3- Village Council Staff Report PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date: February 13, 2020 Prosperity Harbor North - Minor PUD Amendment Perimeter Landscape Plan Project No. 2019-2162 PUD Minor Landscape Plan Amendment 722 Maritime Road (North East corner of the intersection of Prosperity Farms Road and Monet Road) Property is outlined in purple. PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT 2 Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx I. REQUEST AND PROJECT DETAILS A request is being made by Alex Ahrenholz, of Cotleur & Hearing, on behalf of Prosperity Harbor North Master Association, Inc. for minor landscape plan improvements at the entrance of the Prosperity Harbor North development. The proposed improvements include: (1) Relocation of sabal palms, (2) Removal and substitution of certain trees, and (3) Removal and substitution of certain shrubs. The applicant believes these improvements will bring the overall plan up to date and will enhance the aesthetic feel of the community. The applicant further believes these improvements will make the entrance more vibrant and connected to the overall aesthetic of the surrounding area. II. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS OF APPLICANT’S REQUEST Previous Approvals In December of 1998, the Village Council granted approval of a Perimeter Landscape Plan with automatic irrigation for the Prosperity Harbor North PUD (Resolution No. 56-98). This perimeter landscape plan was required to be approved by the Village Council as indicated in Section 2C of Ordinance 31-96, which created the Prosperity Harbor North PUD. The approved landscape plan was prepared by Land Design South consisting of 11 sheets. The amendment proposed will replace sheet 3, which focuses on the landscape at the entrance of the development. Landscape Analysis The landscape modification is a result of updating the landscape entrance as the landscape plan for the entrance was approved almost 22 years ago. While many of the species have been replaced with new species, the new landscape plan introduces several colorful and differently textured plants that will definitely enhance the entrance. PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT 3 Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx The approved Landscape Plan shows the following for the area to be amended (Italic listings are trees): SOUTH OF ENTRANCE Approved Species Common Name # of Plants Approved, Existing STR Orange Bird of Paradise 3, 0 PD Medjool Date Palm 5, 1 LL Tree Ligustrum 8, 0 CB Cassia Tree 6, 0 PTV Variegated Pittosporum 64, 0 CRI Crinum Lily 5, 0 IXO Ixora ‘Nora Grant’ 64, 0 HAM Furebush 60, 0 WAX Wax Jasmine 73, no change ENTRANCE MEDIAN Approved Species Common Name Existing # of Plants HB Tree Hibiscus 4, 0 STR Orange Bird of Paradise 3, 0 QV Live Oak 2, no change PRO Pygmy Date Palm 1, 1 CRI Crinum Lily 7, 0 ILV Dwarf Yawpon 10, 0 ALM Dwarf Allamanda 90, 0 SCH Dwarf Schefflera 50, no change HAM Furebush 26, 0 PHX Xanadu Philodendron 15, 0 ALM Dwarf Allamanda 22, 0 POD Japanese Podocarpus 24, no change PTW Wheeler’s Dwarf Pittosporum 40, 0 AZS Variagated Shell Ginger 12, 0 ZAP Coontie 47, 0 NORTH OF ENTRANCE Approved Species Common Name Existing # of Plants QV Live Oak 2, 0 PD Medjool Date Palm 5, 1 LL Tree Ligustrum 7, 0 STR Orange Bird of Paradise 8, 0 CB Cassia Tree 6, 0 CO Geiger Tree 2, 0 SP Sabal Palm 8, 6 CRI Crinum Lily 5, 0 PTV Variegated Pittosporum 64, 0 IXO Ixora ‘Nora Grant’ 64, 0 HAM Furebush 53, 0 WAX Wax Jasmine 125, no change CLE Starburst 89, 0 VOA Awabuki Viburnum 12, no change PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT 4 Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx The proposed Landscape Plan shows the following for the area to be amended (Italic listings are trees): SOUTH OF ENTRANCE Proposes Species Common Name Proposed # of Plants ED Japanese Blueberry Tree 1 AG Century Plant 3 BGS Bougainvillea ‘Barbara Karst’ 2 PM Podocarpus 3 PHS Sylvester Date Palm 2 IX Dwarf Pink Ixora 27 FG Green Island Ficus 99 CVM Mango Croton 15 ANN Annuals 76 ENTRANCE MEDIAN Proposes Species Common Name Proposed # of Plants CH Silver European Fan Palm 1 BGS Bougainvillea ‘Barbara Karst’ 1 ANN Annuals 189 FG2 Green Island Ficus 34 ND Dwarf Oleander 26 BEG White Angel Begonia 12 CF Franklyn Roosevelt Croton 17 MM Malaysian Orchid 3 PRC Rojo Congo Philidendron 6 AI Imperial Bromeliad 3 NORTH OF ENTRANCE Proposes Species Common Name Proposed # of Plants R-SP Relocated Sabal Palms 9 PHS Sylvester Date Palm 2 ED Japanese Blueberry Tree 1 BGS Bougainvillea ‘Barbara Karst’ 2 BS Bismark Palm 3 FG Green Island Ficus 88 PM Podocarpus 24 ANN Annuals 77 CVM Mango Croton 16 AG Century Plant 3 IX Dwarf Pink Ixora 31 PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT 5 Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx Comprehensive Plan Consistency - Future Land Use Element There are no applicable Comprehensive Plan policies to the proposed request. Village Code of Ordinance Consistency There are no applicable code requirements to the proposed request. IV. INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS IMPACT No infrastructure analysis is required for the proposed modifications V. CONCLUSION The site and entrance overall has not changed and the proposed landscape modifications are compatible with the general appearance of the landscaping and architecture throughout the development. Staff is recommending approval of the modifications subject to providing a copy of a topographic survey with the permit submittal. VI. SITE PHOTOS South of Entrance PROSPERITY HARBOR NORTH MINOR PUD AMENDMENT 6 Z:\PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION\Projects\00_PUDs\Prosperity Harbour North\2019-2162 Minor PUD Amendment\Village Council Report.docx Entrance Median North of Entrance