NPB AAUW Yearbook 1983-1984 (25th Anniversary)-- J .. r: 34, At z - ^4 AM ERI CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Y� NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1959-1984 AAUW SYMBOLS AREAS OF INTEREST Community Cultural Interests Education International Relations STANDING COMMI TTEES Educational Legislative Foundation Programs Programs 32 Women 1983 - 1984 YEARBOOK log EAE" North Palm Beach Branch of The American Association o f University Women TABLE OF CONTENTS PAG E Past Presidents, North Palm Beach 2- Branch Founders and Charter Members 4 Purpose of AAUW 5, National Association and Division Headquarters 6 North Palm Beach Branch Officers and Chairmen 7 AAUW Organizational i�ha rt 10 1983-84 Calendar 12 1983-84 Membership ID i rectory 15 AAUW symbols 32 Many thanks to Betty Moore for her hours of labor on this our anniver- sary nniver- sary yearbook. The founding day for the North Palm Beach AAUW was on February 19, 1959, 30 3 WESTON , BETSY (Edward) 848--1606 651 Australian Circle, LP 33403 842-4296 BS Florida State University MEd Florida Atlantic University WEYGANT , ANNE (Charles Worthing ton) 746-9131 18896 Point Dr., P.0. Box 3875 622-7171 Tequesta, 33458 W I NSH I P, A I L EEN (Robert) 746- 2604 104 A l baco re Lane, Jup i to r 33458 BS D'Youvi lle College WOOLFE, BETTY (Bob) 622-1774 6253 Ce l adon Court, PBG 33410 622-2440 BS, MS Florida State University EdD Florida Atlantic University Y YARI CK, SARA 626-2749 Florida National Bank 8900 No. Military Trail, PBG 33410 BS Louisiana State University YEAW, DOLORES (Harry) 844-6824 645 Kingfish Rd,, NPB 33408 622-7171 BS, MEd Florida Atlantic University YOUNT, MARG I E (Arthur) 848-6674 866 Lakeside Dr., NPB 33408 BA University of Alabama Z ;N)ZAMMiT, SUSAN (Bill) 686-7795 4824 Berkeley Mews, WPB 33406 BS, MS University of Florida FZ-- The purpose of the American Association of University Women is to enable its members to act together and With others to achieve: * The advancement of women. * The promotion of T i fe 1 ong learning, The implementation of positive societal and community changes. 5 SKROD, MARGARET 1740 Westwi nd Dr. No., NPB BA R i chmond Co 1 1 ege BSN Mary College SLONE, SUE (Aaron) 4211 Larch Ave. , PBG 33410 BS Florida State University MEd University of Florida SEd Florida Atlantic Univers i ty SMITH, MARILYNN 3920 Wilshire St., PBG 33410 BS 11 1 i no i s State University MEd University of Illinois STRAUSS, STELLA (Albert) 413 Quadrant Rd., NPB 33408 BS Ohio Northern University MS University of Indiana STUART, CAROLYN 755 Saturn St., # Jupiter 33458 BA Florida Atlantic University MA University of North Colorado 1A THOMPSON, BARBARA 19928 Hibiscus, Jupter 33458 BS University of Connecticut 622-4463 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN 746-2713 TRI PP, JESS I E 622-0980 605 So . U.S. Hwy , 1 , T 312, Juno Beach 33408 BS Western Connecticut State College TYSON, SUZANNE (Robert) 746- 4399 1255 Holly Cove Dr., Jupiter 33458 BS Pennsylvania State University MA West Virginia University Areas of Interest Community Anne Fitzpatrick Cultural Interests Cheryll Plotkin Education Jean Haun International Relations Lea Cloyed 26 .7 622-1774 842-0259 626-0721 622-0677 844-4238 626-5794 844-7011 626-1787 626-6725 746-8676 842-4773 622-5419 622-8872 Elected Officers P resident 626-01 19 -Judy P i erman Vice -President, Program Devetopment Betty Wool fe Vice -President, Membership Peggy Campbe 1 1 626-7131 Recording Secretary 848-0692 Jean Boller Corresponding Secretary Marion Knapp Treasurer Bernice Beve rs to i n 848- 4689 Appointed Officers Bu 1 1 et i n Editor 746-9246 Betty Moore B 1 aws Parliamentarian YThelma 6 2 74 !_ 7 9 Obert Historian, Photographer Dolores Washam Hospitality Molly C-1 eare 746-2713 TRI PP, JESS I E 622-0980 605 So . U.S. Hwy , 1 , T 312, Juno Beach 33408 BS Western Connecticut State College TYSON, SUZANNE (Robert) 746- 4399 1255 Holly Cove Dr., Jupiter 33458 BS Pennsylvania State University MA West Virginia University Areas of Interest Community Anne Fitzpatrick Cultural Interests Cheryll Plotkin Education Jean Haun International Relations Lea Cloyed 26 .7 622-1774 842-0259 626-0721 622-0677 844-4238 626-5794 844-7011 626-1787 626-6725 746-8676 842-4773 622-5419 622-8872 OETZMAN, BARBARA (John) 848-0495 1071 Fairview Ln., Riviera Beach 33404 BS Florida Southern N)0' ROWE, DOROTHY 627-3741 7 3741 71 7th Terrace, PBG 33410 BS Upsa l a University I PEARSON, GLADYS 627-3474 37 Balfour Rd., West, PBG 33410 B FA University of Oklahoma P1 ERMAN, JUDY ( Je r �:v ) 626-6-486 560 G reenwa y D r., N PB 33408 BS Bluffton College PLOTK I N, CHERYLL 842-4773 428 Ebbt i de Dr., NPB 33408 BA Beloit College MS Boston Un i vers i ty Is REGETS, SARAH -(SALLY) 844-4109 513 Inlet Rd., NPB 33408 Jan Holler BS, MEd Florida' Atlantic University Betty Moore ROBERTS, MI RIAM (James) 746-4814 17044 Traverse Circle, Jupiter 33458 Thelma Obert BA University of Michigan Pat Sharp C) ROBIN, BETTY ( Donald) 844-0088 508 Bay Rd... NPB 33408 BA Western Reserve University ROG ERS , LOU VA (Leon) 626-5427 565 Greenway Dr., NPB 33408 626-4006 BA Allegheny College 24 Special Committees Public Information Jan Holler 626-6329 Yearbook Betty Moore 626--5794 Judy Pierman 626-6486 Study Groins Gourmet Vivian Dale 622-8219 Kitty Dew 747-4698 International Relations - Lea Cloyed 622-8872 Mothers of Young Children (2nd Mon., 7:30 p.m.) Vivian Dale 622-8219 Women in Literature (5th Mon., 8 p.m.) Jane Havpli nn i versa ry Committee Barbara Adams Jean Atherton Jan Holler Lea Cloyed Betty Moore LaRue Dahlberg Judy Pierman Maybel ie Davie Thelma Obert Jean G ro f f, chairman Pat Sharp Jean Haun Betty Woolfe G KI LPATRI CK MARY 842-9811 753 Anchorage Dr., N.PB 33408 BA Vande rb i 1 t Un i ve rs i ty 315 Inlet Way, PB Shores 33404 MEd Florida Atlantic University KLORFEIN, FRUEMA ( E1 1 iott)- 842-2835 254 North Woods Rd. , PB 33480 BS Simmons College KNAPP, MARION (Donald) 622-0677 4391 Daffodil Ci r o, No. PBG BS University of Missouri KRAYER, DOROTHE (Anthony) 622-7314 29 Yacht Club Dr. , NPB 33408 838-9736 BA College of New Rochelle C) L EHMANN , LU (Eugene) MA Columbia University :.. .'` a .~ :.. .s%'.. ..w was L LA RK I N, MIMI 848-0092 315 Inlet Way, PB Shores 33404 BSN Madonna Co 1 1 ege MSN Case Western Reserve CA C) L EHMANN , LU (Eugene) 746-3972 :.. .'` a .~ :.. .s%'.. ..w was a Q 96 Fairview West, Tequesta 33458 .� ■ ® • ■ ; ° Off., BS University of Michigan ■ ■ ■ ®< '® .L1 ■ ® ® ® • L ETS I NG ER, PAT R I CIA (Richard)848-8 ■ ® ; ® s ■ ; ■ ■ : —' � : �' ; : � : �--- >- . °� .012 5480 No Ocean Dr., Riviera Beach 3 34® ■ : , ,c s ■ ; ® ; �_ • ; �- ; ; ■ ; ; --� BS Un Q vers i ty of Chicago on ■ � �� � < 3, . ■; ; ° 3 o CA c9 LEWIS, NANCY 845-0106 tA5 =D u p ® e ■ ■ ■ ■ ® UJ Uj; z:: ;: Q �' C4 107 Edwards Lane, ##1 , PB S ho res 3 3404 L' 0 BS Florl da At] ant i c Un i i vers ty Uj ®� ;, ■; • ° � � Q o L I CHTSTE I N SHIRLEY 627-1422 ■ ® ■ ■ ■ ■ see 1F 4151 Magnolia St. , PBG 33410 ■ BA Michigan State University ISSUE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN 22 11 GOCKE, ILA MAE (Thomas) 747-2060 November 21 "Reflections-& Visions" - - 3 Yacht Club Pl,, Tequesta 33458 Linda Monroe, PBG Council- BS University of Wisconsin 7:45 p.m. woman, Chairman: Nancy Lewis GORDON, DEBRA 626-9162 NPB Publ ic Hospitall ity Committee: Bev 4675 Juniper Ln., PBG 33410 Library Migneaullt, Chairman; Yvonne BS Adelphi College Brown, Barbara Engelke, MA University of Central Florida Breezy Freeman., Julie Guffey, Susan Seufert. GORDON, MARTA (Robert) 842-3502 1191 Fairview Lane, Riviera Beach 33404 December 12 "Sounds ofMusicil- BA Lake Erie College Women's Handbell Choir of MA University of Florida 8 p.m. Tri r,,,ity Methodist Church Chairman- Marion Knapp GRAY, IRENE 622-7188 Hospitality Committee: 12900 So, Shore Dr. LP 33410 Susan Deyl i ng, Cha i rman BA Carson-Newman Col I ege Marian Axley, Carolyn MA Florida Atlantic University Brawley, Vivian Dale, Anne Fitzpatrick, Jan GROFF .1 JEAN (Howard) 842-3088 Ho I I e r, Brenda Hyland, 717 West Kalmia Dr. LP 33403 Thelma Obert, Dama BS University of Illinois Watterson, Linda Werner, Anne Weygant. GUFFEY, JULIE (Jerry) 626-3808 P.O. Box 14756, NPB 33408 jerluary 16 ''Color 'Yourself for -Success" BS East Tennessee State University with Marlene Cull er, Color 7:45 P.m. I Associates. H Chairman: Betty Woo lfe NPB Senior Hospi tal i ty Committee: HAUN JEAN 1 622-5419 C i t i zeas Betty Vantrease, Chairman; 4202 Hyacinth Cir., So. PBG 33410 Center Barbara Adams., Kitty Dew, BS Georgia Southern Debra Gordon, Doris Karlik, MA Florida Atlantic University Betty Robin, Jane Seifert, Pat Sharp, Helen Shick. HAVI LL, JANE (Larry) 844-7486 619 Riverside Rd. , NPB 33408 BA Rollins College January 28 Interbranch Council Luncheon 11 :30 a, m. Speaker: Fran Hathaway of N)HAYES, MARGARETTE626-8680 The Post 525 38th St., WPB 33407 Royce Hotel Chairman: NPB Branch BS Florida A & M 20 13 0 DAHLBERG, LARUE (DONALD) 12935 South Shore Dr. , L P 33410 BS University of Pittsburgh DALE, VIVIAN (George) 737 Teal Way, NPB 33408 BS Florida State University DARNALL, HELEN (Edward) 4126 Mark St., Tequesta 33458 BS Ohio State University DAVI E, MAYBELLE (Robert) 1101 Country Club Dr., NPB 33408 BA Edinburgh University (Scotland) DEW, BARBARA (KITTY) 825 Center St., #38A., Jupiter 33458 BA Smith College DEYLING, SUSAN (Donald) 3716 Cypress St., PBG 33410 BA West Virginia Wesleyan College E C)EMERSON, JEAN (Lewis) 824 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 BA University of Rhode Island MEd Florida Atlantic University ENGELKE, BARBARA 612 Pilot Rd., NPB 33408 BA Mary Washington College 626-0181 622-8219 747-4184 626-7374 747-4698 683-1199 626-2983 848-2746 1983 - 1984 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ki ABBEY, JUDITH 4065 Tanglewood East, #6314, PBG 33410 BA, MA Jersey City State College ADAIR, DONNA (Bil l) 221 Go 1 fv i ew Dr., Teques to 33458 BA University of Florida ADAMS, BARBARA (Fred) 705 Teal Way, NPB 33408 BA University of Michigan MA San Diego State Col 1 ege ASHTON, CECILIA W. (Edwin) 630 Pilot Rd, ,NPB 33408 BS, MS University of Peninsyl van i a ATHERTON, JEAN ( Robert) 17166 Waterbend Dr. , #209, Jup i ter BA Brown Univers i ty AXLEY, MARIAN HEATH (John) 517 Overlook Dr., NPB 33408 BA University of Kentucky MA Florida Atlantic University 0 622-9567 747-5752 622-7412 842-2263 744-2768 33458 626-6540 BAILEY, SARA (Sally) G. (Jack) 845-7189 848_6978 508 Cypress Dr., LP 33403 BA Smith College MLS North Carolina Central University ESCUD I ER, MERED I TH 848-1807 516 Inlet Road, NPB 33408 BA Florida Atlantic University BALASCHAK, JACQUELINE (George) 622-9279 14272 Leeward Way, LP 33410 BS Hof stra University BAUM, EVE (Robert) 11974 Edgewater Terr. , PBG 33410 BA University of Pittsburgh BENJAMI N, NANCY (Marshal I ) 11724 Landing Place, NPB 33408 BA University of Michigan BEVERSTEI N , BERN I CE (Robert) 3000 North Ocean Dr., #10-F Singer Island 33404 AB Michigan State University BOLLER, JEAN ( Bruce) 701 Jacana Way, NPB 33408 BS SUNY New Paltz MEd Florida Atlantic University BOSSO , LU I SA ( W i l I i am) 516 Quadrant Rd. NPB) 33408 BA Barry (""ol ',i ege BOZI C, BARBARA 532 Eastwind Dr. #49 NPB 33408 BS Pennsyl van i a State Un i vers i ty BRAWLEY, CAROLYN (Floyd) 3574 Cypress St,, PBG 33410 BS East Carolina College BREWER, BLANCHE 667 Monet Acres, LP 33410 BS Un i vers i ty of Ch i cago MS Wayne State University 626-0581 622-2762 626-3744 844-4238 844-0755 622-4316 626-7260 BROWN, YVONNE 627-2810 123 Lakeshore Dr. CTW #1045, NPB 33408 BS Central Michigan University C CAIRNES, JUDY 627-5372 4261 Magno I i a St., PBG 33410 746-9256 BDes, MEd University of Florida CAMPBELL, PEGGY (William) 842-0259 P.O. Box 14171 NPB 33408 BS Florida Southern Col lege MS Nova University (C)CHURCHILL, ALCYONE (MIMI) (Leslie) 626-5263 537 Overlook Dr., NPB 33408 BS Bucknel I Un i vers i ty CL.F.---ARE, MOLLY ( Hen ry) 626-6725 .442 -/," �'Uschia Ci r. q So,, PBG 33410 BS Flo -"da Southern Col lege (C)CLOYED, LEOTA (LEA) (Keith) 622-8872 12386 Cocoanut Row, LP 33410 BS NE M i sso�u ri State Un i vers i ty MA Appalachian State University COPPOLA, LENO RA (Henry) 793-6997 12466 Quercus Lane, Wellington 33411 BA University of Florida (C) CRABTREE, ELIZABETH R. 626-6642 21 Yacht Club Dr., " #C-105, NPB 33408 BA Carleton Col lege CRAFT, MARY (Jerome) 626-5130 1005 Country Club Dr,, NPB 33408 BS University of Akron CUSTURERI . MARY 622-5849 4688 Juniper Lane, PBG 33410 BA, MEd Florida Atlantic University 16 17 GLASNER, HARRI ETTE R.W.) 833-8936 3800 Washington Rd., WPB 33405 BA Florida Atlantic University 14 19 F February 19 S i 1 ve r Ann i versa ry Recept ion Hospitality Committee,, 4-6 p.m. Ba rba ra Oetzman, Chairman; Jean Emerson, Jean Groff, FAM I GLI ETT I, MARY 746--6964 Mar, Kilpatrick, Patricia134 Rotunda Dr. Jupiter 33458 842-4258y Sue McLean, BS, MEd Florida Atlantic UniversityLet,.nger, Louva Rogers , Dolores Washam. FENTON, BARBARA (Richard) 842-6419 March 19 0°Women Now and Then'' a play 331 Sandal Lane, PB Shores 33404 Ey new members. BS University of Connecticut 7:45 p.m. Cha'irme'n: Pat Makel y and Peggy Campbell FI TZPATRI CK, ANNE (Frank) 746-8676 NPB Public Hosp i tal g ty Comm i ttee: 310 Pittsburgh Dr. , Jupiter 33458 Library Mimi Larkin, Chairman ; BS Pennsyl van i a State Un i vers i ty Judy Abbey, Barbara Fenton, Marta Gordon, Rose Jackson , Miriam Roberts, Phyllis FLYNN SHERRI E(Edward) ( � - _ 1 287 6237 Sjol ander, Stella Strauss. 3000 SE Falmouth Dr Stuart 33494 BS University of Georgia Oen to the public. April 16 „ �� - Women Leading Women FRANCIS, VIRGINIA 6 05 So. U.S. Hwy. 1 T814, Juno Beach 626_5892 33408 7:45 p.m. Linda Werner H i g h School S -en i o r s' , BA Wells 1 e y Recon i t i on - Jean Haun NPB Public Hosp i tal i ty Comm i ttee: FRANKENTHALER, ELA I NE (Ken) 844_8 270 Library Sue Slone, Cha o rmen , 200 No . Dixie x e Hw . #1201 WPB 33407 5 Y Marianne McCann, Cheryl 1 BS Columbia Un i vers i ty Plotkin, Joyce Ross, Marilynn Smith, Jessie FREEMAN, BREEZY (William) 845-1231 Tripp, Sara Yari ck. 439 Date Palm Dr. , LP 33403 BA Wagner Co 1 1 egeMEd May 21 6:30 I nst_al ]at ion Banquet Idaho State p.m. Program: Installation of officers Jupiter Cha i rman : Anne F i tzpat r i ck Hilton G GLASNER, HARRI ETTE R.W.) 833-8936 3800 Washington Rd., WPB 33405 BA Florida Atlantic University 14 19 1983 - 1984 CALENDAR HEINZ, PAT 10789 Military Trail, ##3, PBG 33410 627-6062 Med Wayne State University September 19 Salad Smorgasbord and HENN I NG , JANET (Albert) 622-2777 Tanzanian Benefit 2336 Bay Ci rcl e, LP 33410 6:30 p.m. Chairman: Molly C1 oa re BS Purdue University T i a rad "Know Your Branch - J uy o P. e rrnan HESL I N, PENNY 842-6323 Hospi tal i t Committee: y 108 Paradise Harbor or Blvd... #202, NPB 33408 Molly C1 ea re, Jean Haun, Be S University of Bridgeport g p Betsy Weston, Chairmen, Cecilia Ashton Jackie HOLLERS JAN (Richard) 626-6329 ' Balasc�hak, Peggy Campbell, 9615 Cypress St. PBG 33410 1�ustureri Sally BS Florida State UniversityMary Regetso, Betty Roth, Lucy Wendel, Dolores Yeaw. HYLAND 1 BRENDA 626-8066 502 Iris Ave., PBG 837-2418 September 24 Wine and Cheese Party BA University of Florida 8 p.m. Hostess: Gloria Schwartz Jupiter Ocean Reservations: 747-4698 J .& or 622-8219 Racquet Club JACKSON, ROSE 622-4537 1415 14th Lane, PBG 33410 October 7-9 Florida State Division BA Ohio State University Sheraton o f Convention Boca Raton - JACKSON SANDY_ 622 7554 October 17 Christmas Craft Ideas P.O. Box 12716, LP 33404 Indiana State University 7:45 p.m. � Art Show Chaff rrnan: Cheryl l Plotki n MA Florida Atlantic University Hospitality Committee: NPB Public Sandy McLain, Cha41 irman; Library l e Donna Adair, Sall Bailey, Sally y, Lea C`;loyed, LaRue Dahlberg, Mar I=ami l i et t i Irene Mary g• KA RL I K, DORIS (Steven) 622-4410 Gray, Gloria Schwartz. 4640 Hol 1 . PBG 410 y D r ' 33 BS Kean Co 1 1 ege November 19 Fashion Show & Luncheon 11:30 a.m. Chairmen : Sue Slone KIDDER, BETTY 842-4039 Hyatt of the and Marilynn Smith 1 170 Sugar Sands B 1 vd. , P.O. Box 10206 Palm Beaches Riviera Beach 3 3404 8 7 - :71 3 � ,� 56 BS Auburn Un i vers i ty 12 21 IP R E S ■N00-1000% W a a arm= W a mWm a 0a ammWmamm 2 z WZ"4 Z i U e U s i • o W •• E -i b--4 gie0 an a an! m Man awl %an 0 0 Eno IMMMMMMI REPRESENTATIVES OF ARFAS OF INTEREST 10 I (N) MCCANN, MARIANN 4199 Larch Ave. PBG 33410 BA Grove City College MA University of Michigan MCLAIN, SANDY (Mike) 5054 El Charo, East, WPB 33406 BS Tennessee Technological MCLEAN, SUE (Howard) 808 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 BS Cornell University MAKELY, PATRICIA (James) 2099 Ardley Court, Juno Isles 33408 BA Kean College MALLARD, NANCY 130 Point Circle, Tequesta 33458 BA Simpson College (N)METCALFE, BARBARA ANN 731 S. Cruise Rd. , NPB 33408 BA., MA Tufts Un i vers i ty MIGNEAULT, BEV (Wal 0 436 51 s t St. I WPB 33407 B FA University of North Carol ina M00 RE, BETTY (Charles) 1037 Marina Dr., NPB 33408 BA Wayne State University MA University of Michigan 111 (C)OBERT, THELMA 505 Anchorage Dr., NPB 33408 BA Dickinson Col I ege MA New York University 23 622-0988 626-8278 684-1065 848-0701 627-1465 746-1470 842-3423 842-9862 626-5794 844-7011 Peace and National Security Empowering Women: Achieving Change Through Advocacy Networks Sara Ya r i ck 626-2749 S t a n d i n_g Committees Educational Foundation Programs Sue Slone Fashion Show Marilynn Smith Sue Slone Bumper Stickers Sandy McLain Legislative Programs Nancy Lewis Women Pat Makely X16 ROSS, JOYCE 383 Church Rd. , Tequesta 33+58 BA University of Florida MA University of South Florida ROTH, BETTYE (Philip) 347 Azalea S t . , PBG 33410 BS, MA University of Alabama S 747-5986 622-3261 622-3164 747-5516 746-6613 X-26 622-5248 S EU FERT, SUSAN 626--2909 12955 Drayton Rd. , Juno I s 1 es 33+08 686- 3859 BA SCHRI DER, CATHERINE MSW Cab Monet Acres, LP 33410 845 - 0106 (C)SHARP, PA T R I CIA 8S Manchester College Lakeshore Dr., #NPB 33+08 SCHWARTZ, GLORIA (Leon) Michigan State University JORC Bldg. M-19 #205, Jupiter 33458 626-0119 BS, MLS Queens College 626=7131 SEIFERT, JANE (Ralph) 626-0119 9004 Country Club Dr., NPB 33408 SJOLANDER, PHYLL I S ( Bob) BS University of Miami 684-1065 MEd University of Maryland 747-5986 622-3261 622-3164 747-5516 746-6613 X-26 622-5248 S EU FERT, SUSAN 626--2909 12955 Drayton Rd. , Juno I s 1 es 33+08 686- 3859 BA University of Florida MSW Barry University 845 - 0106 (C)SHARP, PA T R I CIA 136 Lakeshore Dr., #NPB 33+08 BA Michigan State University SH I CK, HELEN 2371 Azure Ci rcle, LP 33410 BS Ohio State University 747-4381 SJOLANDER, PHYLL I S ( Bob) 422 Crescent Dr. , LP 33.03 BS Central Connecticut State College MEd Florida Atlantic University 25 626-9616 626-0320 848-3569 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 2401 Virginia Avenue, NW Wash i ng ton, D. C. 20037 1 (800) 424-9717 Mary Purcell, President Qu i n ca 1 ee Brown, Executive Director Helen Landers, Vice President South Atlantic Region 321 SE 10th Ct. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 FLORIDA DIVISION Dr. Janet J. Larsen, President 805 NW 20th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32601 1 (904) 376-6689 ULSHAFER., KATHRYN (Frederick) 845"=7745 2800 North Ocean Dr., #110-B Riviera Beach 33404 BA Vi I ]a Maria MS Barry College Ll VANDERLOFSKE, MARILYN 686- 1 253 P.OBox 3441 WPB 33402 BS Florida State University VANTREASE, BETTY (John) 626-6749 29 Yacht Club Dr. #406, NPB 33408 BA Louisiana State University W WASHAM, DOLORES (Bob) 626-1787 1812 Ascott Rd., Juno Isles 33408 rN A!N BS Trenton State College K; MEd Florida Atlantic University WATTERSO N., DAMA (Terence) 626-9130 728 Westwind Dr., NPS 33408 BA Florida Atlantic University WEBER., ELAINE 683-5648 500 N. Congress Ave. #188, WPB 33401 BFA Pratt Institute HIEN DEL, LUCY 622-0884 4234 Hyacinth Ci r. So. PBG 33410 BS Northwestern University WERNER, L I NDA 627-0884 9242 Green Meadows Way, PBG 33410 BA, MEd, PhD University of Florida 6 27 Our anniversary yearbook is dedicated to the: FOUNDERS Mrs. Harold Beery Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs. J. Edwin Obert Mrs, Edward M. Sharp Mrs, C l a i it A. Thomas and 4 29 CHARTER MEMBERS M rs, Wi 1 l i am Abbott Mrs, William Barnett Mrs, Harold Beery Mrs. Les] ie Churchill Mrs. Keith Cloyed M rs . Harvard Crabtree Mrs. John Dower Mrs, Lewis Emerson Mrs. Herbert G i 1 dan Mrs. Thomas Hart Mrs, Albert Keller Mrs, Eugene Lehmann Mrs, J. Edwin Obert Mrs. C. Donald Robin Mrs, Edmond Rodman Mrs, Max Schilling Mrs. Edward Sharp Mrs. Wi 1 1 i am Sunsh i ne Mrs. Harold Tiedemann Mrs. Lowell Va n Du z ee 4 29 PAST PRIES ! DENTS North Palm Beach Branch Patricia Sharp 1959-1961 Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 193-1965 Lu Lehmann 1965-1967 Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 Sue Kohlmeyer 1969-1970 Nancy Fisher 1974-1971 Jean Groff 1971-1973 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 Virginia Eng 1975-1977 Priscilla Bennett 1977-1979 Jane Havill 1979-1981 Published by The Amer i can Assoc i 4,3t ion of Un i vers i ty Women North Palm Beach Branch President:: Judy P i e rman September, 1983 Sales Tax Exemption No, 1459 2 31