NPB AAUW Yearbook 1960-1961NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH of the AlviERICAASSOCIATION Of t N I VtJR S I TY WOMEN "to enable college women to continue their own intellectual grovith, to further the advancement of women, and to discharge the special responsibilities to society of those who have enjoyed the ad- vantages of higher education,," NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTER S 2401 Virginia Ave., N.W. W. shington 7, D. C. aA• K 9f, AIJ NEAT SNL OFFICERS Pre si dent : Anna Rose Hawkes 2401 Virginia Ave. N.W. _..__ ,-. ingbon 7, D.C. Regional Vice -President: lirs. Douglas Tomkies 166 Vioodland Dr. Huntington, W. Va. International Relations: 1st h1on. at 8:00 p.m. Stella Strauss, Chairman Investments:_ 2nd Tues, at B:OOp. m legina Van Duzee, Ch. Books: Last Sun. at 8:00 p.m. Catherine Schilling, Ch* C0iV..1AITTEE CHAIRMEN Arts:, 1rs, Harold Beery Statu.$ of Women: Mrs.L. Van DuzeeTz-, Nass Media: Mrs, Lewis Emerson Fellowship:-- hifrs, J. Es Obert Higher Education: Mrs. Y. Schilling Elementary & Secondary Education, Yrs. Keith Cloyed International Relations: Eqrs. Albert Strauss Social and Economic Issues, special responsibilitips %.�. to sock. Of those who have enjoyed the ad. vantages of higher education. tl A* As U* W.STUDY GROUPS Program dates and meeting places will be announced in newsletters Art* 4th Thurs. at 8:00 P.m' Lake Park Lutheran Chu�ch Betty Robin, Chairman Ballet: lilon-S., , Wed, or Thurs. 86600 POMO IvIon & Wed., 9:00 a.m. Thurs.,weekly Kay Jones, Chairman International Relations: 1st Lion. at 8:00 p.m. Stella Strauss) Chairman Investments: 2nd -u ---.--T.eso at 8:00p.m Regina Van Duzee.Ch. Books: Last Sun. at 8:00 p.m. Catherine Schilling, Ch* t 1961 CALaF� DAR 1960- ` Dec. 19 "Christmas Around The General meetingsare held on the World"third Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Jan. 16 Mental Hearth Sept. 19 welcome and Orientation Feb, 20 Geriatrics YePting Mar20 . politics on state and Oct. 17 work Calendar assigned Local level for Book Fair Oct. 4 Participation in U.N. � pwillPro Apr. 21 Mass Ill e dia Representative from ABC . ram sponsored by Program network Tv station American Assoc. of U.N. be gufzst speaker Nov. 18-19 Book Fair at Town Halli�. r 15 ay International Relations Co noise report on exten- -, Nova ro College Tea at local high sive study of Africa un dex sive taken by study group* school at 3.00 r . m . Junior and senior girls are invited to meet and June 6 dinner in Installation d�.n art ex - talk with A. A. U. W. n�,embere con, unction with Mbit presented by art on benefit of higher edu-- stud roup. y ' cation. Speaker is Dii.rs. A. Blakesl e.e, Attorney and homemaker. --- _ - MEM31ERSHIP ABBOTT, Y.rs,, Wm,, (Barbara Voorhees) B.$., University of Connecticut 404,,Driftviood Rd., N. Palm- Beach Vie -'1056 BARNETT, Mrs, Wm:I(Mary Jo -Sowers) i B - S,, Purdue Un.itersity 521 Anchorage Dr., N. Palm Beach V14-4014 BEERY, ''Mrs. H. (Dorit Anderson) B.A., - ' Northwestern University 516 Bay Read, North Palm Beach ITI4-4372 BENJANIIN, IJIrs, I.Tarshall (Nancy Schlademan) B.A., University of Michigan 533 Bay Road, North Palm Beach V14-4767 BROOKS, Miss Anne Pat z; I B.A,.39th. East Carolina/ College 956 Court. West Palm Beach ITI4-9007 CHURCHILL, Mrs. L. (Alcyon-e' Haas) B.S. Bucknell University 505 Driftwood Rd. N. Palm Beach ITIS -2648 CLOYED, hi.Irs, Keith (Leota Harrison) B.S., Northeast b.'iissouri State Teachers College 516 Fairv�,find Dr., N. Palm Beach I t "'14-6570 CRAB TREE, lirs. H (Elizabeth B.A., Ca\rleton Coll. Rinehart) 1041 Coral Way, Riviera Beach V1 4-9608 DAHLBE'RG, elv-Trs, - D. (LaRue Hillegas) B S U'niv\ersity of Pittsburgh 5K*Anchora\ge Dr... N. Palm Beach VI8-4009 D DvvER mrso Joh . n (olive Vogel) HART, Mrs,, T. (Kathryn Dunkelberger) p th Coll.ege William SmiA.B.,M.A.., Duke University A*Bop Smith 0ollege 418 Anchorage DroITS Palm Beach IT, 0 s. ) North Palm Beach w 414 Flotilla Rd* N V14-5203• VIO-2117 T Baile ) EYIERSON, Yrs* Lewis (Jeaft 1�icIntosh)* Island :. IJ 0 � tj JUNLbp ivir'se JLj BeAej Ohio State University B. S. University Of Rhode harbour Rd* North Palm Beach'.. 247 W.- 28th St.,, Riviera Beach 519 V14-0?91 VIB-2746 GARELL, mrs. Rildo (Gladys Bossi) KELLER, Mrse, A*iAnna Kennedy) A*B Duke Tiniversi ty B.A.Hunter ,31lege , Rd*) N. Palm.Deach 509 Inlet,Rdep North Palm Beach'.. 08 DriftVlOod VJ8 --35?1 vI8-3662 GILDAN, Mrs& He (Katthleen Yeager) LADD Mrs. J. (JOYce Williams) 0 Iowa State College so w A.B., Hunter College 535 Gulf Rd., North Palm Beach p 655 Kingfish place, N*Palm Bp.ach IVI8 VIG-3643 -1226 GOLDP Yrs J�artin (Adele Urbach) University of KentucXY UE errs. s P atherine Milne) _? LA H *I, A.B., Univo of Pittsburgh AA4 B,S,f h Palm Beach 513 Bay Road) North 7 of Minna 91�. x-4 1119A0 , Univ. N. Palm Beach Vj4-6803 5-1-3 Ancho-rag.e-,,Dr*# ITT4-nP40 ;- E u eHar t ) ;; LEHNAiNN , 11, r s an f 11i chig � B.A., University 505 Harbour Rd. r�. Palm Beach ► � jA0ORE, Mrs. Robert (Mary Trager _ V14--6552 B.S. , Northwestern, .University 509 Harbour Road North Palm Beach 1 LEI SSNER 1�,i s s Barbara Jo 'of t1I8--485' c University Hou,,ton briar Lake Park 415 Green , OBERT, firs. J. E. (Thelma Atkinson) 3 WaaryJane ., Dickinson LEWIS, Mrse H Wal.ker) Central Michigan college B.S., ��'n �,�.A. N.X.U. , 505 Anchorage Dr. , North Palm Beach 738 49th Ste, Nest Palm B each VIr4-70 .1 VI-4-3872 OLSON krs . A Frances Wetmore) Donald (Laur a Caston} I11EADE �:�rs. DonB SFramin ham State Teachers C. , g B.S., UniversitY of Alabama Beach 405 Driftwood Rd. , 11, Palm Beach IVI4-4933- 3,�0 Southwind Dr., N. Palm Apt. 8 VIB-3645 PA.PPALARDO , lair s . V . Jean ZNancy Joan B. A,y U , of N. hFexico Fasolino) ;ERT ,Uiss Virginia UniversatY :425 Flotilla Rd. N. Palm Beach.West briar Dr. L ark 415 green� VJ4-1291 V I8 --1'791 ROBIN Mrs. C. D. (Betty Wilson) B.A.., Western Reserve Unive 508 Bay Rd. , North Palm Beach V14--0088 F,, r V r.sTTTr n rTTT Tr." n Tip ".Ilpmart) ky RODYAN, Mrs. E. Frances George) SUNSHINE, Mrs* Win. (Nancy Canby ) B.S. Lr�iversity of Connecticut B.S. ,Miss. State College for Wome n 428 Inlet Road North Palm Beach ' RR*#l, Seabrook Rd. , Jupiter � I 8--2914 Jupiter 4703 ` SCHILLING, �;�,r r s . I�vl. Catherine T THOI��� S Yrs* C r . (Kay Virginia A.B., Bicknell Univ. � Wier) A.B. Nazareth College ���.cCarthy) M. A. 11arquette University 432 Harbour Rd,,, forth Palm Beach 524 K ingf i sh Rd., N • Palm Beach VIB-15'74 V14-0669. TIEDEMANN, lir s.: H: Eunice Wythe B.AQueen' s Cpllege Ofatri -. SHARPrir s. Ecis Carlson)656 , Kingfish PlaceN.Palm Beacha B.A. , Michigan State University V14_983 z CC' 421 Driftwood Rd. , N. calm Beach VI4-3568 'VAN ,� .:a�. , . 'w/A'■/■P.. 1 G Helen Davidson) DUZEE ilius, �. r , (Rei. ina B. B.A. , Univ. of Linn. Ebbesen) Mrs. BS,., Ohio State University 1°21'7 Island. Rd., Riviera Beach 916 Dogwood Rd. North Palm Beach i g � �rI4-93 � � VI8-4851 01 ZILLER, Mr s. Kenneth L9 STRAUSS, �,�r s . A , (Stella Gergel) , (Jacqueline Bon Durant) - Elmira College M.S., of �ar land University 421 Gull Ct , North Palm Beach 1231 Bimini Lane Riviera Beach VI8--3641 ZfI4-5612 k 4%o4L 4 - AA