NPB AAUW Yearbook 1992-1993L ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERs[4Y WOMEN NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1992-1993 YEjARB00K NORTH PALM BEACIly FLORIDA REVISION These policies shall be reviewed biennially during the second year of the term of office of the Branch President by a committee composed of board members. Revisions shall be approved by a majority vote of the board upon recommendation of the committee. September, 1992 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 20 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH AAIIW 1992-1993 YEARBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Association & Division Officers 3 Branch Officers 4 Branch Policies 18-20 Calendar 1992-1993 7-8 Committees 4 Founders 2 Honorees of Named Grants 6 Membership Directory 9-17 Past Presidents, NPB Branch 5 Study Groups 5 Published by The American Association of university Women North Palm Beach Branch Sally Bailey, President Sherry Lary, Editor September 1992 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSTTY WOMEN POLICIES - NORTH PALS! BEACH BRANCH AAUW It is understood that these policies should be generally followed and that branch officers and chairs should be familiar with then. They are in accord with Association and Division bylaws, but are more specifically designed Ito serve as guides for branch activities. CMITTEES 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members elected by the board, in accordance with the bylaws. One member shall be a non -board member. It is suggested that a past president be asked to serve„ Members interested in seeking an office for which nominations are open should be excluded fron the nominating committee. The committee should be elected at the January board meeting. 2. The Budget Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and have three other members. Whose members shall include at least one non -board member and the incoming Treasurer, if possible. This committee shall be appointed at the January board meeting. 3. The EFP Committee to select named honorees shall be chaired by the EFP Chair. Thelma Obert: will serve as honorary chair and there shall be two other unrestricted members. This committee shall be appointed at the March board meeting. INTERBRANCH COUNCIL According to the bylaws of t:he Palm Beach Area Interbranch Council, each member branch is entitled to three voting delegates. Our delegates will consist of the President or a designee for the President, and two others to be appointed by the President for a term of one year. FINANCES 1. Non -dues revenue a. Study Groups: Study groups shall be entitled to $10.00 each from the program budget for their use. If their monetary needs exceed $10.00, the groups may undertake fund-raising projects. The profits from these projects can be used by the group. All monies should be handled through the branch treasury. Any excess funds will revert to the branch treasury to be earmarked for convention and conferences. 18 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 1111 Sixteenth Street N.W. Washington D.C. 200-4873 Helpline: 1-800-821-4364 Sharon Schuster, President Dr. Anne L. Bryant, Executive Director SOUTH ATLANTIC REGION Elizabeth (Beth) Norris, Regional Director 3625 Alleghany Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 787-2616 Gloria Kuchinskas, State President P.O. Box 220 Grandin, FL 32138 (904) 659-1391 (home) (904) 659-1305 (work) PALM BEACH COUNTY INTERBRANCH COUNCIL (Composed of Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County Branches) Virginia Burch, President 1311 S.W. Sugar Plum Drive Boca Raton, FL 33486 (407) 392-5239 1992 FLORIDA FALL. CONVENTION "TAKE THE INITIATIVE" October 16-18, 1992 Ramada Hotel Resort West Palm Beach, FL 3 STUDY GROUPS STOUGH, JACQUELINE R. 848-5494 Supper Club: 521 FLOTILLA ROAD Ann Hutchins, Chair 863-1621 NORTH PALM BEACH,, FL 33408 BS, RN ADL;LPHI U. International Relations: Louise Dott, Chair 747-9667 STRAU55 , STELLA G. (ALBERT) 848-4689 413 QUADRANT ROAD W omen in Literature: NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Betty Moore, Chair 626-5794 BS, NORTHERN OHIO U.; MS, U. OF MD. Girls' Night Out: TANDERO, ANNETTE (ERIK) 746-3530 Helen Zientek, Co-chair 624-2018 200 INTRACOASTAL PLACE, APT. 406 Sue Slone, Co-chair 626-0119 TEQUE:STA, FL 33469 BS, SIMMONS COLLEGE Meet the first Wednesday of each month at the Olive Garden, N.P.B. at 7:00 p.m. TANIS, JANET E. 848-5415 907 LAKE SHORE DRIVE # 310 LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BS, DOUGLAS; MED, RUTGERS U. TRAUGOTT, LUCIA (FRITZ) 626-0875 PAST PRESIDENTS 721 PELICAN WAY NORTH PALM BEACI-� , FL 33408 Patricia Sharp 1959-1961 BA, BROWN t1.; MSED, BRIDGEWATER Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 1963-1965 UHL110RN, DR. C. MONICA Lu Lehmann 1965-1967 SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 3324 FORSET HILL BLVD. Sue Kohlmeyer 1969-1970 WEST PALM BEACH, FL. 33406 Nancy Fisher Holland 1970-1971 Jean Groff Santos 1971-1973 VAN ARSDALL, BETSY W ESTON (J.B.) 775-0876 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 1123 11TH LANE 684-5000 Virginia Eng 1975-1977 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 Priscilla Bennett 1977-1979 BS, FSU; MED, FAU Jane Havill 1979-1981 Judy Pierman 1981-1985 WALDORF, MIRIAM T. 684-4587 Anne Fitzpatrick 1985-1987 2427 PRESIDENTIAL WAY Sue Slone 1987-1989 WEST PALM. BEACH, FL 33401 Marion P. Knapp 1989-1991 16 5 MI SHEY , JUNE L. 336 GOLFVIEW ROAD, APT. 815 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA , OfI 10 STATE UNIVERSITY MOORS, BETTY (CHARLES) 1037 MARINA DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, WAYNE STATE U.; MLS, U. NELSON, CATHERINE (WALTER) 710 WINDERMERE WAY PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 627-6824 626-5794 OF MICHIGAN 694-1586 OBERT, THELMA 844-7011 505 ANCHORAGE DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, DICKINSON COLLEGE; MA, NEW YORK U. OLSON , FRANCES W. 626-7933 60 YACHT CLUB DRIVE, APT. 307 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, F'RAMINGHAM STATE COLLEGE PIERMAN, JUDY M. (JERRY) 626-6486 560 GREENWAY DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, BLUFFT0N COLLEGE PLOTK.I N, CHERYI,I., (ANDY) 842-4773 428 EBBTIDE DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, BELOIT COLLEGE; MS, BOSTON U. ROBIN, BETTY (DONALD) 844-0088 508 BAY ROAD NORTH PALN BEACH, FL 33408 BA, CASE WES'T'ERN RESERVE; MED, FAU CALENDAR 1992-1993 SEPTEMBER 21 PGA Spa presentation and 6:30 p.m. Spa Cuisine Dinner PGA National Resort: PGA Members Club -NPB Branch Program Review -Study Group presentations -JoAnn Endorf, Chair OCTOBER 16-18 AAUW State Convention West Palm Beach North Palm Beach Branch, Host -Registration required; -Contact: Helen Zientek NOVEMBER 16 "Short -Changing Girls, 7:30 p.m. Short -Changing America" Obert Mtg. Room, NPB Library 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach (848-0445) -Betsy W. Van Arsdall, Chair Hospitality: Barbara Adais, Jean Atherton, Marian Axley, Jacqueline Balaschak, Eve Baum, Roz Belford, Bernice Beverstein DECEMBER 14 Burt Reynolds Institute of 7:30 p.m. Theater Training 304 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta -Orientation and Tour -Musical Entertainment -Social Hour Jean Atherton, Chair Hospitality: Luisa Bosso, Carolyn Brawley, June Brekelbaum, Matilda Carrillo, Lenora Coppola, Elizabeth Crabtree, LaRue Dahlberg, Maybelle Davie, Barbara Dew, Louise Dott, Elinor Dunlop, Jean Eierson 14 7 FRANCIS, VIRGINIA I. 605 SOUTH US HIGHWAY 1, T814 JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 BA, WELLESLEY MEMBERS 1992-93 626-5892 ADAMS, BARBARA 622-7412 705 TEAL WAY NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, U. OF MICH.; MA, SAN DIEGO ST. FREEMAN, BREEZY 845-1231 ,, 3 9 DATE PALM DRIVE LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BA, WAGNER COLLEGE; MED, IDAHO STATE FREEMAN, HARRIET 12394 ALT. AlA #0-6 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA, U. OF FL. GARDNER, TILLIE (JERRY) 1117 MARINE WAY, K -1-L NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, OHIO STATE UNIV. GREEBLE, MARLENE 306 MARLBOROUGH PLACE W. PALM BEACH, FL 33405 BA, MA, NOVA HAMMOND, BETTY SUE 4917 BROODSTONE CIRCLE W. PALM BEACH, FL 33417 HEIBEL, (MARY) CLARE 4220 TANGLEWOOD N., #300 PALMI BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA, GROVE CITY COLLEGE HUTCHINS, ANN (CHARLES) 112 ATLANTIC AVE. NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BS, U. OF MICHIGAN ATHERTON, JEAN 744-2768 17166 WATERBEND DRIVE, #209 JUPITER, FL 33477 BA, BROWN UNIVERSITY 626-9345 AXLEY, MARIAN HEATH (JOHN) 626-6540 627-8100 517 OVERLOOK DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, U. OF KENTUCKY; MA, FAU 622-1034 BAILEY, SALLY (JACK) 845-8340 445 CYPRESS DRIVE 835-7012- LAKE 35-7012LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BA, SMITH COLLEGE; MLS, NC CENT. U. 655-0954 BALASCHAK, JACQELINE 622-9279 14272 LEEWARD WAY LAKE PARK, FL 33410 BS, HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY 471-4114 BAUD, EVE 582-1729 PO BOX 1271 LAKE WORTH, FL 33460 BA, U. OF PITTSBURGH 622-8851 BELFORD, ROZ 842-3786 3000 N. OCEAN DRIVE #9A 86.3-9600 SINGER ISLAND, FL 33404 BA HEIDELBERG U.; U. OF PARIS 863-1621 BEVERSTEIN, BERNICE (ROBERT) 575-0732- 10265 BANYAN WAY SE TEQUESTA, FL 33469 BA, MICHIGAN STATE U. 12 9 LOS.i-,- -. O r LU1_ SA R. 51.6 QUADRANT ROAD NOR`a°H PALM B1=:ACH, i+L :33408 BA, BARRY COLLEGE -l', 13RAWL '°Yr CAFCt�I.,1� N (, 1 LOY D ) 3574 CYPRESS STREET PALM BEACH Gl�RDEN�_) , Fl., 33410 BS, ';AST CAROLINA COLLEGE BREINELBAUM , :WNE: ; E .CN ) 336 GOLFVIEVV. #401- NORTH FAIN BL.:ACH , cL 33408 BS c: HS, UNIV , OF' ISCONSIN CARR I i,IJO , MA`l° I I_ D'LA, 3 HA_L I DON COURT PA.1,14 BEACH GIARDElik-. , FL 33418 B S , IPAU i� L R �S , 14 0 f , I� ` . (HE, � Y ) t i i 4427 FUSCHIA. CIRCLE, SOUTH PALH BEACH G1A-RDEN; : , FL 33 410 BSI E'LOR I DA i30UTHr°.RN COLLEGE COPPOLA , I,EN( JRA D- (HENRY) 1.2466 QUERCUS LANA: WEST PALM BEACH, T.''i., 3:3414 BA, UN I V . OF FLOE: + LSA CRABTREE , EIS -i- ZABl}.;.,Jl R 1711.0 WRTERBEND Di"' IVE , #A118 JUP-ITER, FL -33477 BA, CARLETON COLL:i t" -;F DA.HLBERG ` LARUE (1 ONALD ) 12935 SOUTH SHORE, DRIVE LAKE FARKI FLS 334-10 BS, U. OF PITTSBUfGH 844--0755 DAVIE, MAYBELLE (ROBERT) 626-7403 844-0209 1101 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, EDINBURGH UNIV., SCOTLAND 622--4316 DEW, BARBARA (KITTY) 747-4698 825 CENTER STREET, # 38 A 683-1119 JUPITER, FL 33458 BA, SMITH COLLEGE 775-1485 DOTT, LOUISE B. 747-9667 17109 WATERBEND DRIVE, #122 JUPITER, FL 33477 BA, BARNARD; MA, ADELPHI 627-6893 DUNLOP, ELINOR 845-8611 3000 N. OCEAN DRIVE, #31C SINGER ISLAND, FL 33404 BA, FLORA MATHER COLLEGE,CASE WESTERN 626-6725 EMERSON, JEAN (LEWIS) 848-2746 842-4296 824 ANCHORAGE DRIVE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 BA, U. OF RHODE ISLAND; MED, FAU 793-6997 ENDORF, JOANN (CARL) 626-9790 19 CARRICK ROAD 686-4111 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA, FAU 747-3875 FERRARA, VALERIE (RICHARD) 746-5470 746-9251 89 TEAKWOOD CIRCLE 746-8107 TEQUESTA, FL 33469 BS, SUNY, STONYBROOK; MA, FAU 626-0181 FLING, ANGELA T. (WILLIAM) 627-0523 622-1788 5549 CYPRESS TREE COURT PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BBA, FAU 10 11 JANUARY 18 "Spruce up your Home 7:30 p.m. for the New Yea_ r_" NPB Library -Speaker: To Be Announced -Dolores Yeaw, Chair Hospitality: Valerie Ferra, Virginia Frances, Breezy Freeman, Tillie Gardner, Betty Sue Hammond, Clare Heibel, Ann Hutchins FEBRUARY 15 "The Sandwich Generation 7:30 p.m. Coping with Change" NPB Library, -Speaker: Shirley Forsyth, CLU, ChFc MENSA Member -Breezy Freeman, Chair Hospitality: Doris Karlik, Fruema Klorfein, Marianne Lacy, Gayle Landeu, Ruth Maitland, Leona Malone, June Mishey MARCH Annual Benefit Fashion Show APRIL 19 "What Exactly are Women's 7:30 p.m. Studies?" NPB Library -Speaker: Dr. Helen Bannon, Chair, Women's Studies, FAU Hospitality: Betty Moore, Catherine Nelson, Thelma Obert, Frances Olson, Judy Pierman, Elizabeth Robin, Patricia Robinson MAY 17 "Life's Many Choices" 6:30 p.m. -Speaker: Judge Nancy Perez Civil Division, PBC Court Nando's Restaurant 221 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach (655-3031) Recoctnition Dinner for Outstanding Junior Class High School Women Hospitality: Joyce Ross, Naomi Roth Stein, Ann Rowland, Susan Seufert, Helen Shick Hospitality members have been selected alphabetically. If you must change your date, please exchange dates w/ someone from another meeting. 8 KARLIK, DORIS (STEVE) 4640 HOLLY DRIVE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 334:18 BS, KEAN COLLEGE KLORFEIN, FRUEMA (ELLIOT) 254 NORTH WOODS ROAD PALM BEACH, FL 33480 BS, SIMMONS COLLEGE KNAPP, MARION P. 137 SEASHORE DRIVE JUPITER, FL 33477 BS, U. OF MISSOURI LACY, MARIANNE 112 LUCERNE STREET PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BA, FAU LANDEN, GAYLE A. 3902 BURNS ROAD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 BA & MED, U. OF OKLAHOMA LARY, SHERRY 6 HALIDON CT. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BME, FSU; MAT, JACKSONVILLE U. MAITLAND, RUTH E. (SHERIDAIN) 224 RIVER DRIVE TEQUESTA, FL 33469 BA, U. OF ILLINOIS; MA, U OF MINN. MALONE, LEONA (PATRICK) 5935 EAGLE'S NEST ROAD JUPITER, FL 33458 BS, COLLEGE OF ST. ROSE; 622-4410 842-2835 575-4779 744-3094 622-3029 694-9091 694-9298 744-2561 747-0439 MED, U. OF MIAMI 13 EFP HONOREES OF NAMED GRANTS Contributions by the Branch to the ROBINSON, PATRICIA 622-5063 Association for the General Fellowship 4210 TANGLEWOOD N. APT. 295 Endowment of EFP were named in honor of: PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 ROSS, JOYCE 747-5986 4936 COUNTY LINE ROAD 1967 Thelma Obert TEQUESTA, FL 33469 1971 Patricia Sharp BA, U. OF FLA.; MA U. OF SOUTH FLA. 1974 Jean Groff Santos 1975 Jean Atherton ROTHSTEIN, NAOMI (ARNOLD) 840-1.514 1976 Libby Saylor, Elaine James 625 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 1977 Shirley Barton, Susan Seufert NORTH PLAM BEACH, FL 33408 1978 Lea Cloyed, Betty Vantrease BA, RADCLIFFE; MED, WILLIAM & MARY 1979 Priscilla Bennett 1980 Maybelle Davie ROWLAND, V. ANN 744-8721 1981 Judy Pierman 108 BEACH SUMMIT COURT 1982 Thelma Obert JUPITER, FL 33477 1983 Jean Haun BA, CHAPMAN COLLEGE 1984 Jean Boller MA, WEBSTER COLLEGE RN, CRNA MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA Contributions to the Association for THELMA SEUFERT, SUSAN (BERNIE) 6262909 OBERT RESEARCH & PROJECTS ENDOWMENT were 12955 DRAYTON ROAD 837-2526 named in honor of: JUNO ISLES, FL 33408 BA, U OF FL; MSW, BARRY U. 1985 Judy Pierman, Jane Havill, Betty Moore SNICK, HELEN 626-0320 1986 Sue Slone 2371 AZURE CIRCLE 626-3747 1987 Ellen Finnerty LAKE PARK, FL 33410 1988 Anne Fitzpatrick BS, OHIO STATE U. 1989 Ann Moore 1990 Molly Cleare SJOLANDER, PHYLLIS (BOB) 848-3569 1991 Kitty Dew, Marion Knapp, Betty 422 CRESCENT DRIVE Moore LAKE PARK, FL 33403 BS, CENTRAL CONN COLLEGE; SLED FAU SLONE, SUE Z. (AARON) 626-01.19 4211 LARCH AVE. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 334113 BS, FSU; MED, U OF FL; SPEC ED, FAU 6 15 OFFICERS NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1992-1993 WALTERS, PATRICIA H. (JOSEPH) 626-7041 44 YACHT CLUB DRIVE, #510 President: NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Sally Bailey 845-8340 BS, BALDWIN WALLACE COLLEGE Vice -Pres. Programs: Cheryll Plotkin 842-4773 WASHAM, DOLORES (BOB) 626-1787 Vice -Pres. Membership: 1812 ASCOTT ROAD Sherry Lary 694-9298 JUNO ISLES, FL 33408 Recording Secretary: BS, TRENTON STATE COLLEGE; MED, FAU Harriet Freeman 626-9345 Corresponding Secretary: YEAW, DOLORES (HARRY) 844-6824 JoAnn Endorf 626-9790 645 KINGFISH ROAD Treasurer: NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Angela Fong 627-0523 BS & MED, FAU ZIENTEK, HELEN (CHET) 624-2018 APPOINTED OFFICERS 4125 HICKORY DRIVE PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 Bulletin Editor: BA, FLORIDA SOUTHERN U. Sue Sloan 626-0119 Historian: Thelma Obert 844-7011 Hospitality: Interbranch Council Rep: Marion Knapp 575-4779 Public Information: Marlene Greeble 655-0954 Telephone: STANDING COMMITTEES Educational Foundation Programs: Molly Cleare 626-6725 Public Policy: Helen Zientek 624-2018 Initiative for Educational Equity: Betsy Weston Van Arsdall 775-0876 4 17 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 13, 1992 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH North Palm Beach, Florida Organized 1959 FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Berry Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs. Edward M. Sharp Mrs. Clair A. Thomas AAUW promotes equity for women, education and self—development over the life span and positive societal changes. The AAUW Educational Foundation provides funds to advance education, research, and self—development for women and to foster equity and positive societal changes. AAUW'S Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination. In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. Membership is not by invitation. b. Other excess from field trips or other branch projects should be earmarked for conventions and conferences. 2. An amount equal to at least $.50 per member should be allocated for national conventions, under the Conventions and Conferences budget item. 3. If the branch wishes to give a gift to an out -going president, the money for the gift should come from the administrative costs budget item. The transaction should be handled by the Treasurer. APPOINTED OFFICERS 1. All appointee officers and chairs shall serve for a term of one year. 2. Appointed officers (except the chair of the telephone committee) shall be considered voting members of the board. Study groups chairs shall no be voting members of the board. 3. The chair of any board -approved function, such as the EFP benefit or cultural field trip, shall have the authority to plan and execute the event. The board should be informed of the status of the event. STUDY GROUPS 1. Persons who are eligible for membership must join AAUW in order to participate in study groups. 2. Persons not eligible for membership in AAUW are welcome to attend study group meetings. NISCELLkMS 1. Branch membership lists may not be sold or supplied to other organizations or individuals to be used for mailings or other commercial purposes. 2. The branch may not support partisan or non-partisan candidates for public office. Individual candidates shall only be invited to branch meetings to participate in branch -sponsored candidate f orums . 2 19