1981-04 Creating a 25th Anniversary Ad Hoc CommitteeRESOLUTION N0. 4-81 A RESOLUTIONd OF THE VILLAGE COUPdCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIII4, CREATING A 25TH ANNIVERSARY AD HOC CONP~IITTEE FOR THE VTf.TAf;F OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO ASSIST THE VIiS.AGE AND ITS RESIDENTS IPd CELEBRATING THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VIIJAGE OF NORTH PATM BEACH, FLORIIY~. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VIIJ.4GE COUCdCIL OF NOP.TH PAiM BEACH, FLARIDA: Section 1. A 25th Anniversary Ad Hoc Carcnittee is hereby created by the Village Council for the purpose of assisting the municipal goverment and the residents of the Village of Pdorth Palm Beach in their celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2. The Committee shall consist of the members appointed by the Village Council to advise and consult with proper municipal officials concerning celebrations, events and observances to be held in the Village of Pdorth Palm Beach. To that end, they shall make such recommendations concerning activities, progran>s and other observances as they deem fit and proper for the Village's observance of its 25th Anniversary. Section 3. The following persons are hereby appointed to serve on the 25th Anniversary Ad Hoc Coumittee of the Village of North Palm Beach: Peggy Enders John LaCerda representing Billie Lange Yacht Club Ilrive Civic Association Patti Batmuhower Clay Walker representing Bob Allen Explorer Post ~~911 Raenell Agnew Charmain Back representing Margaret Tiirciey Pd.P.B. Junior Women's Club P4. C. Love, Jr. Patsy Love and any other persons who may volunteer to serve on the committee in the future. Said persons shall serve through the end of the festivities. Section 4. The 25th Anniversary Ad Hoc Committee shall meet originally upon the call of the Village Manager and shall elect its own ' Chairman and such other officers as are deemed necessary. The organization of the Committee, its meetings and its activities shall be determined by the Committee, provided that written reports of the activities of the Committee shall be made to the Village Cotmcii not less than monthly from the date of passage of this Resolution. Section 5. The Village Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to each of the members of the 25th Anniversary Cocmiittee. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect isnnediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1981. MAYOR ATTEST: ~_ ~ ~~ -FIIIS~AGE 1 -2-