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1981-22 Award Bid to Hawthorne Industries, Inc.
RESOLUTION N0. 22-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILi.AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF HAWiHORNE INDUSTRIES, INC. FOR RE-ROOFING PATM BEACH WINTER CLUB IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,700.00, FROM BOND PROCEEDS. ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILi.AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA: Section 1. The bid of Hawthorne Industries, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its tezms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended fran Band Proceeds. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect iamediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 12TH IX1Y OF MARCH, 1981. Y ' ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ e~ I GE ~J PROPOSAL`TO 7HE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALh1 BEACH, FLORIDA gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that'no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and tiith the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for tlithin specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: February 17, 1981 ITEM DE_SCRIFTION AMOUNT 1. Reroof complete per specs Lump Sum $ 39,700,00 2. Alternate A. Darrel tile. Lump Sum $ 51,586.00 Manufacturer RooF Tile _ Gory Associated Industries Flat roof Spec. __ _ Celotex 340-W '- Start work _ 21 days after signing contract or issuing purchase order. -6- _~SAL TO THE VILLAGE OR NORxH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (Con'td.) .tt•'~ARKS/EXCEPTIONS: Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: ' NAME TITLE ADDRESS E. J. Carr, Jr. President 217 Tamoshanter Dr., Palm Springs, FL Earl W. Marsh _.._ Vice President/Sec'y 7700 Pine~Tree Lane, West Palm Beach, FL James C. Hurd Vice President/Treas. 3021 Robert Road, West Palm Beach, FL SIGNED TT 41ITPlESSES:' / ~~~-~-~ lid ;' ~~ G~- ~ ..~ ADDRESS: Hawthorne Industries inc. 1 3119 Tuxedo Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33905 © Corporation O Partnership Indivic CHARTERED UNDER THE STATE OF FLO~DA tt~~ 1 . President r~_ ;~ ,