TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager
FROM: Paola A. West, Principal Planner
DATE: January 28, 2020
SUBJECT: RESOLUTION- Prosperity Harbor North Minor Planned Unit Development
(PUD) Amendment for 722 Maritime Road
Application 2020-2162
February 13, 2020 Village Council Meeting
The Applicant is seeking Minor PUD Amendment approval from Section 45-35.1 [Planned Unit
Development] of the Village Code of Ordinances, in order to modify the approved landscaping
for the entrance into the development.
Public Input
The proposed modification requires only Village Council approval per Section 2(C) of
Ordinance 31-96, which states that "[p]rior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure
or building upon the real property described in Exhibit "A," the Petitioner shall file a perimeter
landscape plan with automatic irrigation for the project for approval of the Village Council" and
that "[t]he approval of the landscape plan shall be by subsequent resolution of the Village
Council." The proposed request qualifies for this expedited review process as it not increasing
the number of units, changing access to the property, requiring variances or additional waivers,
increasing building height, relocating parking lots, or changing the recreational amenities.
The data and analysis of the request is included in the attached staff report. Additionally,
the approved and proposed landscape plans for the entrance are included in your backup.
Staff Recommendation: Staff is recommending Approval of the Minor CPDD Amendment
subject to providing a copy of a topographic survey with the permit submittal.