02-27-2020 VC REG-MMINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 27, 2020 Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Mark Mullinix, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Susan Bickel, Councilmember Deborah Searcy, Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Jessica Green, Village Clerk PM.T. CAT.T. Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Aubrey gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Mullinix led the public in the Pledge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held February 13, 2020 were approved as written. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Tim Hullihan, 840 Country Club Drive gave an example of and discussed the concept of individual rights. These residents addressed the Council regarding their concerns about the Village's recreation vehicle ordinance: Howard Gorman, 708 Lighthouse Drive Cathy Graham, 508 Fairwind Drive Bill Hipple 539 Captains Road Steve Luisi, 637 Dogwood Road CONSENT AGENDA Ken Putnam, 505 Harbour Road Michelle Vazzaria, 643 Pilot Road Mark Wendt, 209 Laurel Road Councilmember Bickel moved to approve the Consent Agenda. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The following items were approved: Receive for file Minutes of the General Employees Pension Board meeting held 11/7/19. Receive for file Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board meeting held 1/14/20. Minutes of Village Council Meeting held February 27, 2020 Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTION 2020-20 — BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER FOR ANNUALS AND PLANTINGS A motion was made by President Pro Tem Norris and seconded by Councilmember Searcy to adopt Resolution 2020-20 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER WITH PRECISION LANDSCAPE COMPANY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.00 FOR ANNUALS AND PLANTINGS FOR ROADWAYS, FACILITIES AND PARKS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Public Works Director Steven Hallock explained that the purchase would provide landscape plantings for areas around the Village such as the Lakeside Park dunes and for median landscape repairs. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2020-20 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2020-21 — REVISIONS TO PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A motion was made by Vice Mayor Mullinix and seconded by Councilmember Searcy to adopt Resolution 2020-21 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REVISING THE VILLAGE'S PURCHASING POLICY AS SET FORTH IN THE VILLAGE'S ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL FOR INTERNAL CONTROLS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik gave a presentation and explained the proposed changes to the Village's Purchasing Policy. Mr. Lukasik explained that Council had recommended making changes to the policy since staff had recently been asking for more waivers of the policy. Mr. Lukasik discussed and explained the current purchasing thresholds. The current thresholds for Department Heads do not require a purchase order for a purchase of up to $2,500. It was recommended that the $2,500 threshold be changed to $5,000 which would reduce the number of minor transactions reviewed by Department Heads, provide mid -management staff with reasonable purchasing responsibilities and reduce the need for written quotes. Mr. Lukasik reviewed the current policy for purchases between $2,500 and $25,000. The current policy requires three written quotes which can be verbal in some instances, Department Head, Finance Director and Village Manager approval is required for purchases between $2,500 and $10,000 and Council approval can be made on the Consent Agenda for purchases between $10,000 and $25,000. It was recommended to change the threshold to purchases between $5,000 and $50,000, and change Department Head, Finance Director and Village Manager approval for purchases to between $5,000 and $25,000 and Council approval on Consent Agenda to between $25,000 and $50,000. The benefit of these changes would make the Village Manager's threshold which was established in 1991, more consistent with other communities and more time efficient. It would also eliminate the RFP process for smaller items which in turn would encourage better vendor response. The current policy requires vendor response to an RFP for purchases over $25,000. It was recommended to change the threshold for the use of an RFP and Council approval to purchases over $50,000. Mr. Lukasik discussed other recommended changes to the policy. It was recommended to eliminate the requirement that a "piggyback" contract be no more than 18 months old and change it to "currently in effect". Change orders over $10,000 currently require Council approval and it was recommended that it be changed to $25,000. Final payments over $100,000 require Council Minutes of Village Council Meeting held February 27, 2020 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION 2020-21— REVISIONS TO PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES continued approval and it was recommended to change the requirement to over $500,000. Blanket purchase orders require approval of the Department Head, Finance Director or Village Manager up to $10,000 and Village Council approval for over $10,000. It was recommended to increase the threshold to $25,000. Emergency Purchases can be approved by a Department Head and Village Manager for purchases up to $2,500. It was recommended to increase the threshold to $25,000. Emergency purchases between $2,500 and $25,000 require Village Manager approval with Council confirmation. It was recommended to increase the range to $25,000 and $50,000. Emergency purchases over $25,000 require Council approval. It was recommended to increase that amount to $50,000. Tom Magill, 119 Atlantic Road stated that the Audit Committee endorsed the recommended purchasing policy revisions. He recommended that emergency purchases be kept to a minimum. Public Works Director Steven Hallock discussed and explained his experiences with the current purchasing policy and gave examples of how the recommended revisions to the purchasing policy would improve efficiency for staff and would be a benefit to the Village and its residents. Vice Mayor Mullinix asked for clarification on final contract payments. Mr. Lukasik explained that final payments are withheld on contracts. Release of the final payment requires Council approval. Staff was recommending a change in the threshold requirement amount from $100,000 to $500,000. Fire Rescue Chief J.D. Armstrong gave an example of an instance where one of his staff had a very difficult time getting quotes for annual fire hose testing. There were a limited amount of companies who offer that service and it took a very long time to obtain the three required quotes. Discussion ensued between Council and staff regarding the proposed revisions to the purchasing policy. President Pro Tem Norris expressed his concerns with the proposed revisions to the purchasing policy. Councilmember Searcy asked for clarification on the portion of the policy that states that quotes can be verbal in some instances. Mr. Lukasik explained that the statement regarding verbal quotes was not a change that they were recommending but that it was already in the current policy. Mr. Lukasik recommended keeping the language regarding verbal quotes in the policy to provide more flexibility. Discussion ensued between staff and Council regarding the recommended changes to the amount of required quotes and required threshold amounts in the purchasing policy. Mr. Lukasik recommended changing a portion of language in the Purchasing Policy on page 8, b. 1. under Determining Purchasing Methods where it stated "Where a written quote is not available and on approval of the Village Manager, a memorandum from the Department Head documenting the three (3) verbal quotes is required" to alternatively state "Where three (3) written quotes are not available, and on approval of the Village Manager, a memorandum from the Department Head documenting the reason there are fewer than (3) quotes is required." Minutes of Village Council Meeting held February 27, 2020 Page 4 of 6 RESOLUTION 2020-21— REVISIONS TO PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES continued Council agreed and accepted Mr. Lukasik's recommended change to the language on page 8, b. 1. of the Purchasing Policy. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2020-21 passed unanimously. VILLAGE COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Mayor Aubrey commented on the history and time spent revisiting the boats and recreational vehicles ordinance. Mayor Aubrey stated that it would be difficult to meet everyone's expectations with regards to the ordinance. Mayor Aubrey explained that recreational vehicles have become larger since the ordinance was established, but the streets, yards and lots have not changed in size. Mayor Aubrey stated that the ordinance needed to be tweaked but not entirely changed. Mayor Aubrey stated that there were recommendations brought forward by recreational vehicle owners. Mayor Aubrey stated that in his opinion he would consider allowing a recreational vehicle height of 12 feet excluding the roof top air conditioning unit and allowing the view from the street if the vehicle was ideally parked at least 10 or 20 feet behind the gate. Mayor Aubrey stated that the goal would be to provide balance in three areas which were to balance a recreational vehicle owner's right to the use and enjoyment of their property, consider the use and enjoyment of their neighbors' property and lastly consider the appearance of the Village. President Pro Tem Norris stated that he was willing to revisit the recreational vehicles ordinance and agreed that the screening requirement needed to be addressed. President Pro Tem Norris stated that more education on the special exception application process was needed. President Pro Tem Norris recommended having a workshop to discuss the recreational vehicles ordinance. Councilmember Searcy stated that she has always been willing to hear from residents on both sides of the recreational vehicle ordinance issue, but that it was not possible to meet everyone's expectations regarding the ordinance and that Council needed to be willing to finalize the ordinance and agree that not everyone's expectations can be met. Discussion ensued between Council regarding revisiting the recreational vehicles ordinance. Mayor Aubrey recommended directing staff to review the recommendations received from the recreational vehicle owners and to bring back their recommendations at a workshop where the Council can review a limited number of possible revisions to the recreational vehicles ordinance. Vice Mayor Mullinix recommended putting a hold on any fines that may have been imposed on recreational vehicle owners by the Special Magistrate. Councilmember Bickel stated that it was her understanding that no fines would be assessed until May. Community Development Director Jeremy Hubsch agreed and stated that if any fines were scheduled to be assessed in April, that the case could be extended as many days as needed. Council came to a consensus to suspend any recreational vehicle code violations or fines assessed until the recreational vehicles ordinance is addressed. Minutes of Village Council Meeting held February 27, 2020 Page 5 of 6 VILLAGE COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS continued Mr. Hubsch stated that the Code Compliance Department would suspend giving any notices of violation to recreational vehicle owners until the ordinance was addressed and that if the ordinance was not addressed by April, any violation cases that come up for fine assessment would have the compliance date extended. Mayor Aubrey asked how long it would take staff to bring back recommendations for the recreational vehicle ordinance. Mr. Hubsch stated that staff could bring back something for Council to review to the Regular Council meeting on March 26th. Councilmember Bickel recommended that Council give a donation to the Blue H.E.L.P. Walk to Honor event in Palm Beach Gardens. Discussion ensued between Attorney Rubin and Councilmembers regarding the approval and amount of the donation. Councilmember Bickel asked that Council and staff review her donation request and bring it back to a future meeting to be voted upon. Councilmember Bickel stated that the lighted sign at the First Presbyterian Church on Prosperity Farms Road was very bright and asked that future signs in the Village be required to be dimmer. Mr. Hubsch stated that the sign was still not finalized and the Community Development Department would work with the sign company to have the light made dimmer. Vice Mayor Mullinix stated that there will be less storage spots for boats and recreational vehicles at Anchorage Park after it is renovated. Vice Mayor Mullinix recommended reviewing and reexamining the plans for Anchorage Park and the possibility of keeping those storage spaces. Discussion ensued between staff and Councilmembers regarding the renovations to Anchorage Park and the loss of boat and recreational vehicle storage spaces. Councilmember Searcy asked if the Village had a plan in place for a possible global pandemic. Mr. Lukasik stated that Communications Manager Ed Cunningham has been in communication with the Center for Disease Control. The information being given to the public are to keep your hands washed, do not go to work when sick, and throw tissues away when sneezing or coughing into them. Mr. Lukasik stated that he and staff would be in communication with the Palm Beach County Department of Health and Emergency Operations Center and would follow their lead. Chief Armstrong stated that there were state surveys being circulated to find out the status of the Fire Departments medical equipment and he and staff have been working on those surveys. Communications Manager Ed Cunningham stated that the latest information from the County on the possible pandemic has been updated and posted on the Village website, Nextdoor, Facebook and Twitter. Minutes of Village Council Meeting held February 27, 2020 Page 6 of 6 VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Mr. Lukasik gave an update on the new marquee sign for the Country Club. Special Projects Director Chuck Huff discussed the design and lighting on the new marquee sign for the Country Club. Mr. Huff stated that it would take approximately three months for the sign to be completed and installed. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers and staff regarding the design, colors and pricing of the proposed marquee sign for the Country Club. Special Projects Director stated that he would bring back two more quotes for the new marquee sign at the Country Club. Mayor Aubrey asked that the quote for the new marquee sign indicate what is being charged for the design work and what is being charged for the construction and installation of the sign. Mr. Huff stated that he would find out the pricing of the design work and the construction and installation of the marquee sign. Mr. Huff stated that the traffic loops were installed at the Country Club. Mr. Huff gave an update on the new employee parking lot at the Country Club and stated that light poles have been installed and the lighting would be installed the following week. Councilmember Bickel stated that she received a complaint that the parking lot near the tennis courts at the Country Club was unattractive and in need of landscaping. Councilmember Searcy stated that the complaint received was about the view of the road from the tennis courts. Mr. Lukasik stated that the landscaping that the view of the road from the tennis courts was on the list of items to be addressed at the Country Club. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. it)si a Green, MMC, Village Clerk