NPB AAUW Yearbook 1974-1975n") . Work? � Ma�tu-: S�agree.. i� #49A W d rr) a.n t n Sear coh d -P 4coracJ4 9 74- 19 T5 WHITE, Mrs. Buff (Earl) Be S. , University of Maine 1587 Juno Isles Blvd, , Juno Isles 626,--3487 WHI TFI ELD , Mrs. Carol ( Be A. , Rauli.ns College M.0 . S. , Raulins College 1184.4. Lake Shore Place, N.P.B. 626-1264. WILLIAMS, Mrs. Nina (Dale) Be A. , University of Florida, Mo Ed . , University of Florida 14220 Harbor Lane , Lake Park 622-766u WILSON, Mrs. Jan (Russell) B. 9., Bowling Green State M. A., Zouisana Polytechnic Inst. 2398 South Shore Drive, Lake Park 622-2349 WINSHIP, Mrs. Aileen (Robert) Be, S., D°Youville College 1029 Country CLib Drive, N.P.B. 844-7075 YOUNT, Mrs. Margie (Arthur) Be A . , University of Alabama 866 Lakeside Drive, N.P.B. 848--b674 . ZAM'j4IT, Mrs. Margo (Robert) Be A., Florida Southern Me Ed. , Florida Atlantic University 8440 Nashua Drive, Lake Park 622--0857 LATE MEMBERSHIP SEUFERT,Mre. Susan (Bernard) Be A. University of Florida 12955 Drayton Road, N.P.B. 626—?909 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Yearbook 1974 -- 1975 ROGERS. Mrs . Louva (Leon A. ) B. A. , Allegheny College 565 Greenway Drive, N.P.B. 848-4406 ROSNER, Mrs. Janet (victor P.) B. A., Bucknell 761 Dory Road So., N.P.B. 842-3960 ROTH, ?vlrs. Bettye (Philip W. ) B. S., University of Alabama M9 A. , University of Alabama 347 Azelea Street, P.B.G. 622-3261 SAYLOR, Mrs. Libby (Robert) B. A. , University of Florida 1888 Ascott Road, Juno Isles 626-0959 SCHILLING, Mrs. Catherine (Max) Be A . , Nazareth College M. A., Marquette University 524 Kingfish Road, NP .B. 84.4-0669 SHARP,, Mrs. Pat (Edward) ve n� s _ eid�-StaUL1-Lv-iVjy0Afi�lj.4.g 535 Ki.ngfish Road, N. P.B. 844-•01.66 RUSSELL, Mrs. Jane (Donald) SNICK, Mrs. Helen (William) B. A., University of New Hampshire B. S., Ohio State University 513 Lighthouse Drive, N.P.B. 2371 Azure Circle, Lake Park 848--701 626-0320 RYBERG , Mrs. Kathy (Roger) SJOLANDERrs � PhyllisPhyll (R. Js) University of Florida B. S. Central M. Ed. Florida C ral Connecticut State Col. da Atlantic University M . Edeq Florida Atlantic . 6q.2 Shore Road N.P.B. Universi.ty ' 422 Crescent Drive, fake Park 848-5744 848-3569 P U R P O S E Continuing intellectual growth Advancement of Women * Responsibility to Society GORDON, Mrs. 1141arta (Robert) Be Ao, Lake Erie College M* A*, University of Florida 1191 Fairview Lane, Singer Island 842— 35 02 GRAY,Mrs. Irene ( Jerome ) Be A., Carson Newman College Me S99 Florida Atlantic University 1290 South Shore Drive Lake Park 622-7188 GROFF, Mrs* Jean (Howard) Be, So University of Illinois 717 W Kalmia Drive Lake Park 842-3088 HARMON, Mrs. Leah (Kenneth E.) B. So, Ohio University 12071 Captains Landing, N.P.B. 626-2908 HEATH, Mrs,, Marian (Joseph) Be A. 9 University of Kentucky 4601 Spruce Lane, P.R.G. 622— 52 58 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 2401 Virginia Avenue, Ne Wo Washington, Do Co Association President Dr* Anne Campbell vice President, S. Atlantic Region Mrs. Adelaide He Stagman Florida, Division President Mrs. Gloria Peters HIGGINBOTHAM , Mrs. Jane (Frank) Bo So, Auburn University 1.592 Juno Isles Blvd., N.P.B. 626-3422 HULS, �Iliss Elizabeth A. Be, Duke University U Me A., Middlebury College 415 U* So #1., Apt* 104, N*P*Be 844-8293 JAMRqIII & %Ml"St 7lainn .f A.A I - -j" rl_,F A� CA, C.I.-L -A- N-, k,-? ITI 0 B. So University of Miami 2073 Ascott Circle, Juno Isles 622-2862 KAZI�IIR, Mrs, Leila (Donald) B. A. , Connecticut College 106 Gulfstream Road, 842-4790 KLORFEIN, `,Irs. Fruema (Elliot) Be Sog Simmons Colle>,-j.,e 501 Quadrant Road, N.P.D. 842-2835 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OFFICERS President Mrs. Libby Saylor 1st Vice Pres. Mrs* Elaine James 2nd Voice Pres, Mrs. Margaret Campbell Recording Sec. Mrs* Louva Rogers Correse Sec, Mrs. Phoebe Flannigan Treasurer Mrs* Harriette McAnally PAST PRESIDENTS Mrs* Pat Sharp Mrs. Thelma Obert Mrs, Herbert Gildan Mrs, Lu Lehmann, Jr. Mrs. Sue Kohlmeyer Mrs, Nancy Fisher Mrs, Jean Groff 1959-1961 1961-1963 1963-1965 1965-1967 1969-1970 197&-1971 1971-1973 BEUTTENMELLER , Mrs. Marilyn lyn ( Be A. , Rosary college m .B.A. , University of Florida 1240 6.inger Drive, Re Be 844-0935 BONNER, Mrs. Rae (George A.) B • 6 . , Longwood College 4264 Hyacinth Circle, P.B.G. 622-5214 BOSSO, Mrs. Maria Luisa (William) B. A.. Barry College 51.6 Quadrant Road, N. -P. -B. 844-0755 BRAWLED', Mrs, O ar o lyn (Floyd) Be S e , East Carolina College 3574 Cypress Streei , P.B.G. 622-4316 BURKART, Mrs* Charlotte (Donald) Be S., Towson State College Me S . , McCoy College of Johns Hopkins 1221 Dickerson. Road, North Wales, Pa. CAMPBELL Mrs. Mararet (W. H.) B. S., Florida Souhern University 541 Driftwood Road, N.P.B. 84.8-6328 CHURCHILL, Mrs, Mimi (Leslie) Be S . , Bucknell University 537 overlook Drive, N.B.B. 843-2648 CLOYED, Mrs. Lea (Keith) Be Se � N. E. Missouri State Univ. Me A., Appalachian State University 12386 Cocoanut Row, Lake Park 622-8872 BUICK, Mrs. Traci (Alan J.) CRABTREE, Mrs. Betty Be S. , Bowling Green State University B • A • Carlet®n C®lie e Me S. , Florida Atlantic University Apt. 105C, 28 Yacht Club Dr., N.P.B. 8 314 Riverside Drive, P.B.G. 844-9608 622-5348 'resident Treasurer Implementation Chairman All Study Groups Fellowship Chairman Legislative Chairman Policy Making Chairman Parliamentarian Publicity Chairman Hospitality Chairman Bulletin Chairman April 21 Film: "Modern Woman --The Uneasy Life" Program Chairman: Elaine James Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Jane Higginbotham, Barbara Adams, Muriel Faile, Leila Kazimir, Kathy Ryberg, Phyllis Sjolander, Jackie Stough may 19 Installation Dinner "Land Use Planning in Palm Beach County" Guest Speaker: Elsie Levitan, member of the Palm Beach County Land Use Planning Board Dinner Chairman: Susie Forgham Program Chairman: Harriette McAnally Education Mrs. Sue Kohlmeyer SPECIAL C01111TILITTPEE CHAIRMEN Libraries Benefit Christmas Benefit Installation Dinner Historian Fellowships Project Telephone Committee Resource File Yearbook Cover Yearbook Mrs, Bettye Roth Mrso Traci Buick Mrs* Phoebe Flannigan Mrs. Susie Forgham Mrs, Maybelle Davie Mrs, Nina Williams Mrs* Anita Spassoff Mrs. Gail Rigg Mrs, Betty Robin Twirs* Libby Saylor Mrs, Harriette McAnally 8:00 p.m* at the St. John's Lutheran Church in Lake Park* September 23 Supper Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at First Federal Savings L.P. /"Women in Politics Today" Guest Speakers: Jackie Winchester, Supervisor of Elections of Palm Beach Cou.n y_;Susan Weaver, candi- date for House Seat 31, Florida Legislature; and Dr. Donna Cotton, candidate for House Seat 829 Fla. Leg. Program Chairman: Elaine James Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Jean Groff Maybelle Davie, Elaine Jaynes, Betty Vantrease October 21 "Legal. Rights of Women" Guest Speaker: Rosemary Barket Attorney Program Chairman: Libby ay or Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Jackie Balaschak, Marilyn Beutt enmuller , Maria Bo s so , LaRue Dahlberg, Gail Rigg, Jane Russell, Bernice Wadepuhl November 18 "The Future of Palm Beach County Schools!' Guest Speaker: Dr* Anne Smith, Principal Program Chairman: Sue Kohlmeyer Refrestment Committee: Chairman, Helen Shick, Betty Crabtree, Mary Craft, Harriet Glasner, Pat Nason, Betty Robin, Aileen Winship December 16 K,hristrnas Meeting at the home of Barbar, Oetzman Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Barbara Oetzman, Nancy Fisher, Leah Harmon, .rruema Klorfein, Stella Strauss, Buff White, Margie Yount December 20 Annual Christman Dinner -Dance Brazilian Court, Palm Beach Cocktails 7--8 p.m., Dinner 8-9 p.m., Dancing 9-12 p.m. Chairman: phoebe Flanigan January 18 Saturday Art Field Trip and Luncheon Program Chairman: Jackie Whelan February 17 Panel Discussion on Learning Disabilities in Children Panel: Jean Moyle, Chairman of the Learning Di sabili-- ties Project for the Junior League.; Glenna Starr; Mimi Churchill Program Chairman: Mimi Churchill Refreshment Committee: Chairman, Kathryn Schilling, Nancy Benjamin, Carolyn Brawley, Lea Cloyed, Jane O'Brien, Anita Spassoff, Delores Washam March 17 't Status of Women in Palm Beach County' Guest Speaker: Pe _ :fit . member of the Status of Women Committee, appointed by the County Commissioners Fellowships Regi slaiive Policy Making Parliamentarian Publicity Hospitality Bulletin World Problems Mrs. Janet Rosner Mrs. Barbara Abbott Mrs, Thelma Obert Mrs. Howard Groff Mrs, Jan Wilson Mrs. Nina Williams Mrs. Betty Vantrease Mrs, Virginia Eng AREA REPRESENTATI V Eb Community Problems Cultural Interests MEMBERSHIP ABBOTT, Mrs. Barbara (William) Be So, University of Connecticut 820 Country Club Drive, N.P.B. 848-1056 ADAM6, Mrs. Barbara (Fred Do) Be Se. University of Michigan '105 Teal Way, N.P.B. , -% r-% 41-1 1-174i..G ATHERTON, Mrs* Jean (Robert) Be A., Brown University 501 Privateer Road, N.P.B. 848- 30 59 BALASCHAK, Mrs. Jackie (George) ID 0 Uni -vra-rQ.-i -r.V Mrs, Jean Atherton Mrs. Pat Sharp Mrs. Jackie Whelan BARTON, Mrs* Shirley (James) B.S., Western Michigan University 509 Anchorage Drive, N.P.B. 842-4517 BAT I, mrs* Eve (Robert D*) Be A., University of Pittsburgh 11974 Edgewater Terrace, Le Po 6- 42 6 - 0 56 1 BEERY, Mrs* Dorit (Harold) Bo A., Northwestern University 3865 Lake Drive, Boynton Beach 732-0116 BENJAMIN,Mrse Nancy (Marshall) B. A.. University of Michigan BRANCH STRUCTURE CRAFT, Mrs. Mary (Jerome W.) Be S . , University of Akron 1005 Country Club Drive, N.P.B. 659-3366 DAHLBE7L 'G, 'Mrs, LaRue (Donald) Bo S., University of Pittsburg 12935 So. Shore Drive, Lake Park 6 26-0131 DAVIE, 11,1rs, TAaybelle (Robert) B. As, Edinburgh University 1101 Country Clab Drive, N,P*B, 844-1212 EAG T ,, 1�rs, Virginia (Al ) Be S . , University of Toledo 10032 Daisy Avenue7 P*B*GO 622-6463 FAILE, Mrs. Muriel (Charles DO) B. A., Winthrop College 'R1 r 'M A IV -; I-% +I-% r^ -r\ r, r% 1 1 'n rr'n Vice—President Program Development Area Representatives World Problems Community Problems Cultural Interests Education Vice—President Membership Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary FISHER, Mrs. Nancy, (James) Be S., Western Virginia University 3581 Cypress Street, P.B.G. 622— 505 5 FLANNIGAN, Mrs. Phoebe (Hugh) Be S. Bucknell University 636 Lakeside Drive, N.P.B. 848-6510 FORGHAM, Mrs. Susie (James) A*B*T*q High Point College 3595 Lighthouse Driveq P.B.G. 622-4018 FREF--,�AN, Mrs. Zephyr (William) Be A., Wagner College M * Ed., Idaho State 439 Date Palm Drive , Lake Park 848-9193 GLASSNER, Mrs. Harriet (Rudolph) 'D A 1'1 -1 r% -,, _*1 A , A + -1 -, " + A T Tin -; vrn -" en, 4 KOHLMEYER, Mrs,, Sue Hammond OBERT, Mrs. Thelma (J. Edwin) B. A., Wayne State UniversityBo Ao, Dickinson Me A., Florida Atlantic University Me A*, New York University 737 Hummingbird Way, Apt. 12, N.P.B. 505 Anchorage Drive, N.P.B. 848-1614 844-7011 LEHMANN, Mrs. Lu (Eugene Jr.) O'BRIEN, Mrs. Jane (Daniel) Be So, University of Michigan Be Soy Ursuline College 96 Fairview West, Tequesta 70 Celestral Way, Juno Beach 746-3972 6 26-2037 MC ANALLY, Mrs. Harriette (William) OETZMAN, Mrs. Barbara (John) Be So, University of Florida B. Sol Florida Southern 14117 Harbor Lane, Lake Park 1071 Fairview Lane, Riviera Beach uoc —nuo'7I Vc 848 —j 4 ^ r MC LEAN, Mrs, Sue (Howard) Be So, Cornell University 808 Anchorage Drive, N.P.B. 848- 0701 NASON, Mrs, Pat (Will) "R - q - - P1 n-ri rl n qnn+1h or RIG G, Mrs, Gail (John) Bo A*, Florida State University 1113 Country Club Drive, N.P.B. 842-7162 ROBIN, Mrs. Betty (Donald) 'D A TIT ,% 1.. 4- .% . ft %.0% n - - rT- .2 SPASSOFF, Mrs. Anita (Alex) Bo As, Wittenberg University V 276 Camellia Street, P.B.G. 622-4048 ST* JOHN, Mrs, Gus Arthur) Be A*. Connecticut ollege 1008 Country Club Drive, N.P.B. 848-8756 STEPHAN, Mrs. Carol (Albert) Be So, Columbia University 270 Pendleton Avenue, Palm Beach 655-4291 9 -- STOUGH , Mrs. Jackie (Foster) Be So, Adelphi College 521 Flotilla Road, N,,P.,B,, 848- 549 4 STRAUSS, Mrs. Stella (Albert) Me So, University of Maryland VANTREASE, Mrse Betty (John) Be A*, Louisiana State Ports—of—Call, 29 Yacht 01 -,ib Dr. NPB 844-7561 WADEPUHL, Mrs. Bernice (Walter) A. Be, West Virginia University 3884 Carnation Circle, P.B.G. 61.9-2-3544 WASHAM, Mrs, Delores (Robert) Be So, Trenton State 812 Ascott Road, N,",D.,B, 6"96-1787 WESTON, Mrs. Betsy (Edward) Be S. , Florida State University Me Ed., Florida Atlantic University 651 Austrian Circle, Lake Park 848-1606 WHELAN, Mrs. Jackie (John)