Land Development Application - signedFor office use only – Project #____________ Rev.3/20/2017 North Palm Beach Community Development Department 1 of 5 Land Development Application THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 420 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 ● SUITE 21● NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 PHONE 561.841.3365 ● FAX 561.841.8242 ● WWW.VILLAGE-NPB.ORG LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Check all that apply: [ ] Voluntary Annexation [ ] Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment [ ] Rezoning/PUD Property Information Property Control Number (PCNs). Attach separate sheet, if necessary____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acreage: ___________________________ Property’s street address: ___________________________________________________ Location of property (include proximity to closest major road or intersection): _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LAND USE & ZONING Present future land use designation: ______________________________________________________________________________ Proposed future land use designation: _____________________________________________________________________________ Present zoning district: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed zoning district: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Existing use(s): _____________________________ Proposed use(s): ___________________________________________________ APPLICANT INFORMATION Property owner(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-mail: _________________________ Applicant, if other than owner(s): ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-mail: _________________________ [ ] Check here if applicant is contract purchaser. Written consent is required unless the application is executed by the property owner. AGENT INFORMATION A statement of authority is required unless application is executed by the property owner. All correspondence, invoices, and refunds will be addressed to the agent. Agent: __________________________________ Name of Firm: _______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-mail: _________________________ Rev.3/20/2017 North Palm Beach Community Development Department 2 of 5 Land Development Application APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS – PLANS & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS The following list of plans and documents are provided to assist applicants with preparing complete and accurate submittal packages. Additional information or documentation may be required during the review process to determine compliance with the Village Code of Ordinances. Please submit the following information as applicable to your application: 1. Completed Site Plan Review Application with both owner and agent/architect/engineer signatures.(PDF & 1 Copy) 2. Proof of Ownership - Warranty deed or other proof of ownership (PDF & 1 Copy) 3. Legal Description - In Word Document Format only 4. Fifteen (15) sets of the following plans and documents which are applicable to the subject application if application requires DRC review; Nine (9) are required for Planning Commission. All hardcopy plans shall be provided as ANSI D or Arch D sized plans (approx. 24X36). An electronic copy of all plans shall be provided in both JPEG and TIFF formats. All other electronic copies documents should be submitted in PDF format unless specified otherwise. • Request Summary – A detailed description of project history, background and proposed request, including a complete list of any requested uses and square footage calculation, and any required waivers or variances in hard copy and a Word document format. • Surrounding Use Analysis – In the Request Summary or on a separate sheet indicate the current land uses adjacent to the property for which consideration is requested. This information should include, where applicable, the name of the shopping center, business, residential subdivision, etc., or the type of residential unit (single-family, multi-family, etc.) or if the property is vacant, for the properties located to the north, south, east, and west. • Location Map – Showing the general location and surrounding area • Certified Land Survey or Plat – Showing property dimensions, easements, lot and block number. If the project is on two or more lots, a unity of title is required. • Site Plan – to include dimensions of all structures, setbacks and parking. Dimension for height must reference both National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) and Basic Flood Elevation (BFE). Identify the base flood elevation (BFE) per floor and overall building height. A data table in tabular format identifying site address, zoning, land use, setbacks, FAR and all other applicable land development regulations. • Full Color Elevations – Building elevations including illustration of screening of roof-mounted mechanical equipment of all sides as completed. • Landscape Plan – to include all items required and specified by the Village of North Palm Beach minimum landscape ordinance, including proved opacity levels, type of irrigation, xeriscaping techniques; botanical and common name of materials. Indicate all required and provided materials. Indicate all required and provided quantities and size of landscape materials. Include all wall, fence and tree staking details. The landscaping plan should reflect all easements including utility and all above ground utilities or drainage features etc. • Landscaping Full Color Rendering – Elevation view of landscaping on all sides from landscape architect. • Paving and Drainage Plan/s - plans and calculations, proposed flow direction and amount of drainage flow. • Drainage Statement – Showing compliance of request with required Levels of Service • Civil Plan/s - Sanitary sewer, potable water and any reuse water plans, which shall indicate the locations and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures in or near the project for Seacoast Utility Authority’s approval. • Traffic Circulation – ingress and egress for both general and emergency vehicles. • Photometric Plan - Site lighting plan/calculations for parking areas/buildings • Floor Plan – Typical floor plan layout for each floor. Identify the units, unit size and type of rooms, common areas, amenities and required fire escape spaces. • Building Elevations – Provide front, rear and side elevations Rev.3/20/2017 North Palm Beach Community Development Department 3 of 5 Land Development Application • Additional information if applicable: • Sample Board – Submit colors and materials samples of the building and site design elements (only one) • Palm Beach County Traffic Concurrency • FDOT Conceptual Driveway Permit • School Concurrency Application • Master Sign Concept / Sign Plan(May be part of the site plan pages for smaller projects) • Seacoast Utility Capacity Letter - The capacity letter is required with the application. However, Water and Wastewater Concurrency must be demonstrated through a developer’s agreement or Capacity Reservation and is typically required by DO. All site plans must show, at a minimum, the following information: • The proposed title of the project and the name of the engineer, architect, surveyor or landscape architect and the developer. • Existing Zoning District/Land Use Plan Designation of the subject property. • Proposed changes in zoning and/or land uses to the subject property, if any. • Adjacent land uses (existing). • Site boundaries clearly identified, dimensioned and tied to section corners. • Existing features (trees, water, structures) including topography, roadways, parking and land use areas which are to remain. • All existing right-of-way, dedications, easements, property lines, and existing streets. Buildings, watercourses, waterways or lakes, and other existing physical features in or adjoining the project. • The location and dimension of proposed setback lines. • The location and dimensions of proposed reservations for park playgrounds, open spaces, and other common areas, if applicable. • The location, dimensions and character of the construction of proposed curbs, cuts, driveway entrances and exits, loading areas (including the number of required and provided parking and loading spaces), outdoor lighting systems, outdoor sound systems, storm drainage and sanitary facilities. • Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings, excavations, and structures to lot lines and to each other. • Typical trash and garbage disposal system, as well as recycling system, including typical enclosure detail, the location of each and Auto Turn analysis for truck turn radius (NOTE: All receptacles must be screened from view and placed to provide easy access by sanitation trucks. This information may be provided on separate plan if necessary). • General location, character, size, height, and orientation of proposed signs. • All pedestrian walkways and sidewalks demarcating pedestrian and bicycle circulation. • Type and location of mail receptacles. Include the following computations: 1. Total site square footage/acreage 2. Allowed and proposed density (residential only) 3. Vehicular use calculations (roadway, aisles, parking) 4. Recreational open space (residential only) 5. Square footage/acreage by land use type 6. Impervious/pervious area percentages 7. Parking spaces required/provided 8. Landscape open space calculations All site plans must be prepared, signed and sealed by one or more of the following professionals: 1. A landscape architect registered by the State of Florida 2. An architect registered by the State of Florida 3. A civil engineer registered by the State of Florida 4. A land surveyor registered by the State of Florida