Financial Responsibility Form - signedFinancial Responsibility Form The owner understands that all Village -incurred professional fees and expenses associated with the processing of this application request are ultimately the responsibility of the owner. A security deposit shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account with any accrued interest to be retained by the Village of North Palm Beach. The owner and/or designee shall be invoiced on a monthly basis for professional fees such as, but not limited to, consultant engineering services, legal services, advertising costs, and/or any other costs attributable to the processing of the permit for which the Village incurred during the previous month. The owner and/or designee shall reimburse the Village within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. If payment is not received, the Village may utilize the security deposit for re -imbursement purposes. All activities related to the pending permit(s) will cease until any outstanding invoices are paid. The owner/designee further understands that transfer of this responsibility shall require a completed form, signed and notarized by the responsible party, and delivered to the Community Development Department if the name and/or address of the responsible party changes at anytime duri, g,the applic lon review process. ate Property Control Number DE JAAGa�lf1 L�fJIIUX 1pj(�k_ �LoAkil As C6 D 0 y n Desi n t Acceptance Signature 1 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF AX_ COUNTY OF �OfyM KIL96_Q ) hereby celtify that the foregoing instrunjent wasacknowledged before me this W day of 201-O► by 'Uo i n . He or she is personally known to me or ha oro uced _ as identification. public signature Printed name State of 47-\(Nt7AA at -large My Commission expires: P JOYCEMO i MY COMMISSION # GG 249760 *; EXPIRES: August 26.2W �'r. OF Fti�P' Bonded Thm Notary Putge Undawn1 rs