NPB AAUW Yearbook 1985-19861985 - 19 8 6 E '0000V i a WENDELt LUCY 622-2129 6 C Lexington E. PBG 33418 BS Northwestern University WERNERt LINDA ( J9 Patrick Peterson) 627-0884 2580 Prosperity Oaks Ct. PBG 33410 BA, MEd, PhU University of Florida SES TON, BETSY (Edward) 848-1606 651 Australian Circle, LP 334v03 BS Florida State University MEd Florida Atlantic University WINSHIP, AILEEN (Robert) 746-2604- 104- Albacore Laneq Jupiter 33458 BS D'Youville College WOOLFE9 BETTY (Bob) 622-1774 59 Ironwood Way N. PBG 33418 6224-2440 BS, Florida State University "IdD Florida Atlantic University YEAW,.:DOLURES (Harry) 844-6824 645 Kingfish Rd., NPB 33408 622-7171 BS, MEd Florida Atlantic University YOUNTO MARGIE (.Arthur) 626-4555 866 Lakeside Dr., NPB 33408-, BA University of Alabama (N) ZAT ORSKI t DIANE 747-7210 265 Sea Breeze Circle, Jupiter 3'458 BA, MSW SUNY..6tonybrook 41ENTEKs HELEN 1-702-451-8194 4085 Pequeno, Las Vegas, Nev. 89120 BA F-Iorida Southern Univers i -t. -y ago AMERICAN A6,SUCIATIUN U.F` UNIVER61TY WOY16h NORTH PALM, BEACH BRANCH 19,85-1uK986 YEARBU L Theme of the Year: WOMEN'S "�URK/ WOViEN'6 WURTH SC; HRIDERt CATHERINE Me 616 Monet Acres, LP 33410 BS Manchester College SCHWARTZi GLOR1A (Leon) JORC Bldg. M-1,#205, Jupiter 33458 BS, MLS Queens College SEIFERTg JANE (Ralph) 1004 Country Club Dr., NPB 3 34 0 8 BS University of Miami MEd University of Maryland SEUFERTg SUSAN (-Bernie) 12955 Drayton Rd., Juno Isles 33408 BA University of Florida W. -.),W Barry University SHARP, PAM 136 Lakeshore Dr., #312, NPB 33408 BA University of North Carolina 'C)6hARFt PATRICIA 136 Lakeshore Dr., #312, NPB 334o8 BA Michigan State University MA University of South Florida N)ShELTON9 DELLA bLUUUGAL 3333A N.Meridian Way, PBG 33410 BS Butler University SHICK t HELEN 2371 Azure Circle, LF 33410 BS Ohio State University V SJULA NDERv PHYLL1S J. (Bob) 422 Crescent Dr., LP 33403 "I BS Central Connecticut State Gollege MEd F1orida Atlantic University aS.KhU!jt MARGARET 740 Westwind Dr., NPB 33408 BA Richmond College* BSN Mary Goflege SLONEt SUE (Aaron) 4211 Larch Ave., PBG 33418 BS Florida. State University MEd University of Florida SEd Florida Atlantic University 622-3164 747-5516 TABU OF CONTENTS 746-6613 X-26 622-5248 SAGE AAUW Purpose 3 The Association & Division Headquarters 4 Branch Officers and Chairmen 5.6 626-2909 Branch Organizational Chart 7 837-2526 Calendar, 1985-86 8.9 Founders, North Palm beach Branch 10 Honorees of Named Grants 10 Membership Directory 11-20 626-9616 Past Presidents, NPB Bra. -rich 10 Study Groups 6 Theme of the Year 1 626-9616 627-5920 The purpose of the American Association -0 of University Women is to enable 1.ts members to act together and with others to achieve: 626-03'-0 T,,n,e advanr%ement women, 626-3747 The promotion of L.'.felong learning, 8 _31.15 6 9 implementation The im, lement ion of positive 4 8 societal and commlunity changes, 747-1607 AA 626-0119 EJE" --3- WLEANt SUE (Howard) 8480701 808 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 Cornell University Judy Pierman .bS '4- 4_,N)WMULLENO ,. N) MC MU LLEN ,IDUNNA Be 626-6422 4320 Lilac 6t., #4At PB4 33410 Bylaws, Parliarrientariang Historian BA Stetson University Thelma Obert - MALUNE0 LEUNA (Patrick) 747-0439 5935 Eagle's Nest Rd. v Jupiter 3-34-58 B -S College of :`:'Ipaint Rose 7 MEd University of Miami MIGNEAULTg BEV (Walt) 842-9862 436 51st St 9 WPB 33407 BFA University of North Carolina MOHRt LINDA A* 517 Anchorage Dr. s NPB 33408 BS University of Missouri; I& MBA Nova University MOCARE t BETTY 1037 Marina Dr., NPB 33408 BA Wayne State University MLS University of Michigan MUORE 0 E* ANN 158 Old Meadow Way, PBG33418 BA University of Florida N)MORTGNt RUSE ylAhirj 845-1985 Purdue ivu ijaKesnore -Ur. NPB `��-4U BS Northwestern Universioty _� , .,!Ed National College of Education a Vs. C)OBER-Tr 'I"HELIVIA 5 16) 0' Anchorage ijr., NPB 3 BA rick i*,,nson College _31 I. New York University U'RAWEt DORCThY 9000 Gardens Glen G,' 1r., PBG 33410 BS Upsala University NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OFFICERS AND ChAIIMEN Elected Officers President Anne Fitzpatrick Vice -President, Program Development Ellen Finnerty Vice -President, Membership Molly Cleare Recording Secretary Ann Hutchins Corresponding Secretary Marion Knapp Treasurer Sue Slone Appointed pointed Officers 626-5794 Branch Lia is Judy Pierman Bulletin Editor, Betty Moore Bylaws, Parliarrientariang Historian 6264M1.634 Thelma Obert - 6268835 Hospitality Leona Malone 7 Telephone Susan Deyliong 0 I J. 626-1414 PEARSONt GL"Y;-4­` Me 627-3474 5344 Woodland Lakes 1jr., #125 PBG '�`�418 BFA University of Oklahoma /1-1 1 .M.A.'eas, of IM-terest Community Jane Seifert Cultural Interests Bernice Beverstein Educ q- tion Lea Cloyed International Relations Jean Atherton .16. am 5- 746-8670 627-1361 626-6725 694-2950 622—o677 626—olig 626-6486 626-5794 844-701.1 747-0439 626-4� '983 6222 8 844-42-48 622-8872 744-2768 (N)DUNLOPO FLINOii (Craig) 845-8611 Ooo N � 3 N. Ocean br . , Singer Is . 33404 BA Flora Mather College of Gase Western Reserve (C)E1V1haUNv JEAN (Lew a. s ) 824 Anchorage Lr . , N1'B 33408 BA University of Rhode Island MEd Florida atlantic University y ENGELKE , BARBARA 612 Pilot Rd. , NPB 33408 BA Mary Washington College FAMIGLIETTI, MARY 134 Rotunda Dr., Jupiter 33458 BS, MEd Florida atlantic University (N)FERRARAt VA LAR IF (Richard) 89 Teakwood Cir . , Teques to 33456 BS SUNY S t onybr o ok ; MA FA U. FINNERI'Y, ELLEN 11837 Birch !�i t . , PBG 33410 BA University of Florida. F1TZFATu1GK, ANN. (Frank) 5913 Eagle's Nest Dr,, Jupiter 8 BS Pe p 3 3 � Pennsylvania Mate University FRANC l'Z� , V IRG Ii'r IA 605 o ® U , Za. .Hwy . 1, T814, J' u n o -beach .tom. Wellesley FRANKENTHALEitt :S LA IINE (Ken) 5200 No* Dixie Hwy. #1201, Wpb 33407 bS Columbia University FREI-�Av!A.Nq Oilliam) 439 Date I-alm br . , LF 40 �; 33 3 BA Via.gner College; MEd Idaho �j t . to 3800 Washington Rd. , APB "40 BA Florida Atlantic Un i -V P rcz ; tir 84802°46 BRANCH # SECRETARY 848-6978 STRUCTURE TREASURER MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN (VICE PRESIDENT) CORRESPONDING 744-1687 SECRETARY 842-4258 �seseseeesses*eassssssssseesessses ass/// COMMUNITY sass*eeooessseesessessessssssssssl 746-5470 1' 6 - 5 4 7 P'q,�„� � sasses®oesssssew®sssesssmsssssas® � ; CULTURAL INTEREST'S • '�44 ,�, � {� � � • PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Ssse*eeee*eeeesDOE message *Guesses*, CHAIRMAN rsessesssaseaesaasee®essssesses..a 1 (VICE PRESIDENT) • yn • �-3 a EDUCATION 6soso/ �' 9 � •cesea mosses sssssssosssssasesse 1 1 � .sasses®nsssesoeaeoeosssssessssaesss • ® INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS e msmeamssssoseooc.ssssar�A®asoeoswsao tz ?446-8676 rn Q s as an aas&a a one a Goa06W a6*000*0"a PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR ' - gUBT,IC EDUCATION IFDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION an sosaseessseeasss*sasaseessaeos*se� -9asssa• essessso•sssse es®assess*% PROGRAMS CHAIRMAN 626-5892 Aorr�s w®Rx7 • WOMEN'S WORTH 33408 0aC^"WamBoma *oowes •* ease esa®see*%*® A 844-8270 **°°°°O Responsibilities of officers in dotted boxes LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM �esaasso * can be delegated to Vire President for CHAIRMAN Program Development. 845-1231 Additional Branch Board Members depend COMNIITTI F ON WOMLN on Branch Bylaws CHAIRMAN 833-6936 626—o055 OPTIONAL MEMBERS* G Utb ON , D- BRA Jun626-8162 �675 Juniper L1•, .ABG 33418 B A.delphi College IVIA University of Central Flor'1 as 14® BLANKENfiUhNE GARUL 7 2 6- 0 go2 1985 CALENDAR 1986 30 Ridgewood Gir�, Teque�Aa. 33458 BA Fairlei&h Dick kin: ori Univerrsity Jany �10 gAr ECONOMIC IMPACT OF VOLUNTEERISNI IMMM.Now. MEd Florida Atlantic Uri.iversity- Harriette Glasner. DULII�h, JE -AN (bruce) 6 2 6 - 0 8 Chairman Lea Cloyed, 701 Jacana. Alay, 14PB 33408N,.PB L, brary Hospitality Committees Sally Bailey, Chairman: Cecilia Ashton, Vivian Dale, Elinor Dunlop, �, B6`:SUNY New 1--al-,;z Barbara Engelke, Debra Gordon, Clare Heibelt IVIE d Florida Atlantic University Jean Santos, SusanSeufert. Diane Zatorski. BOSSOt LUISA He (W111 ia m) 844- - 0 55 February.11 FINANCIAL PLANN.ING FOR WOf&N 516 Quadrant Rde� NPB 3340b 844-0209 ad� BA Barry Golleg6 8P Anne Marie Kaufman of Herzfeld .M. & Stern. Chairmant Linda Werner • Bi(ANNUNj JEANINE 501 Oyster Rd., 1?PB 33408 646-9451 873-3701 N,PB Library Hospitality committeei Cher ll Plotkin, Chm.1 Janice Branyan, Breezy Freemang Blanche BA• Florida Atlantic UniversIty Brewer, Gladys Pearson, Charlot Petery, Betty Robin, Joyce Rose, Betty Sykes, BRANYANt JANICE 845-8646 Catherine Schrider, Suzanne Tyson. 301 La k e- 11 o r e o, 33403 March 8 FAo-j h I UN Ji UN BE NL F I T BA, Wt Ulldve---r�-E-73*,-ty of' Michj'paj- Ly BRAWLEY GAROLYN (F.I., OYU. 622-44" 3: 11 6 11,30 at Tri a, PGA Sheraton Chairment iviarianne harjehausen Ann Moore 3571-111-, Cypress St., PEG 334!0 BS East CarolinLi Ctc-,11eg- Ma r c 'EN'S hll"10- Y CELEBRAT10N OF *'Ub BLANChE 626-72-160 WEEK and ANNUAL MEETING 660 Monet Acres, Ly- -4-4i-c, I J 8 Cha irmian Jane havi-1,31- BS University of Ll� 4- MIS Wayne tate Univer,,�.�.i.L.y NPE Li,brar Y Hospital' - ty Committees Judy Draper, Chm.i Bernicei'eversteln,, Jeanine Brannon, Helen Darnall, Kitty Dew, Mary Famiglietti, (N) B OJ!!.D, 793-0081 Toini Peissner, Evelyn Percher, DE.Y11a. 12970 .--r`'Irail iikh 3-3-1414 Shelton, Paula Uhrig. BA IiLi-tgerel WA Ga 1. d we 11. U n i v e- i cs-, j- t y April, 21 RECUGNIT10N & HUNGfi.ING UE hl�h ."Nij 'T'hi" N i� U Y CAlRNEJ-.'., JUD11h Le (,L'Tud 627-5374 7t30 P.m. ELENIENTAI�tY h i, hE i� 6- E • 4 2 6 1 Ma gn o 1.1 a c. t P B Cr 3 1-764-1470 YEAR.,. Speak�e"r, Candllc, M rr n BDes, bEld UniverS.-J. i t y o J," Flox-ida NY -d5 Libraryon, G ha h- men t Jean Ather,-t1'.Jea (C G hUAG HIIA: TYl (LeLiie) 6t.6-5263 10 ,sld 'Jane f ert 537 Overlouk D-il'-e NPh 134,08 B!=_Bue-knell UnIVE13,41 CS t y %.1 Hospitality Committee: kiue Stapleton, Chm.1 Carol, Blankenborne, Luisa Bassos Florence GLEAXE, f4iOLLY (henry) 626-6725 Broad, Jean Emerson, Mary liaesche, Betty Kidder, Linda Mohr, Sally Regets, Gloria 44-2• 7 Euschia G'JX,, ;Zoorr �a I PB" 334,, ; c Schwa-rtz, Stella Strauss. BFl0riOF1 -auuthern College ((; C - ("� .1. L 1-1 A � ;, , r*'UTA, (Lea) (K- e a'- th. b -1 62 2 SPRING R fi- 'C FT1 U N 12386 !dc ocoan(it how, LF 33L4,10 6 1 ? (b, L-) 8 OF OFL-CEhs B �111 N r� MISSOuri &i1,tC--3.te Urdver��ity P C ha irman i Mo 1. 1 G 1 e, a, r e Y T. ViA �:!L, -f -T A+ -�:,)e 'h c !Yn. P. - , - I q. T-' 4 SQ ami 2 9 PAST ;PRESIDENTS North Palm Beach Branch Patricia Sharp Thelma Obert Kate Gildan Lu Lehmann Barbara Abbott Sue Koh1meyer Nancy Fisher Jean Groff Santos Libby Saylor Virginia Eng Priscilla Bennett Jane Havill Judy Pierman FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Berry Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs. Edward M.* Sharp Mrs. Clair A. Thomas 1959-1961 1961m-1963 1963-1965 1965-1967 1967-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1973 1973o*1975 1975--.1977 1977-=19?9 1979-198i I 1981-1985 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION HONOREES OF NAbED GRANTS Contributions by the Branch to the Association for the General Fellowships Endow- ment were named in honor of.. 1967 Thelma Obert 1978 - Lea Cloyed .,971 1 9 Patricia Sharp Betty Vantrease 1974 Jean G. Santos 1.979 - Priscilla Bennett 1975 Jean Atherton 1980 .ybelle Davie 1976 Libby Saylor 1981 Judy Pierman Elaine James 1977 Shirley Barton 1983 Jean Haun Susan Seufert 1984 Jean Boller Contributions to the Association for THELMA OBERT RESEARCH & PROJECTS ENDOWMENT were named in honor of: 1985 - Judy Pierman Jane Havill Betty Moore 11 IVE M BE R S ABBEY, JUDITH 622-9567 3193 C N.'eridian NI., PBG 33410 BA, 1VT.A Jersey City State. College ADAY-b, BARBARA 622-7412 ?n5 Teal Way, NPB 31408 BA Un', ve'r sity of Michigan MA San Diego State College 694ur1648 ASHTONt CECILIA W* (Edwin) 842-9915 630 Pilot Rd®, NPB 33408 BS, MS University of Pennsylvania 844.4' 38 ATHERTON, JEAN 744-2768 1?166 Waterbend Or. #209, Jupiter 33458 BA Brown University AUGUSTYN$ JOANN (Joseph) 626-3586 2050 North Palm Circle, Juno 33408 BS Universiterof Connecticut (N)AVAIAN, E�"OHIIY 626-3805 11Surrey Rd., PBG 31418 42811— 5501 BA Vanderbilt University AXLEY.0 MARI-4N HjP._j`ATH (John) 626-6540 51'7 Overlook Dr., NPB 33408 BA University of Kent-ucky YA Florids Atlantic University B,i.iley Sar -a- (S, -ally) G. (Jack) 845-7189 1- -!-. -% -% Dry 3 14 o 508 Cypress Dr I L r 6 ,�9-8oio B,A Smith College T�T,S Nortb Carolina Central Univers i t Y T BALASICHAK9 JACQUE_UII�E (George) 6229279 142?2 Leeward Way, LP 33410 '_c3.S Hofstra University "� --t' BARNETT, Mal ry Jo (Wliloam) 844-4014- 521. Anchorage Jr., NPB 33408 BS Purdue MS FAU BAUM., EVE 694ur1648 11074 Ed,7ewp tev-.7 Terr PB` 33410 BA University of Pi-tUtsburgh EE.VERSTEILIN, BE1`iNIC*" " (Robert) 844.4' 38 3000 N. Ocean Dr. ,#10-F, z_-3in.---er 1s1,,-jnd 33404 BA Ylichicrqn St--ite University -No 10 am _11_ 1085 CALENDAR 1986 Serterber 2 SALAD SMORGASBORD 6:30-9:30 p.m. Chairman: Leona Malone "Overview of Branch Programs and PBG Community Study Groups" - Ann Fitzpatrick, Center "The Association Convention" - Judy Pie rman Burns Rd. & Hospitality Committees Leona Malone, ChairmanMilitary Jackie Balaschakg LaRue Dahlberg, Ruth Davis, Jennifer DeHaven, Susan Deyling, Jane Seifert, Betty Vantreaseg Lucy Wendel, Betty Woolfe. October 12-12 FLORIDA STATE D1VISION CONVENTION C'learwater October 21 LEGAL RIGHTS OF "WOI&N IN FLORIDA 4688 Juniper Lane, PBG 33418 Judge Rosemary Baskett, Court of 8 1). Tr, Appeals, Fourth District DAHLBERG, LARUE (Donald) Cha firman s Ellen Finnerty NPB Library BS University of Pittsburgh Hospitality Committees Nancy Lewis, Chairmani DALE, VIVIAN (George) Judith Abbey. Judy Cairnes, Mimi Churchill, 737 Teal Way, NPB 33408 Elaine Fr%3nkenthalerp Donna McMullen, Bev BS Florida State University Vipneault, Rose Marie Morton, Dorothy 09Rawe, DARN -ALL, HELEN (Edward) Barbara Storey, ov eTrber 18 W 0 �E N "N OR '6 0 MEN 'S 'Vi OR T H - "BS Ohio State University `41omen in non-traditional fields. De Tn. ..L Pane 1 -discussion with Deborah NP1Q, Library Caldwell Martyn, Barbc--ra BA Edinburzh University (Scotland) 7- S omerville and Robin Bernstein, DAV ILS j RUTH BEAN Chairman: Linda $erner 5203 Peppercorn Ave., PBG 33410 Hospitality Committees Betsy Weston, Chairmanj A orth 'ex -as_ St,? -.-'-e Llnive-rcz;+v P1 11 1 L, .L &_ , � A- 14 Joann Aupustyn, Doris Karlik, Fruema, Klorfein, U �r,A Un fivers i - ty of Texas-,, El -LL)aQ,..o Lu Lehmann, Ann Moore, Peggy Scherer, Helen A ;Ii i t� .. 1 V .� ,. ER N V Shick, Phyllis Sjolander, Aileen Winship, DecemberF_;:�SIIV'..& TZ HOLIDAY PROGRAM 'Tr.ivers y t t, a t e .,, ­ t; Chairman: Ellen Finnerty rr Hospitality Committee: Valerie Ferrara and At the home Leona Malone, Chairmenj Barbara Aaamsj Jean Atherton, Marian Axley, Mary Jo Barnett, Jean of Boller, Carolyn Brawley, Lea Cloyed, Lenore Y�r�ie Yount Coppola, Mary Craft, Mary Custureri, Marianne Har jehausen, Sue McLean, Judy Pierman, Louva Rogers, Barbara C. Thompson,, Patricia Walters, Dolores Washamp Marilyn Weisgerber, Dolores Yeaw. 0 8 am COPPOLA, LENORA DAVIS (Henry) 793-6997 12466 Quercus Lane, Wellington 33414 BA University of Florida (C)CRABTREE, ELIZABETH Re 747-3875 17110 Waterbend Dr.0118, Jupiter 33458 BA Carleton College 746-9251 CRAFT, MARY (Jerome) 626,a5130 100$ Country Club Dr., NPB 334o8 BS University of Akron CUSTURERIv MARY 622-5849 4688 Juniper Lane, PBG 33418 BA, MEd Florida Atlantic University DAHLBERG, LARUE (Donald) 626-o181 12935 South Shore Dr., LP 33410 BS University of Pittsburgh DALE, VIVIAN (George) 622-8219 737 Teal Way, NPB 33408 BS Florida State University DARN -ALL, HELEN (Edward) 747-4184 4126 Mark St., Tequesta 33458 "BS Ohio State University DAVIE, �,AYBELLE (Robert) 626-7403 1101 Country Club Dr., NPB 3,1408 BA Edinburzh University (Scotland) 7- DAV ILS j RUTH BEAN 627-'167r, 5203 Peppercorn Ave., PBG 33410 A orth 'ex -as_ St,? -.-'-e Llnive-rcz;+v P1 11 1 L, .L &_ , � A- 14 U �r,A Un fivers i - ty of Texas-,, El -LL)aQ,..o A ;Ii i t� .. 1 V .� ,. ER N V 7 4 - 1,6 014 137 Seas�.)_o�!_-e Dr., ;j' up iter 33458863-0126 'Tr.ivers y t t, a t e .,, ­ t; W BARBARA (Kitty) 7147-4698 8215 Center St., #38A, JuDi-ICer 33458 `0 ­ 683-1119 BA Smith Colle,. 7e DF.YLING, SUSAN (Dong ld) 62b 3716 Cypress St., PBG 93410 183 EA West Virp-inia Wesleyan Colleg-e DRAFEF 9 J IT:) 622_7743 8640. Dmmass its , LP 33418 EA COs ton Univers 1 --t-y * %.# ", 13- Issues GRAY, IRENE 622-7188 Public Support for Public Education 12900 So. Shore Dr., LP 33410 Lea Cloyed 622-8872 BA C2rson-Newman College Women's Work/Women's Worth MA Florida Atlantic University Linda Werner 627-0884 (N)HAESCHE, MARY vi -00 626-4581 10226 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 Standin Gommittees BS University of New Hampshire FOEducational Foundation Programs HARJEHAUSEN, MARIANNE Le 626-5785 Marianne Har4o ehausen 626-5785 9798 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 Arm Moore V.1 626.,1634 BS Lebanon Valley College Legislative Program HAV ILL, JANE (Larry) 844-7486 Della Shelton 627-5920 619 Riverside Rd., NPB 33408 Women's Issues BA Rollins College Linda Werner 627-0884 HE I BE -j L v ( MARY) CLARE 622-8851 4229 Tanglewood, N. #300, PBG 33410 STUDY GROUPS BA Grove City College AAU-W SUPPER CLUB Seven dinner meetings A study of foods in a social setting* Chairmans Kitty Dew 747-4698 ART AT TEA TIME (1st Tuesday, 4-6 p9me) Spirited talks on art appreciation accompanied with tc:M. Chairman:. Betty Robin 844-oo88 FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRUE-iRAM- An introduction of foreign cultures and languages to C:> local school children. Chairman: Toini Pteissner 747 -*0067 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (4th Monday, 8 pem*) A study of nations Politics and problems Chairman: Jean Atherton 744-2768 PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN (3rd Thursday, 110 a.m.) Experts discuss children and education, Chairmen: Breezy Freeman 845-1231 Della Shelton 627-5020 WOEN IN LITERATURE (5th Monday, 8 p.m.) Study of the writings of today's and yesterday's women. Chairman: Jane Havill 844-7486 To join or visit a study group, contact the chR1-rman, H.EINZo PAERIC IA 627-6062 10789 Military Trail, #3, PBG 33410 BA A Adrian; MEd Wayne State University 241,4 , HUTCHINS, ANN (Charles) 694-6329 P.c. Pox 14836, NPB 33408 863-808b BS University of Michigan KARLIK, DORIS (Steven) 622-441o 4640 Holly Dr., PBG 33418 Ke -;an Co-1-lep-e K I D Dlw-j R BETTY 842-4 0 39 1170 Sugar Sands, #405, Riviera Bch 33404 BS. Auburn University 837-3156 KL0RF".P-.IN, FRUAP.NMA (Ell i o tot) ) 842-2835 254 North Woods Rd., PB 93480 BS S IM-ITIC.yl s College KNAPPq MARION Ps (Donald L.) 622-0677 4191 Daffodil Cir., No., PBG 33410 (C)LEHM:ANN, LU (Eugene) 74696 -3972 FaFairview West,T, e q u e! ".- 1-1 33458 BS University of Michigan LEWIS. NANCY 845-0106 107 Edwards Lane, #6, PB Shores 33404 BS Florida. Atlantic University NATIONAL ASS UGIATION AMEhiCAN ASSUCIATIUN OF UNiVZh6l'll WUWaN 2401 Virginia Avenue, N.We Washington, D.G. 20037 (202) 785-7700 Membership Records Offices (202) 785-7776 Sarah Harder, President Quincalee Browns Executive birector Helen Landers, Vice President South Atlantic Region 321 SE 10th Cto Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 FLUR1DA STATE DIV1610N Linda Tisdale, President 319 Glenwood Avenue, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 (305) 773-7315 FLURIVISION EDITOR Alda Butler 200 Uak Wit, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 INTEhb-RANCH COUNCI . L PALM BEACH Includes Boca Raton, .�oynton �ea-.--,h, North Pa-I...m Beach and Palna Beach County Branch.es. Dottie Shutt, President 2760 Banyan Rd., #A-4 Boca Raton, FL 3 .3-0432 ( 305) 392-5858 dqAq EJUJ REGETS, SARAH (Sally) 513 Inlet Rd., NPB 33408 BS, NEd Florida Atlantic University EdD Nova University (C)ROBIN't BETTY (C. Donald) 508 Bay Rd. t NPB 334o8 BA Case Wes -tern Reserve University �f'E'd Florida At-lantic Univers i4k-.y .4 R OG "RES LC TVA (Le on) ---j *.0 If 565 Greenway Dr., NPB 33408 A Allegheny College ROSIS. JOYCI-E.. 18-� ."; -- �hurch Rd., BA University YA Univers lety Tech uesta 33458 0 -."Ll' Florida of South Florida S ANT O'S., JEAN ?17 Tff. Kalmia Dr., LP 99403 BS University of Illinois kARGARF,ml (Peaivy) 123 Lakeside Dr., #942- NPB 33408 PhB University of Detroit -17- 844-4109 naz�•i*-* 626-5427 62b--4006 747-5986 694-c494 P1L.;j'1SSNERq TOINI 747-0067 3900 County Line Rd. #15, Tequesta 33458 DC National College of Chiropractic F"P.jRCHERt EVELYN 845-6555 1205 Sandy Lane, Sinker Island 33404 BS Adelphi' University (N)F1'Tr'iY, I" HA R L 0 T 74 6.3956 274 Palmetto Ct., Jupiter 33458 747-1607 BS Keene State College PIERMANq JUDY MULL (Jerry) 626-6486 560 Greenway Dr., NPB 33408 BS Bluffton College PLOTKINq CHERYLL (Andy) 842-4773 428 Ebbtide Dr., NPB 33408 a BA Beloit College, MS Boston University (N) Po�EROY, JO ANNE 845-8677 316 South Wind Dr., #208, NPB 33408 BS University of Central Florida REGETS, SARAH (Sally) 513 Inlet Rd., NPB 33408 BS, NEd Florida Atlantic University EdD Nova University (C)ROBIN't BETTY (C. Donald) 508 Bay Rd. t NPB 334o8 BA Case Wes -tern Reserve University �f'E'd Florida At-lantic Univers i4k-.y .4 R OG "RES LC TVA (Le on) ---j *.0 If 565 Greenway Dr., NPB 33408 A Allegheny College ROSIS. JOYCI-E.. 18-� ."; -- �hurch Rd., BA University YA Univers lety Tech uesta 33458 0 -."Ll' Florida of South Florida S ANT O'S., JEAN ?17 Tff. Kalmia Dr., LP 99403 BS University of Illinois kARGARF,ml (Peaivy) 123 Lakeside Dr., #942- NPB 33408 PhB University of Detroit -17- 844-4109 naz�•i*-* 626-5427 62b--4006 747-5986 694-c494 Published by The American ion of University Women North Palm Beach Branch North Palm Beach, Florida Cover design by Marian Ax ley Pres identi Anne Fitzpatrick Editor t Betty Moore SeDtE.Imber, 1985 7 1 1 1 direr --t ory are not Names listed 'n tln�c- a %0 -� V to be ucl---ed for commercial purposes (N)STAPLETON, SUE ANN 3761 93rd Lane #2, L�P 33403 BAO MA Northern Kentucky University STORY, BARBARA BOZIC (Milton) ?89 Lap-oon Dr. NPB 93408 BS Pennsylvania State College S T R A U , S TE L L A (Albert) 41, Quadrant Rd., NPB 334o8 BS Ohio Northern University VS University of Maryland !3TUART, CAROLYN ?55 SP-Iturn St., #205C, Jupiter 'L BA Florida Atlantic University MA Univers ity of North Colorado 626-3129 626-7o6i 848-4689 ,246 SYKFS , BETTY 844-4608 121r% 4th Stoo LP 33410 j BAO IMA Florida. State University THOMPSON* BARBARA C.626-9448 4.097 Catalpha Ave., PBG I .,.3410 BS Ohio State University ? T Y-Z'D' ON 9 S U4jANNE (Robert) 746-4399 12� Holly Cove Dr., Jupiter 33458 BS Pennsylvania State Univers ity Y -A West Virginia University UHRIG, PAULA 9 4 3900 county Line Rd -,s, ff110, 1equesta BA University of Northern Iowa T VANTREA�­:iEq BET'T'Y( John) ohn) 6 6 6 ?4 o 49 Yacht G lub Lr ff 0 BA Louisiana State University (N)'v�ALTERS, PATRICIA 626 -7041 44 Yacht Club Dr., NPB 33408 BS Baldwin Wallace College -WASHAM* i)OLURE6 ( b o 10 ) 626-1787 1.812 Ascott Rd. e, Juno Isles 33408 B Trentor., 'S..tate 116.-A"ol IVIEd Florida Atlantic University N )wE ( - 3ERBER9 1A-':-`I7U-YN 626-6656 304 Go-',-fview Rd., #4029 NPB 334o8 74 7-'733' BA, IVIA Trenton 'Z') -.tate College ,. _. _ - _ _. .: _ - .� , , r :. .:.:; .... .: ,. ` ,_ .... ;; _ . .. � ,. ... - . -: ..:. .,1-. - - �-:: :: ,., ... ._ .: .._ t _ .. 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