1980-56 Award Bid to Emergency One Inc.». , RESOLUTION N0. 56-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VLLiAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, 1 ACCEPTING THE BID OF EMERGENCY ONE, INC., W. Q. DOWLING FIRE EQUIPMENT FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVE, FOR ONE CLASS A FIRE TRUCK PLII~IPER WITH TELESOOPIC WATER TOWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $129,671.00, TO BE EXPEDIDID FRCM THE BOND ISSUE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILi.AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Emergency One, Inc., W. Q. Dowling Fire Equipment, ~I L_ Florida Representative, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach contingent upon a letter from Mr. W. Q. Dowling, copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made apart hereof, acknowledging that delivery of one Class A Fire Truck Piunper with Telescopic Water Tower will be made during the months of December, 1980, or January or February, 1981, but that payment will not be made until approximately March, 1981, or sooner if funds are available, and said award is also subject to the Village's ability to finance this purchase with the appropriate bond issue. The monies are to be expended fran the bond issue. The bid shall not be finally accepted unless and until the Village receives sufficient fiords to pay for the fire truck from bands to be issued by the Village Council on or before March 31, 1981. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect i~nnediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 30TH DAY OF OCTUBER, 1980. 1 ATTEST: VILiAGE rnvr~r~n~ rv ~u~ .,......... ... ......... ..._.. --.-.., .._.. ; ~ b Gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein narnecl has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, anci that it is made t•rithout any connection ti•rith any other person or pzrsons making p~ ~osal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and ~•rithout collusion or fraud. - ' The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar frith its provisions and with the quality, type and. grade or" material called r'or. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called -far lvithin specified time set in this proposal for the folio;•ring price, and guarantees. that parts and service for the articles listed below are available trithin the State , of Florida, to trit: ' DATE: October'14,-1980 ITEh1.I CHASSIS, 41ATER T04JER, ETC. PER SPECS. ~iiANJUFACTURER: Emergency One, Inc. idODEL 110.: Protector III 'S0 ft. Tele-Squrt 1 - DELIVERY: 30 Calendar Days iJARRANTY: See Attached LUMP SUM. PRICE:$ ~ 2 9, 7~ / ~ - TOTAL .~ ITEM DESCRIPTION! ~ EACN AMOUNT 2 High-rise pack 1 $ $ NO. BID 3 3500 w/portable gen. 1 $~ _ $ 1,475.00 4. smoke ejector 1 $____ $ 360.00 ' 3 Quartz lights 2 $ 115.00 $ 230.00 6 heavy duty ext. cord 2 $ 120.00 $ 240.00 7 heavy duty ext. cord 2 $ 70,00 $ 140.00 - 1 8 coal shovels 4 $ $ NO BID '':Rfkl4RKS/EXOEPFIONStf'{'~'Sr:(USE''SEPARATE'SHEE'f'Il•"F11=CESSARY)".' "':!;'""^~'"'~~'"T:v-r:~~nr. . '... )~ -- . Officers of Corpora=icn or 1•tembers of Partnership: AIAt•1E TITLE ADDRESS . fIRiN: O Corporation Q Partnership ~ Individual SIGNED BY: TITLE: 4)I7NESSES: w. u. uowlipg, Jr. Florida Representative emergency One, Inc. 1701 S.W. 37th Avenue Ocala,, Florida 32671 ADDRESS: t 3z €; ,, ~~. W. Q. DOW LING-FIRE EQUIPMENT ~'4 ~, -... P. 0.~6ox 673 • KevsTONE He~enTS, FLORIDA 32656 • 1904) 473-4774 .,W......,......~..,...,+..~.,...~..,.~.. October 29, 1980 Mr. John S. Atwater Director of Public Safety Village Hall 501 U. S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Dear Mr. Atwater: This will confirm our telephone conversation of this date, where I advised you that I had talked to Mr. Ron Ewers, President of Emergency One, Inc: in Ocala, Florida today, and he advised me that we could make delivery of your Class A Fire Truck Pumper with Telescopic [dater Tower in the amount of. $129,671.00 in Decem- ber, 1980, or January or February, 1981, and that payment could be made in March, 1981 or sooner if funds become available from the bond issue. Sin~Y , W. Q. Dowling, Jr., Florida Representati Emergency One, Inca YIQD: dw cc: Mr. Ron Ewers, President Emergency One, Inc. .-