J. CARiMONA (Trenton State) 412 Main St., Toms River TR 8-1922 MRS. ER.WIN J. CLEMENT (Juniata) 11.15 Ocean Ave., Seaside Park S.P. 9-0963 ` MRS. DONALD DAVIS (Dickinson -U of Ill.) 8 Walton S., Toms River TR 8-0251-M MRS. ALBERT ERATH (Trenton State) 602 Bayside Ave., Beachwood TR 8-0880 MISS MIRIAM EVANS (Earlham College) Mott Place, Toms River TR 8-0956-J NIRS. JOHN EWART (U. of Grenoble) 67 Dayton Ave., Toms River TR 8-0190 MISS REGINA V. li EDOR (Georgian Court) 427 Laktwood Road, Toms River TR 8-0260-J-1 MRS. HERMAN FORCE (Montclair-N.Y.U.) 113 Hooper Ave., Toms River TR 8-0137 MRS. L. B. GLEN (Drexel) Ocean Ave.,. Island Heights I. H. 4-0685 MRS. LEE GOLDEN (Syracuse) Boulevard, Seaside Heights S. P. 9-0136 MRS. ELIZABETH G -OSS (U. of Maryland) Paint O' Woods, Toms River TR 8-0216-W MRS. JAMES GROVE�R (Trenton State) E. Washington St., (Box 216), rf"oms River TR 8-1548-R ` MRS. ARMIIVD JONES (Georgian court) 320 Bayslae Ave., Beachwood TR 8-0929 MISS AR:LINE KEEiPHAR'T (N.Y.U.) 2,17 Washington St., `Toms River TR 8-0495-R MRS. ROBERT KING (N. Y. State) Ensor Place, Island Heights f. H. 4-0502 MRS. HOLMAN LEE (N.Y.U.-Georgian Court) 707 Main bt., Toms River TR 8-0034-W MISS MARIE LICH'T (Columbia U.) Paul Kimball Hospital, Lakewood LA 6-1900 MRS. JAMES W. LILL�IE (Coll. of St. Elizabeth) Maic[en Lane, Toms River TR 8-1940-R