1980-53 Signers & Cosigners on Village Bank Accounts/FundsBank Account Signers Cosigners RESOLUTION N0. 53-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIAS, SETTING FOR71-I THOSE PERSONS WL10 SHALL SIGN Ai~ID COUNTERSIGN CHECKS OR WITHDRAWAL ORDERS ON ALL DEPOSITORIES OF FUNDS OF THE VIIJAGE OF NJRTH 1 PALM BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY T1~ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiIvI BEACH, FIAF.IAA: Section 1. The Village Manager or Finance Director shall sign all checks drawn on any depository of Village funds. Section 2. All checks in excess of $1,000.00 drawn on any depository of Village funds shall be signed by both the Village Manager and the Finance Director, or in the absence or inability of the Finance Director and/or the Village Manager to sign such checks, they shall be sipped by the Vice Mayor and/or the Mayor. Section 3. Any depository of Village funds of the Village of North Palm Beach may rely upon the authority herein conferred upon the ' persons stated to withdraw funds from bank accounts owned by the Village of North Palm Beach until delivery to it of a Certificate of the Village Clerk setting forth the persons holding the offices set forth above, and such authority shall include chacks drawn to the order of any of said persons. Section 4. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to all depositories of Village funds as soon as possible. Section 5. All Resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect i~anediately upon passage. PASSID ADID ADOPTID THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 1980. 1 . ~ ,~.o. MAYOR ATTEST: V GE