NPB AAUW Yearbook 1963-1964N_ N 5 n I c c c NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN YEARBOOK I .9 6 3 1 9 6 4 PURPOSE Continuing intellectual growth Advancement of women Responsibility to society NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 2401 Virginia Avenue, N. We Washington 7, Do C* Association President Dr. Blanche Dow 2401 Virginia Avenue, No We Washington 7, ®. C. Florida Division President Mrs. R,, E. Barthelemy 1600 Hol�Y Oaks Lake Rd.,- Ee Jacksonvii �e 11 , Florida NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OFFICERS President Mrs. H. L. Giidan 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. Wm Shick 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. L. G. VanDuzee Recording '-)ecy. Mrs. Robt. Phillips Corres. Secy. Mrs,, Vincent Pappalardo Treasurer Mrs. H. H. Crabtree Past Presidents Mrs. Edward Sharp 1959 - 1961 Mrs. J. E. Obert 1961 -1963 AREA REPRESENTATIVES World Problems Mrs. Wm. Abbott Community Problems Cultural Interests Mrs. Phillip Wooley Education Mrs. E. Lehmann Fe I I owsh ips Mrs. J. E. Obert Legislative Mrs. Ralph Huls Bulletin Editor Mrs. Jack Diamond Membership Mrs. L. G. VanDuzee Parliamentarian Mrs. Max Schilling Program Mrs. Wm. Shick Publicity Mrs. Max Schilling SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Arts Festival Calendar Sale Mrs. Marvin Glickstein Christmas Dinner Mrs. Harold Beery F inance Mrs. H. H - Crabtree Historian nibs. Henry Nevui is Hospital i ty Mrs. Don Dahlberg Library Promotion Mrs. Ralph Huls Luncheon Mrs. Wm. Barnett Yearbook Mrs. Vincent Pappalardo Mrs -, Robert Phillips AAUW -STUD`,9/ GROUPS CULTURAL ERE -c-1-19 If:-) coupies Book and Great issues Discussion - Mrs, Donald Robin', Last Sunday, each month 8 P.M. Reiigion, Art and Philosophy of Southeast Asia - Mrs. Philip Wooley and Mrs. Harold C, Tiedemann - Stan-ing October 7,,. choral Group - Mrs, Philip Wooley and Mrs. Leigh Conover WORLD PROBLEMS The Political Impact of Southeast Asia on World Problems - Mrs. Wm. Abbott Starting in January EDUCATION Comparative Education, Occident and Orient, Mrs. Eugene Lehmann April Fellowship Luncheon - Oriental Art Exhibit Mrs. Wm. Barnett and Mrs. J. Edwin Obert 1 May 19 - Occident and Orient - Program Round -up Mrs. William Shick Hostesses: Hill, Warwick, Wooley, Ziller, Co nove r, Wh i to Z June 2 - Instal la -tion Dinner - Mrs. Wm. Landis Hostesses: Churchill, Jones, Yount, Diamond, McLean, Tatoul MEMBERSHIP ABBOTT, Mrs. Wm. (Barbara Voorhees) B,,S... University ,of Connecticut 404 Driftwood R.d,,, North Palm Beach V1 8-1056 ALUISY, Mrs. Frederick ( Anne Downey) A.B. , Trinity. College 3517 N. Flagler Dr., West Palm Beach 848-7407 BARN ETT , Mrs. Wm. (Mary Jo Sowers) B.S. , Purdue University 521 Anchorage Dr. , North Palm Beach V1 4-4014 BEERY, Mrs. Harold (Doric Anderson) 1j. ByNorthUniversit A western North Beach �, 516 Bay Road, Palm VI 4-4372 BENJAMIN., Mrs. Marshall (Nancy Schaldeman) A B.A., University of Michigan 533 Bay Road, North Palm Beach VI 4-4767 BOHLE, Mrs. Ronald (Elaine Ackel) B, E, ,, State Univ. College at Oneonta, N. 828 W. Jasmine Dr.,, Lake Park V1 4-5446 CHRISTIAN, Mrs. Caleb (Theodora Hoglund) B.A., Mount Holyoke College q 194 Shelter Lane, Jupiter 746-7432 fjr CHURCHILL, Mrs. Leslie (Alcyone Haas) B.S., Bucknell Universit Nort 505 Driftwood Rd. 01 Palm Beach VI 8-2648 CLOYED Mrs. Keith (Leota Harrison) B. S. , N E. Missouri State Teach. Col lege 516 Fairwind Dr., North Palm Beach V1 4-6570 CON OVER , Mrs. Leigh (Martha Kline) B.S., University of Pa. 416 Crescent Dr., Lake Park V1 8-3791 CRABTREE, Mrs. H. H. (Elizabeth Rinehart) B.A., Carleton College 1041 Coral Way, Riviera Beach V1 4-9608 DAH LBERG, Mrs. D.E. (LaRue Hillegas) B.S., University of Pittsburgh 561 Anchorage e Dr., North Palm Beach V1 8-4009 DIAMOND . Mrs. Jack B. (Cleta Chu illian) B. Ed. University of Miami 2610 Park Road, Lake Park 848-6825 DOWER, Mrs. John (Olive Vogel) A.B., William Smith College; M.S. Smith College 419 - 28th St.. West Palm Beach 832-9770 FAA P P q r) K i A A HILL. Mrs. Rov R W (C-Inirp Hnrri I rs. Lewis (Jean McIntosh) B. S., University of Rhode Island 519 Harbour Rd., North Palm Beach VI 8-27 46 GAR ELL f Mrs. Rildo (Gladys Bossi) B.Aeg Hunter College 508 DrQ1 ftwood Rd., North Palm Beach VI 8-3571 GILDAN, Mrs. Herbert( Kathleen Yeager) A.B., Hunter College 531 Gulf Rd.,r North Palm Beach VI 8-3643 GLICKSTEIN, Mrs. Marvin R. (Patricia B.A., University of Florida- Laudfield) 741 Nighthawk Rd./ North Palm Beach 848 -760 1 HEATH,f Mrs. Joseph (Marian Williams) B.A., University of Kentucky 754 W. Ilex Dr., Lake Park VI 8-3065 B.S., University of New Hampshire 429,E bbtide Road, North Palm Beach 84W-9036 HULS, Mrs. Ralph (Elizabeth Lockridge) A.B., University of Missouri 736 Pelican Way W . , -North Palm Beach 844-6426 JONES, Mrs. David (Cary Bailey) B.A., Ohio State University 247 W. 28th Street/ Riviera Beach VI 4-0791 KELLEHER, Mrs. Frederick (Imogene Strikel) B.S., University of Delaware 828 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach VI 8-310 KELLER Mrs. Albert (Anna Kennedy) A.B'.. Duke University 509 [n I e't Rd,. North Palm Beach V1 8-366 PHILLIPS, Mrs. Robt,, (Helen Fegel'Y B.A. 1 University of Mar�lancjl 401 Quadrat -it Rd. North Palm Beach 848-7637 REINHOLD,, Mrs. Ernest GA (Helen 'Hood) B.F., B.A., University (of Aiabama M.S. ® Florida State 423 Anchorage Lane, Forth Paim Beach 848-9931 RICCARDI.. Mrs. Donald (Frances Grud-elbach) A.B., Douglas College Box 673, R. F. D, Jupiter 746-4436 ROBIN, Mrs.. C. Donald (Betty Wilson) B.A. I Western Reserve Univ. 508 Bay Rd. , North Palm Beach VI 4-0088 SCHILLING, Mrs. Max (Catherine McCarthy) A.B.,Nazareth College M.A., Marquette Universit 524 Kingf ish Rd.. North Pam Beach VI 4-0669 SHARP, Mrs. Edward (Patricia Carlson) B.A-P,f Michigan State University 535 Kingfish Rd./ North Palm Beach VI 4-3568 SNICK, Mrs. Wm. (Helen Davidson) B.S. . Ohio State University 901 Eucalyptus Rd* . North Palm Beach V1 8-4851 SHOWERS, Mrs. Harold (Marie Edwards) B.S., Drake University YIN 4911 N. Dixie, West Palm Beach V 1 4 -72 7 2 SIR L, Mrs. Donald (Alice Jones) B. S, Kent State University , 325 Cascade Lane, Palm Beach Shores VI 4-3028 SJOLANDER, Mrs. R. J. (Phyllis Johnson) B.S., Central Conn. State College 422 Crescent Dr.. Lake Park VI 8-3569 STARR, Mrs. Harry (Glenna Hamilton) B.A. Western Michigan University rk) A!"V, 1 15 Seminole Boulevard, Lake Park VI 8-4133 STOUGH, Mrs* Fo-ster (Jacqueline McHugh) B.S., Adelphi College 521 Flot ' ilia Rd., North Palm Beach 848-5494� STRAUSS, Mrs. Albert (Stella Gergel) M. S. , University of Maryland 421 Gull Court, North Palm Beach 848-4689 SUNSHINE, Mrs. Wm. (Nancy Canby B.S. University of Connecticut 428 Inlet Road, North Palm Beach VI 8-2914 TATOUL, Mrs. Warren P. (Kathryn Newlon) B.A. E. 1 University of Florida 812 Alamanda Drive, North Palm Beach VI 4-4808 TIEDEMANN, Mrs. Harold (Eunice Wythe) B.A., Queens College 656 Kingfish Place, North Palm Beach VI 4-9839 VAN DUZEE, Mrs. L.,G. (Regina Ebbeson) B.B,A.,, Univ. of Minnesota 1217 Island Road, Riviera Beach 848-7518 WARWICK, Mrs. Thomas R. (Nora Hanky) B. S. I N, Y. State Col lege for Teachers Box 614, Jupiter 746-4849 WHITE, Mrs. Laurence H. (Mar -Ian Ledebuhr) B.S., Michigan State University 761 W. Ilex Drive, Lake Park 848-3360 WOOLEY, Mrs. Philip (Marilyn Scott) B.S., Muskingum College , 427 Privateer Rd. . North Palm Beach 848-5765 YOUNTI Mrs. Arthur W. (Margaret Styslinger) B.A., University of Alabama 828 Poplar Drive, Lake Park 848-0129 ZILLER, Mrs. Kenneth L. (Jacqueline Bon Durant) B.A., Elmira College 902 - 42nd Street, West Palm Beach VI 4-4155 let, A Ink RV 0" le4� ee A oft