NPB AAUW Yearbook 1987-1988AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN AAUW promotes equity for women, education and self -development over the life span, and positive societal change. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN EDUCATION FOUNDATION The AAUW Educational Foundation provides funds to increase the capability of AAUW to attain its goals and serve its members and society AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN LEGAL ADVOCACY FUND AAUW's Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination. AMER I CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1987-1988 YEARBOOK NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MISCELLANEOUS 1. Branch membership lists may not be sold or supplied to ether organizations or individuals to be used for mailings or other commercial purposes. 2 The branch may not support partisan or non- partisan candidates for public office. Individual candidates shall only be invited to branch meetings to participate in branch - sponsored candidate forums. REVISION These policies shall be reviewed biennially during the second year of the tere of office of the branch president by a committee com- prised of board members. Revisions shall be approved by a majority vote of the board upon recommendation of the committee. September 1988 Branch board meetings are the last Wednesday of the month. Members are welcome to attend. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH North Palm Beach, Florida Organized 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AAUW Purpose Cover Association & Division 2 Branch Officers & Chairs 3-4 Branch Organizational Chart 5 Branch Policies 18-24 Calendar 1887-88 6-7 Honorees of Named Grants 8 Membership Directory 5-17 Past Presidents, NF'B Branch 8 Study Groups 4 Published by the American Association of University Women North Palm Beach Branch President: Sue Slone Editor: Betty Moore 20 September, 1987 POLICIES - NORTH BALM BEACH BRANCH AAUW Areas of Interest INTERBRANCH COUNCIL Community According to the bylaws of the Palm Beach Jane Seifert 622-248 Area Interbranch Council, each member branch Cultural Interests is entitled to three voting delegates. Our Kitt Dew Y 741- 4698 delegates will consist of the president or a designee for the president and two others International Relations to be appointed by the president for a term Bernice Beverstein 844-4238 of one year. 18 rS NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OFFICERS � CHAIF It is understood that these polities should be generally followed and that branch officers and chairs should be familiar With them. They are Elected Officers in accord with Association and Division bylaws, but are more specifically designed to serve as President guides for branch activities. Sue Slane 626-4110 V.P., Program Development COMMITTEES Ann Moore C2E-1604 V. P. , Membership 1. The nominating committee shall consist of Molly Cleare 626-6725 three members elected by the board, in accord- Recording Secretary ance with the bylaws. One ®saber shall be a Shirlee Johnson 622-8707 non -board member. It is suggested that a past P Corresponding Secretary president be asked to serve. Members interested Leona Malone 747-4439 in seeing an office for which nominations are Treasurer open should be excluded from the nominating Ellen Finnerty 6�7-136i committee. This committee should be elected at the January board meeting. Appointed Officers 2. The budget committee shall be chaired by the treasurer and have three other members. Those Bulletin Editor, P. IT members shall include at least one non -board Betty Moore 626-5734 member and the incoming treasurer, if possible. Bylaws, Parliamentarian This committee shall be appointed at the Jan- Marion Knapp 622-0677 uary board meeting. Historian 3. The EFP committee to select named honorees Thelma Obert Hospitality P Y 844-7411 shall be chaired by the EFP chair. Thelma Dolores Yeaw- `� 844 684 Obert will serve as honorary chair and there Telephone P shall shall be two other unrestricted mem hers. Clare Heibel 522-8851 This committee shall be appointed at the arch beard meeting. Areas of Interest INTERBRANCH COUNCIL Community According to the bylaws of the Palm Beach Jane Seifert 622-248 Area Interbranch Council, each member branch Cultural Interests is entitled to three voting delegates. Our Kitt Dew Y 741- 4698 delegates will consist of the president or a designee for the president and two others International Relations to be appointed by the president for a term Bernice Beverstein 844-4238 of one year. 18 rS SJOLANDER, PHYLLIS J. 848-3569 422 Crescent Dr., LP 33403 BS Central Connecticut State College Ed Florida AtIantic University SLONE, SUE (Aaron) 626-0119 4211 Larch Avenue, PBG 334 8 BS FSU; MEd University of Florida SEd Florida Atlantic University STRAUSS, STELLA (Albert) 848-4689 413 Quadrant Rd., Nr -:'B 33408 BS Ohio Northern University MS University of Maryland TIGNOR, JEANNETTE (JO) 626-7109 901 Country Club Dr., NPB 33403 BA West Hampton College at U. of Richmond VANTREASE, BETTY (John) 626-6749 29 Yacht Club Dr.,#406' NPB 33408 BA Louisiana State University VIROSTKQ, SANDRA J. 747-1996 303 6th St., Jupiter 33458 744-7990 BS Western Michigan WALTERS, PATRICIA 626-7041 44 Yacht Club Dr. ,#510, NPB 33408 BS Baldwin Wallace College WASHAM, DOLORES (Bob) 626-1787 1812 Ascott Rd., Juno Isles 33408 BS Trenton StateCollege; MEd FAU WEISGERBER, MARILYN 626-665G 304 Golfview Rd.,#402, NPB 33408 747-7337 BA, MA Trenton State College WENDEL, LUCY 622-2129 6 C Lexington E., PBG 33418 BS Northwestern University 16 BRANCH BOARD STRUCTURE PRESIDENT SECRETARY ' TREASURER RECORDING CORRESPONDING AREA REPS 8 N � 0 B9 N RECRUITING LV.P. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT T_� I I - r ISSUES LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM LEGAL ADVOCACY PARLIAMENTARIAN FUND RAISER P. 1. V.P. MEMBERSHIP HOSPITALITY TR ' EASURER MEMBERSHIP CMMITTEE Pl10 01~:' [E ? DET] _ Y c: 1.1 1. t�7 ' 7 fel : V.I. ri a 1) �'' p � r 11� 1`3 c } � � ,1 ZEA Wayne t {--At t.::a 1..a1 i i ver s t 1" 1 L MOOF'L- , E. ANN :1. `50 01. d 11ead ow W,=-iy q 1=131A 3; ),:::1.0 BA Un i ver i t yr f F-1. _;_ — i c-1 . F ...h�'t../1}EF:![. (Del ��c:M01 '' j 1 C) C) 1.- a k e s; [i 1-i r e D r- � Ali 18 5 `�' 1`•1 I-, B %r) %-3 C) 0 B S N= ---.Ir• t 1'1 west c:1 r- n Un i. ver• s i t y MEd Nat i =--inai 1..:=D1 eclR- _dU_:: at i on O B E1-:' T, T1---1 E: Lr M A ■ �.a . _ L A D i. r- L:: i n s Iw1 n iw: 11-=1 1 e g e MA New Y= --=r-1:: University 84.4--7(--)l 1 F,AL O y TO I N I (..Jac t -lb) 8 4'U -5----E 897 '78 C-) N . D i x i e� Hwy, WF'B 4C)7 DC: N a t i =-+ n a 1 iM: i:�{ � �. e q e f 1...:1.1 j it =w= P r a _: t Y �w BF"A University =Mi f 01::1. a1'1=.=rna r`r1:.P:'f Al y JAMA G1 %.J 86 --92- .21. f-) 5 S t= 1 i yr t., F' e y n c=1 d s b e it q y 01---f 4 c -i % 8 ZEA Wittenberg 1.--:1-11 1 eqe F' I L 1•"' M A 1r1, .JUDY 1" 11..1 L- Lw (Jerry) r a6 1-3r• e(= -?n way Dr . , NF:'1.7� 4 C) F1 0 1"1'::: 11\11--1EF'YL...L... r: Ari d y 77 4:x`0 E b t i d e D i" X NF,B BA D J. t C: =1=1 1 e Q gip, y 1�4 � I::� __:_ <. �� t= = r i l,.l ri i. � F � it �:� i t y, ['02 -IN, BET] � t: iM: p _ = r1 1 d :� .::1. ;.1..... t -i C) `r_i0 Day F'ciu 111='B �� A 1._. < C•- � k a :� .L f i" r1 1-:' c� s t: r- v � �' 1J n i v L r• is C y. M E ci F I :,Y- a. cl a At 1 -in n t i= Un i. ,d �� i,. �:;..t y 14 Hospitality Committee: Betty Crabtree, Ch., Bernice Beverstein, Kitty Dew, Breezy Freeman, Clare Heibel, Lindai Werner, Betsy Weston. MARCH 5 EFP LUNCHEON AND SHOW 11:30 am Chairs Hinda Rosenbaum, Palm Hotel MARCH 21 OHANDS ONO CREATIVITY FOR CHILDREN. Spa Harreen Bartisch NPB Library Chair: Jane Seifert Hospitality Committee: Linda Mohr, Ch., Barbara Adams, Mary Jo Barnett, Valerie Ferrara, Shirlee Johnson, Betty Robin, APRIL 18 SENIOR RECOGNITION Spm Chair: Marion Knapp St. Mark's Episcopal Hospitality Committee: Anne Fitzpatrick, Ch., Church Marion Axley, Nancy Benjamin, LaRue Dahlbert, Irene Gray, Jane Havill, Emily Lain, APRIL 24 INTERBRANCH COUNCIL Ipm North Palm Beach County, Host, MAY LEGISLATIVE DAYS IN TALLAHASSEE MAY 16 INSTALLATION DINNER Plans to be announced. JANUARY "2O "VICTIMS'' Sharon Komlos Saturday General and Interbranch Council Meetings 12 noon combined Palm Hotel Chair: Sue Slone, Branch President WPB Hospitality Committee: Hinda Rosenbaum, Ch., Lea Cloyed, Maybelle Davie, Lucy Wendel. FEBRUARY 15 'OUR PETS" Speakers from Animal Rescue B pm League and Humane Society. NPB Libras y Chair: Jane Seifert, 84.4--7(--)l 1 F,AL O y TO I N I (..Jac t -lb) 8 4'U -5----E 897 '78 C-) N . D i x i e� Hwy, WF'B 4C)7 DC: N a t i =-+ n a 1 iM: i:�{ � �. e q e f 1...:1.1 j it =w= P r a _: t Y �w BF"A University =Mi f 01::1. a1'1=.=rna r`r1:.P:'f Al y JAMA G1 %.J 86 --92- .21. f-) 5 S t= 1 i yr t., F' e y n c=1 d s b e it q y 01---f 4 c -i % 8 ZEA Wittenberg 1.--:1-11 1 eqe F' I L 1•"' M A 1r1, .JUDY 1" 11..1 L- Lw (Jerry) r a6 1-3r• e(= -?n way Dr . , NF:'1.7� 4 C) F1 0 1"1'::: 11\11--1EF'YL...L... r: Ari d y 77 4:x`0 E b t i d e D i" X NF,B BA D J. t C: =1=1 1 e Q gip, y 1�4 � I::� __:_ <. �� t= = r i l,.l ri i. � F � it �:� i t y, ['02 -IN, BET] � t: iM: p _ = r1 1 d :� .::1. ;.1..... t -i C) `r_i0 Day F'ciu 111='B �� A 1._. < C•- � k a :� .L f i" r1 1-:' c� s t: r- v � �' 1J n i v L r• is C y. M E ci F I :,Y- a. cl a At 1 -in n t i= Un i. ,d �� i,. �:;..t y 14 Hospitality Committee: Betty Crabtree, Ch., Bernice Beverstein, Kitty Dew, Breezy Freeman, Clare Heibel, Lindai Werner, Betsy Weston. MARCH 5 EFP LUNCHEON AND SHOW 11:30 am Chairs Hinda Rosenbaum, Palm Hotel MARCH 21 OHANDS ONO CREATIVITY FOR CHILDREN. Spa Harreen Bartisch NPB Library Chair: Jane Seifert Hospitality Committee: Linda Mohr, Ch., Barbara Adams, Mary Jo Barnett, Valerie Ferrara, Shirlee Johnson, Betty Robin, APRIL 18 SENIOR RECOGNITION Spm Chair: Marion Knapp St. Mark's Episcopal Hospitality Committee: Anne Fitzpatrick, Ch., Church Marion Axley, Nancy Benjamin, LaRue Dahlbert, Irene Gray, Jane Havill, Emily Lain, APRIL 24 INTERBRANCH COUNCIL Ipm North Palm Beach County, Host, MAY LEGISLATIVE DAYS IN TALLAHASSEE MAY 16 INSTALLATION DINNER Plans to be announced. FRANCIS, VIRGINIA 626-5892 G05 So. U.S. Hwy. 1, T814, Juno Beach 33408 BA Wellesley FRANKENTHALER, ELAINE (Ken) 844-8270 5200 No. Dixie Hwy. #1201, WPB 33407 BS Columbia University FREEMAN, BREEZY 845-1231 439 Date Palm Dr., LP 33403 BA WagnerCollege; MEd Idaho State GLASNER, HARRIETTE (R.W.) 833-8936 3800 Washington Rd.,A-806. WPB 33405 833-9075 BA Florida Atlantic University QRAY, IRENE 622-7188 12900 South Shore Dr~, LP 33410 BA Carson -Newman College MA Florida Atlantic University HAESCHE, MARY E. 626-4581 10226 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 BS University of New Hampshire HAVILL, JANE (Larry) 844-7486 619 Riverside Rd~, NPB 33408 BA Rollins College HEIBEL, (MARY) CLARE 622-8851 4220 Tanglewood N. #300, PBG 33410 BA Grove City CoIlege HESLIN, PENNY 842-6323 108 Paradise Harbour, #202, NPB 33408 BS University of Bridgeport HUTCHINS, ANN (Charles) 694-2950 P.O. Box 14836, NPB 33408 863-8086 BS University of Michigan JOHNSON, SHIRLEE (James) 622-8707 3790 Dogwood Avenue, PBG BA Florida A t I a n t i c- University 12 MEMBERS ADAMS, BARBARA 622-7412 705 Teal Way, NFT 33408 BA University of Michigan MA San Diego State College ASHTON, CECILIA W. (Edwin) 842-9915 630 Pilot Rd., NPB 33408 BS, MS University of Pennsylvania ATHERTONr JEAN 744-2768 17166 Waterbend Dr.#209, Jupiter 33477 AVAIAN, SHIRLEY 626-380 K 5 13 Surrey Rd., PBG 33418 428-5501 BA Vanderbilt University AXLEY, MARIAN HEATH (John) 626-6540 517 Overlook Dr., NPB 3340B BA University of Kentucky; MA FAU BAILEY, SARA (Sally) G. (Jack) 845-7189 508 Cypress Dr., LP 33403 659-8010 BA Smith Collge MLS North Carolina Central University BALASCHAK, JACQUELINE (George) 622-9279 14272 Leeward Way, LP 33410 BS Hofstra University BARN[ -TT, MARY JO (WilIiarri) 844-4014 521 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 BS Purdue; MS FAU BAUM, EVE 582-1729 P.O. Box 1271, Lake Worth 33460 BA University of Pittsburgh BENJAMIN, NANCY 622-2762 11724 Landing Pl., NPB 33408 BA University of Michigan BEVERSTEIN, BERNICE (Robert) 844-4238 3000 N. Ocean Dr.#10F, Singer Is 33404 BA Michigan State University 9 BOLLER, JEAN (Bruce) 626-0721 CUSTURERIr MARy 622-5849 701 Jacana Way, NPB 33408 4688 Juniper Lane, PBG 33418 BS SUNY, New Pa. ltz; MEd FAU BA, MEd Florida Atlantic University BOSSO, LUISA R. 844-0755 516 Quadrant Rd., NPB 33408 844_0209 DAHLBERG, LARUE (Donald) 626-0181 BA Barry College 12935 South Shore Dr LP 33410 ^, BS University of Pittsburgh BRANYAN, JAN ICE 845-8646 301 Lake Shore Dr.,Apt.707, LP 33403 DAVIE' MAYBELLE (Robert) 626-7403 BA, MA University of Michigan 1101 Country Club Dr., NpB '31%']-4C-)0- 3408BA D AEdinburgh University (Scotland) BRAWLEY, CAROLYN (Floyd) 622-4316 3574 Cypress St., PBG 33410 ' DEW BARBARA (KITTY) ' - 747 4698 BS East Carolina College 825 Center St^, #38A, Jupiter 33458 683-111g BA Smith College BREWER, BLANCHE 626-7260 667 Monet Acres, LP 33410 DUNLOP ELINOR ' 8458 -611 BS University of Chicago 3000 N^ Ocean Dr.,#31C, Singer Is 33404 MS Wayne State University BA Flora Mather College, Case Western Reserve, BROWNE, ELEANORE 746-6879 EMERSON JEAN ' 848-2746 127 Country CIub Dr., Tequesta 33469 824 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 BA, MA University of Florida BA University of Rhode Island MEd Florida Atlantic University CLEARE, MOLLY (Henry) 626-6725 4427 Fuschia Cir., So., PBG 33410 FERRARA VALERIE ' 746-5470 BS Florida Southern College 89 Teakwood Cir., Tequesta 33469 744-7g00 BS SUNY, STONYBROOK; MA FAU CLOYED, LEOTA (LEA) (Keith) 622-8872 12386 Cocoanut Row, LP 33410 FAMIGLIETTI MARY ' 842-4258 BS NE Missouri State University 231 Old Meadow Way, PBG 33418 MA Appalachian State University BS. MEd FAU _ CODY, ALICE (H. Graley) 746-2363 FINNERTY ELLEN ' 627-1361 158 River Dr., Tequesta 33469 ' 1126 Rainwood Circle PBG 33410 ' BS Syracuse University BA Uni«ersity of Florida COPPOLA, LENORA DAVIS (Henry) 793-6997 FITZPATRICK ANN(Frank) ' E 746-8676 12466 Quercus Lane, Wellington 33414 5 913 Eagle's Nest Dr., Jupiter 33458 BA University of Florida BS Pennsylvania State University CRABTREE, ELIZABETH R. 747-3875 FONG, L. ANGELA L (William) 627-0523 17110 Waterbend Dr.#A118, Jupiter 33477 11086 Oak Way Cir., PBG 33410 BA FAU BA Carleton College 10 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH PAST PRESIDENTS Patricia Sharp 1959-1961 Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 1963-1965 Lu Lehmann 1965-1967 Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 Sue Kohlmeyer 1969-1970 Nancy Fisher Holland 1974-1971 Jean Groff Santos 1971-1973 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 Virginia Eng 1975-1977 Priscilla Bennett 1977-1979 Jane Havill 1979-1981 Judy Pierian 1981-1985 Anne Fitzpatrick 19B5-1981 FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Berry Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs. Edward M. Sharp Mrs. Clair A. Thomas EFP HONOREES OF NAMED GRANTS Contributions by the Branch to the Association for the General Fellowships Endowment of EFP were naned in honor of: 1967 - Thelma Obert 1978 - Lea Cloyed 1971 - Patricia Sharp Betty Vantrease 1974 - Jean 6. Santos 1979 - Priscilla Bennett 1975 - Jean Atherton 1980 - Maybelle Davie 1977 - Libby Saylor 1981 - Judy Pierian Elaine James 1977 - Shirley Barton 1983 - Jean Haun Susan Seufert 1984 - Jean Boller Contributions to the Association for THELMA OBERT RESEARCH & PROJECTS ENDOWMENT were named in honor of: 1985 - Judy Pierian, Jane Havill, Betty Moore 1986 - Sue Slone 1987 - Ellen Finnerty 3 V:'AF:'1.._IV", 110F:'.I.�:� �.`�tevc,n, 1-:` L(:) I`F� E I N E F" FU E M A El l i -It t :} I)s r3i mm+ +n�3 1_:+x.+1 l e g e 1':::NAF'F', MAF` ION F'p 4 %".3'D 1 D a f +-+ (J 1 1 t...:1 r a , N +J BS Un i ver c i t y +-+ .f M i 1.5 S C„+Ur 1 179 10 CS tit n +.:: [-i +- + r D r' . ' J' L.t P 1 t r' ,.]....3 '::1- 5 0 BS Drexel University IiiEc:i Trent +w+n St at p FM:+::, l l eq e Edd Temple University ..I .•-•, . 6.. .4 1 �..} 8421---218-23 15 'j r• r L-A I N, EMILY (William) 74�8'23E37 �:' 7 SUndan+s e 1--:t . .J UP i t er '%]j`%.3 4 8 S Un i v e r s i t y ++ f N+-+ r t 1l i : a r c_+ l i. n a 1-1 a P e 1 f 15 I n 1. et Wa-- � F'B SFS +r es 34C)4 B 13 N M a (J +M+ n n a'*: +M+ 11 e-� g e - MSN 1S1 ti! I-- aT.}a Wast c.,lr n F? `..:}e i v L_IVEI.._v, VI1'..IaINIA 4 Br +� k ern W�:'++ id C +-+ve , P9��i : � az119 M A 1-::ent Uni verSi ty 1�7 � � N , SUE t: Fi +� +war c1:} � .4C) �' 0 1 r r 8C-}8 An I -i r a e Dr a , NF'B BS i*:C+r* e:., i. i. Uri i ver c i t y MAL._Ut7) t=NE, L_i�0NA c: F'at r i +� I•:.:} T-4 7"- c-}4 j'D ...�' ,.., j L_��QI c:.'Uest Com'd , JL.tP1 te1r .3)._,4513 BS F: 1 eQc-_� 1-1 f Sam n F'+_+se? MEd Un i ve),. ci t y ;::+.f Mi ami 1 c3) UI"3 1 ve?r s i t y ++ f M 1 S Ur 1 y MS F'i..t r d LA e? 13 CALENDAR 1987-88 6 15 ROGERS, LOUVA (Leon) 626-5427 565 Greenway Dr., NPB 33408 626-4006 SEPTEMBER 11.1 RUSH PARTY BA Allegheny College Bpm Chair: Ann Moore St^mok/s "Om Aims": Sue Slone, President ROSENBAUM, HINDA 627-9485 Episcopd 1006 10th F . , Jupiter 33477 833-1234 Church, Hospitality Committee: Helen Shick' ch., BA Rhode Island State Col lege Burns Rd., Shirley Awkian/ Jacqueline 8o\ezhak/ PBG Marion Knapp, Leona Malone, Susan Seuf*rt.ROSS, JOYCE 747-5986 383 Church Rd., -re questa 33469 BA University of Florida SEPTEMBER 27 [NTER8ANCHCOUNCIL MBT[NG _ MA University of South Florida 1pm Highland Beach Holiday Inn ROTHSTEIN, NAOMI 627-7315 2300 B Vision Dr., PBG 33418 OCTOBER lt-18 FLORIDA 0lVlSlUN CONVENTION, BA Radc l i f fe; MEd William & Mary Col lege Daytona Beach ' SCHRIDER, CATHERINE M. 622-3164 616 Monet Acres, LP 33410 OCTOBER 19 "MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BS Manchester College Bps COMMUNITY' T.J. Tucker NP8 Library Dedication of Thelma Obert room. SCHWALBERG, HELENE (Martin) 626-8717 Chair; Judy Pierman 10237 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 BS Simmons Hospitality Committee: Doris Kar}ik, Ch./ Penny Heslin, Ano Hutchins, Chery}l SCHWARTZ, GLORIA (Leon) 747-5516 Plotkin, Betty Vantrease, Bertha Wolfe. 1605 U.S. 1p M-1 #205, Jupiter 33477 746-6613 , BS, MLS Queens College X-26 SEIFERT, JANE (Ralph) — 622 5248 NOVEMBER 16 "CHILD ADVOCACY' Elaine Wphh Alvarez 1004 Country Club Dr., NPB 33408 Qpm Chair� Ann Moore NPD Library BS University of Miami - Hospitality Cnmmittee:0olores Washam, Ch., MEd University of Maryland Jean Atherton, Janice 0ranyan, Blanche SEUFERT, SUSAN (Bernie) 626-2909 Brewer, Alice Cody, Jean [me/son, - Catherine Schrider, Pat Walters. 12955 Drayton Rd. , Juno Isles 33407 837-2526 BA University of Florida MSW Barry University DECEMBER 14 HOLIDAY PARTY Bps Hostess: Aon Moore SHICK, HELEN 626-0320 2371 AzU e Circle, LP 33410 626-3747 6 Ua}idon Ct. Hospitality Committee: Sally Bailey, Jean Boller, BS Ohio State University PBG Molly Cleare/ Ellen Finnerty, Mary Hoesche/ Betty Moore/ Jane Seifert, Phyllis Sjolander. 6 15 Issues WERNER, LINDA 627-0880 Promoting Individual Liberties 2700 pGA Blvd. #201 , PBG 33410 Anne Fitzpatrick 746-8776 BA, MEd, phD University of Florida Women's Wnk/W»men`s Worth WESTON, BETSY (Edward) 622-1631 Linda Werner 07-0084 471 Althea Way, PBG 33410 684-5000 BS Florida State U; MEd FAU Standing Committees WOLFE, BERTHA M. 626-7421 120 Lakeshore Dr., Apt.235, NPB 33408 Educational Foundation Programs BS Goucher Col lege Hinda Rosenbaum 627-9485 WOOLFE, BETTY (Bob) 622-1774 ' Legal /Wvmsy Fund Liaam 5g Ironwood Way N. , PBG 33418 439-8245 Betty Womlfe 622-1774 BS, MS Florida State University EdD Florida Atlantic University Legislative Program Joan Nmrnhmg 744-3077 yEAW, DOL -ORES (Harry) 844-6824 Judy yiprem 626-6586 645 Kingfish Rd. , NPB 33408 622-7171 BS, MEd Florida Atlantic University Membership Mary Hapsche 626-4581 yOUNT, MARGARET S, (MARGIE) (Arthur ) 626-4555 Angela Fong 627-0523866 Lakeside Dr . , NPB 33408 BA University of Alabama Women's leaps Linda Werner 627-0884 ZIENTEK, HELEN w Yr- 09527 NAMRU 3, Box 44, FPO, Neor BA Florida Southern University STUDY GROUPS AAUH SUPPER CLUB - Dinner meetings A study of foods in a social setting. Chair: Sally Bailey 845-7189 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (2nd Monday, U pm) A study of nations, politics & problems. Chair: Bernice Beverstein 844-4239 WOMEN IN LITERATURE A study of the writings of today's and Names l i sted in this directory are not to yesterday's women. be used for commercial purposes. Chair: Lea Cloyed 622-8872 17 4 THE ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 2401 Virginia Avenue, N.N. Washington, D.C. 20031 Helpline: 040/01-4354 Membership Records office: 202/705-7776 Sarah Harder, President Anne L. Bryant, Executive director SOUTH ATLANTIC REGION Audi Gustafson, 'Vice President 2140 Bonnybrook Circle Rock Hill, SC 29730 (003) 356-0257 FLORIDA DIVISION Linda Tisdale, President 319 Glenwood Avenue Satellite Beach, FL 32937 (345) 773-7315 FLORIIVISION EDITOR Mary Goodenow 1120 Pasco Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 33450 (305) 464-2974 PALM BEACH INTERBRANCH COUNCIL Includes Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, North Palm Beach and Palm Beach county Branches, Florence L earzaf, President 112 SW 15th Court Boynton Beach, FI 33435 305/734-7590 2 FINANCES 1. Nun -dues revenue a. Study groups: Study groups shall be entitled to $10. each from the program budget for their use. If their monetary needs exceed $10., the groups may undertake fund-raising projects. The profits from these projects can be used by the group. All monies should be handled through the branch treasury. Any excess funds will revert to the branch treasury to be earmarked for convention and conferences. b. Other Excess from field trips or other branch projects should be earmarked for con- ventions and conferences. 2. An amount equal to at least $.50 per member should be allocated for national conventions, under the "Conventions and Conferences" budget item. 3. If the branch wishes to give a gift to an outgoing president, the money for the gift should come trom the administrative costs budget item. The transaction should be handles by the treasurer. APPOINTED OFFICERS 1. All appointed officers and chairs shall serve for a term of one year. 2. Appointed officers (except the chair of the telephone committee) shall be considered voting members of the board. Study group chairs shall not be voting members of the board. 3. The chair of any beard -approved function, such as the EFP benefit or cultural field trip, shall have the authority to plan and execute the event. The board should be in- formed of the status of the event. 19