NPB AAUW Yearbook 1978-1979NORTH PALM BEAGI.1 B RAN C 1-1 AAUW 1978 = 1979 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OF AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 1978 - 1979 YEARBOOK k f PURPOSE Continuing Intellectual Growth Advancement of Women *Responsibility to Society / I i i f i PURPOSE Continuing Intellectual Growth Advancement of Women *Responsibility to Society NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS , 2401 Virginia Avenue, N.W. 1-800-424-9717 Washington, D.C. " Association President Dr. Marjorie Bell Chambers Vice President, South Atlantic Region Mrs. Anna Dale Kek F1 or ida Division President 01 ive t t e B of ord NORTH PALM BEACHB�� FFICERS President Priscilla Bennett First Vice President Leota Cloyed Second Vice President Susan Deylin Recording Secretaryg Leila Kaz imir Corresponding Secretary Maybe l le Davie Treasurer Sue Slone A PAST PRESIDENTS Pat Sharp 1959-1961 Thelma Obert 1961-1963 Kate Gildan 1963-1965 Lu Lehmann 1965-1967 Barbara Abbott 1967-1969 Sue KQhlmeyer 1969-1970 Nancy'Fisher 1970-1971 Jean Groff 1971-1973 Libby Saylor 1973-1975 ,� Virginia Eng 1975-1977 LAJ . .. .. .. CA IMM■ ■ ■ W ■ ■ ■ ■ Q' ■ ' ■ • ■ x ■ 44 ■ ■ ■ o �, cot 3 . ■ • A.■� .. w ,. ��° �� • r� .. • , . 44 .. .. o ; • , • .� ;. rX4Sam o .. •• b Q REPRESENTATIVES OF AREAS OF INTI RLST ct CA ' ■ • ■ x ■ 44 ■ ■ ■ o �, cot 3 . ■ • A.■� .. w ,. ��° �� • r� .. • , . 44 .. .. o ; • , • .� ;. rX4Sam o .. •• b Q ,� ct ■ ,� • . w ■ ■ • . ■ i,.■..., i■■.■■r . . I■■■■■■L .■■■■■■■ , • • 1 TO 4 TOPIC COMMITTE CHAIRMAN • BOARD MEMBERS 4 Foundations Eve Baum 626-0581 Legislative lat ive Jean Atherton 626-6425 Women Lucille Wendel 622-2129 Publicity Muriel Faile 622-6355 Hospitality i LaRue Dahlberg 626-0181 Bulletin Jane Havill 844-7486 Marian Heath Gloria Schwartz 844-8703 AREA REPRESENTATIVES 844-7011 Telephone Committee Education Phyllis Sjolander 848-3569 Community Problems Elaine James 622-2862 Cultural Interests Judy Pierman 626-6486 International Problems Louva Rogers 626-5427 TOPIC CHAIRMEN 844-7011 Book Fair Agents of Chane g g Betty Vantr as y e e 2 - 6 6 b749 Politics of Food Anita Spassoff 622-4048 Goals of Education Virginia Eng 622-6463 SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Libraries Benefit Jean Groff 842-3088 Christmas Benefit Jane Seifert 622-5248 Installation Dinner Marian Heath 622-5258 Historian Thelma Obert 844-7011 Telephone Committee Mahala Ernst 622-7262 Calendar Sales Jean Boller 626-0721 Yearbook Judy Cairnes 622-2244 Anniversary Dinner Jean Groff. 842-3088 Thelma Obert 844-7011 Book Fair C ALEN DAR TOPICS: WOMEN AS AGENTS OF CHANGE THE POLITICS OF FOOD REDEFINING THE GOALS OF EDUCATION General meetings are usually held the third Monday of each month at 8:00 PM. Location of meeting will be announced in the Bulletin. Board Meetings are usually held the first Monday of each month at 8:00 P.M at the North Palm Beach Elementary School Library. September 18 Salad Smorgasbord, 6:30 PSI at the home of Margie Yount, 866 Lakeside - Drive, NPB. Introduction -.or" the program and study groups. ' «Ienn.-- Bratten Smorgasbord Chair:-nan. October 16 Women, Betty Vantrease Chairman. Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Zephyr Freeman; Anita Deason, Elaine Hill, Pat Lets inger, Kathy Lounsbury, Lucille Tlendel, Edith Wiesenberg, November 20 Education,, Phyllis S j olan.der and Maybelle Davie Chairmen. Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Irene Gray, Barbara Fenton, Phoebe Flannigan, Jean Hahn, Norine Kildea, Louva Rogers, Anna Shay, December 11 Christmas Meeting at the home of Pud Brogan, 1031 Fairview Lane , Si. Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Lu Lehmann; Barbara Abbott, Barbara Adams, Betty Crabtree, Marta Gordon, Barbara Oetzman, Aileen T,Iinship. December 19 January 15 January February March 19 April 23 May Annual Christmas Dinner; Jane Seifert Chairman.- Old Port Cove Yacht Club. Cocktails at 7 FM; Dinner at 8 PM; Dancing to the music of Paul Scollan. Music Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Betty Robin; Mimi Churchill, Marian Heath, Fuema Klorfein, Sue McLean, Paulette Spassoff, Stella Strauss. i Field Trip to Sugar Mill in Belle Glade. Twentieth Anniversary Women, Eve Baum, Chairman, Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Carolyn Brawley ; Joanne Augustyn, Nancy Benjamin, 41 Sue Crooks , Ginger Eng, Jane Higginbotham! Helen Sh ick Soap Box Month; Legislative; Jean Atherton and Louva Rogers, Chairmen. Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Delores Washam, Judy Babcock, Jean Boller, Janet Nossal, Susan Seufert, Delores Yeaw, Helen Zientex, A Installation Dinner; Marian Death, Chairman. MEMBERSHIP BOLLER, Jean (Bruce) 626-0721 B S , Suny, , New Platz ABBOTT, Barbara (William) 626-5036 MEd, Florida Atlantic University BS University of Connecticut 701 Jacana Way, NPB 33408 820 Country C 1 ub Drive, NPB 33408 BOSSO, Luisa (William) 844-0755 ADAMS, Barbara (Fred) 622-7412 BA, Barry College BS University of Michigan 516 Quadrant Road, NPB 33408 705 Teal Way, NPB 33408 BRATTEN , Glenna (Thomas) 622-2384 ATCHINSONI Susan (David) 832-9896 BS, Virginia Commonwealth University BA University of Florida 10221 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 MA, Louisiana State University 236 Murray Road WPB 33405 BRAWLEY , Carolyn (Floyd) 622-4316 BS, East Carolina College ATHERTON , Jean (Robert) 626-6425 3574 Cypress Street, PBG 33410 BA, Brown University 28 County Club Drive, NPB 33408 11 y BREWER, Blanche 626-7260 BS, University g rs it of Chicago AUGUSTYN , Joann ( Joseph) 626-3586 MS,,' Wayne State University BS, University of Connecticut 667 Monet Acres, LP 33410 2050 North Palm Circle, Juno 33408 • BUXE , Anita (Paul) 622-2591 BABCOCK, Judith (Blakely) 842-8145 BA, University of Louisville BA Sarah Lawrence College 2364 Windsor Road, LP 33410 731 West Ilex Drive, LP 33403 CAIRNES , Judy 622-2244 BALASCHAK Jacquie (George) q g 622-9279 BDes, University of Florida BS, Hotstra University MEd, University of Florida 14272 Leeward tea) Juno 33408 8641 Sunset Drive, LP 33410 AUMEve (Rober t , 626-0581 CAMPBELL, Peggy (William) 848-6328 BA, University of Pittsburgh BS, Florida Southern 11974 Edgewater Terrace, LP 33410 -°�' 541 Drif twood Road , NPB 33408 BENJAMIN , Nancy (Marshall) 622_2762 � CHURCHILL., Mimi (Leslie) 6265263 BA, University of Michigan BS , Bucknell University 11724 Landing Place NPB 33408 537 Overlook Drive, NPB 33408 T Priscilla BENI�ETT Pr is c 1 (John) ) $44-0309 CLOYED, Lea (Keith) 622-8872 , BS, Florida Atlantic University BS, N, E. Missouri State University MEd University of Florida MA, Appalachian State University 323 Hawthorne Drive, LP 33403 12386 Cocoanut Row, LP 33410 COPPOLA, Lenora (H. N. ) BA, University of Florida 8315 Pinetree Lane, WPB 33406 CRABTREE, Betty BA, Carleton College 21 Yacht Club Drive, Apt 105C, NPB 33408 CRAFT, Mary (Jerome) BS, University of Akron 1005 Country Club Drive, NPB 33408 CROOKS, Sue (Richard) BS, Middle Tennessee State, MS, Univers"ity of Tenries see 2630 Flamango Lake Drive, WPB 33406 DAHLBERG, LaRue (Donald) BS, University of Pittsburg 12935 South Shore Drive, LP 33410 DAVIE , Maybel le (Robert) BA, Edinburgh University 1101 Country Club Drive, NPB 33408 REASON, Juanita (M. C . ) BA, Samford University MA, Samford University 6202 Washington Road, WPB 33405 DEYLING, Susan (Donald) BA, West Virginia Wesleyan College 3716 Cypress Street, PBG 33410 ENG, Virginia (Al) BS, University of Toledo 10032 Daisy Avenue, PBG 33410 ENGELKE , Barbara (Eugene) BA, Mary Washington College (University of Virginia) 612 Pilot Road, NPB 33408 586-7606 ERNST, Mahala (R. C.) 622-7262 BS, Georgia Tecb 948 Alamanda Drive, NPB 33408 626-6642 EVANS, Janis (Roger) 622-5482 BS University of Oklahoma 10214 Dogwood Avenue, PBG 33410 626-5130 FAILE , Muriel (Charles) 622-6355 BA, Winthrop College MAT, Winthrop College 689=8349 9644 Spruce Lane, PBG 33410 626-0181 62.6 - I .,► 588-7933 626-2983 622-6463 FENTON, Barbara (Richard) 842-6419 BS, University of Connecticut 331 Sandal Lane, PBS 33404 FL -NT -NT IGAN , Phoebe (T4" 11) 848-6 510 ' lucknel l University ' -side Drive, NPB 33408 FREEMAN, Caryn (Donald) BS , State University of New York 10123 Dahlia Avenue, PBG 33410 FREEMAN, Zephyr (William) BA, Wagner College MEd, Idaho State 439 Date Palm Drive, LP 33.403 FUSS, Meg (Larry) BS, Colorado State 3420 Capri Road, LP 33410 GLASNER, Harriette (Rudolph) BA, Florida Atlantic University 3 800 Washington Road, Apt. A806, WPB 3340-' UORDON , Marta (Robert) BA, Lake Erie College MAY University of Florida 1191 Fairview Lane, SI 33404 622-6208 845-1231 622-1674 833-8936 842-3502 KAZIMIR, Leila (Donald) 626-4451 BA, Connecticut College GRAYIrne (Jerome) , 622-7188 106 Gulfstream Roadj, r'PB 33408 t BA Carson Newman ' KILDEA, Norine (R. J.) 626-7533 MS, Florida Atlantic University ; BS College of St. Elizabeth g 12 900 South Shore Drive, LP 33410 RD, Yale, New Haven Medical Center (Howard) GROFFJea n Howard 842-3088 2063 Ascott Circle, Juno Isles 33408 BS, University of Illinois 717 West Kalmia Drive, LP 33403 KILPATRICK, Mary (Wallace) 842-4552 � BA, Vanderbilt University HAUN Jean ' (Lee) 622-5419 Florida Atlantic University BS, Georgia Southern 753 Anchorage Drive, NPB 33408 MA, Florida Atlantic University r ' KLORFEIN Fruema (Elliot) 842-2835 Circle, e S PBG 33410 4202 Hyacinth i rc 1 . , , BS, Simmons College HAV ILL Jane(Larry) 844-7486 501 Quadrant Road, NPB 33408 BA Rollins College 411 Anchorage Lane NPB 33408 LEHMANN, Lu (Eugene) 746-397 2 BS University of Michigan HEATH Marian(Joseph) 622-5258 96 Fairview West, Tequesta 33458 BA, University of Kentucky LETSINGER, Patricia (Richard) 848-8012 4601 Sprue Lane, PBG 33410 BS, University of Chicago HENNESSEY , Joan (T.H.) 845-0700 5480 North Ocean Drive, RB 33404 BS, Simmons College LOUNSBURY, Kathy (Richard) 626-7473 s Drive 143 Lighthouse , NPB 33408 BA, Glassboro State College HIGG INBOTH.AM , Jane (Frank) ) 626-3422 4388 Applecrest Drive, PBG 33410 BS, Auburn University Mc GILL Maureen ( Gerald) 848-7534 B 8 1592 Juno Isles Boulevard NP 3340 , BA, St. John's University (NY) HILL Elaine( Lucuis) 842-1680 JD Law, Catholic University 1200 Gulfstream Way, RB 33404 BS, Winthrop College 1e e 1050 Singer Drive, RB 33404 McLEAN , Sue ( Howard) 848-0701 HILL Frances J4 626-7034 BS, Cornell University 808 Anchorage Drive, NPB 33408 BA Northwestrity er n Unive s' 8695 Citation Drive, LP 33410 NIEBCH, Jane (John) 622-6488 KARLIK Doris (Steven) 622-4410 BS, C. W. Post College BS,, Kean College 351 Azalea Street, PBs 33410 4640 Holly Drive, PBG 33410 NOSSAL, Janet (John) _BS, Carnegie-Mellon University MEd,, Duquesne University 445 Harbor Road, NPB 33408 OBERT, Thelma (J. Edwin) BA, Dickinson College MA, New York University 505 Anchorage Drive, NPB 33408 OETZMAN , Barbara (John) BS, Florida Southern 1071 Fairview*Lane, RB 33404 PERRY, Betty (Charles) BS, Florida International University 11276 Old Harbour Road, NPB 33408 PIERMAN , Judy (Jerry L.) BS, Bluffton College 560 Greenway Drive, NPB 33408 PRADETTO, Jean (A.) BA, Florida Atlantic University 8175 Needles Drive, LP 33410 RHOADS , Janice (Richard) BA, College of Mt. St. Joseph 8791 North Elizabeth Street, LP 33403 ROBIN, Betty (Donald) BA, Western Reserve University 508 Bay Road, NPB 33408 ROGERS , Louva (Leon) BA, Allegheny College 565 Greenway Drive, NPB 33408 RYBERG, Kathy (Roger) BAE , University of Florida .MEd, Florida Atlantic University 642 Shore Road, NPB 33408 842-1709 844-7011 848-0495 626-6529 626-6486 622-2067 622-8453 844-0088 626-5427 845-7054 SCHWARTZ , Gloria (Leon) 844-8703 BS, Queens College MLS, Queens College 2800 ocean Drive, A -7B, S1 33404 SEIFERT, Jane (Ralph) 622-5248 BS, University of Miami MEd,, University of Maryland 1004 Country Club Dive, NPB 33408 SEUFERT , Susan ( Bernard) 64 6-2 909 BA, University of Florida 12955 Drayton Road, NPB 33408 ' SHARP, Pat - 844-0166 BA, Michigan State University 535 K i ngf ish Road, NPB 33408 SHAY, Anna 746-6247 BA, Purdue University MEd, Kent State University 14B Turtlecreek Drive, Tequesta 33458 SHICK, Helen, (William), 626--0320 BS , Ohio State University 2371 Azure Circle'. LP 33410 SJOLANDER, Phyllis (Robert) 848-3569 BS, Central Connecticut State College MEd, Florida Atlantic University 422 Crescent Drive, LP 33403 SLONE, Sue (Aaron) 626-0119 BS, Florida State University BS, University of Florida Sp. of Ed, Florida Atlantic University 4211 Larch Avenue, PBG 33410 SPASSOFF, Anita E Alex) 622-4048 BA, Wittenberg University 276 Camellia Street, PBG 33410 SPASSOFF, Paulette (Dimiter) 585-3507 BA, Wittenberg University 149 Bloomfield Drive, WPB 33405 STRAUSS, Stella (Albert) 848-4689 MS,, University of Maryland 413 Quadrant Road, NPB 33408 VANTREASE, Betty (John) 626-6749 BA, Louisiana State University Ports -of Call, #406 29 Yacht Club Drive, NPB 33408 WASHAM, Dolores (Robert) 1 626-1787 BS, Trenton State College MEd,, Florida Atlantic University 1812 Ascott Road., Juno Isles 33408 WENDEL, Lucille (Otto) 622-2129 BS, Northwestern University 4234 Hyacinth Circle, PBG 33410 WESTON, Betsy (Edward) 848-1606 BS, Florida State University MEd,, Florida Atlantic University 651 Australian Circle, LP 33403 WHELAN, Jackie (John) 626-5084 BS, New York State University MA, Hofstra University 872 Fathom 'Court, NPB 33408 11-1 WIESENBERki, Edith (Herbert) 845-0744 BA, Cornell University 5600 North Dixie Highway, Apt 2309 WPB 33407 WINSHIP., Aileen (Robert) 626-6816 BS., D'Youville College 1029 Country Club Drive, NPB 33408 YEAW, Delores (Harold) 844-6824 BS, Florida Atlantic University MEd, Florida Atlantic University 645 Kingfish Road, NPB 33408 YOUNT, Margie (Arthur) 626-4555 BA, University of Alabama 866 Lakeside Drive, NPB 33408 ZAM-MIT, Margo (Robert) 622-0857 BA, Florida Southern MEd,, Florida Atlantic University 1970 Smith Lane, Juno Beach 33408 ZIENTEX, Helen (Chester) 626-2475 BA., Florida Southern 2070 Pleasant Drive, Juno Beach 33408