1980-49 Award Bid to Pavement Maintenance Corporation.- . .. RESOLUTION N0. 49-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FLORIDA, ;1 ACCEPTING THE BID OF PAVII~IENVT MAINTENANCE CORPORATION FOR RESURFACING TEI~ll~]IS OOURTS ~k7 AND 8 AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,998.00, FROM ACCOUNT N0. 61.1-581-63.73 (TENNIS COURTS RESURFACING) 1980-81 BUDGET. BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORII]A: Section 1. The bid of Pavement Maintenance Corporation, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 61.1-581-63.73 (Tennis Courts Resurfacing) 1980-81 Budget. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect concurrently with the 1 passage and adoption of the 1980-81 Budget. PASSID AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1980. ~~~~ 1 ATTST: PROPOSAL 70 7HE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALi•I ¢EP,CH, FLORIDA amen .. The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the dder•herein named leas any interest in this proposal or in the contract: to be taF;en, .nd that it is made t•rithout any cainection frith any other person or persons raking proposal r'or the same article, and is in all respects fair and ;•rithout collusion or f rand. .~ The undersigned further declares that. he has care~ully exanined the spzcifica- .Lions and is thoroughly familiar s•rith its provisions and t•rith the quality, type and gradz o'r material called for. Tlae undersicu:~d further declares that he proposes to furnish 'che articles called for tritirin • spzcifi;~ct timz set in this proposal r'or the folloaring price, and guarantezs that paria and service for thz articles listed belo;a.are available t•rithin the State of Florida, to Vrit: . DATE: ~ ~~ ~'0 ITEt•1 t:0. DESCF;IP'fI0?~ -----• a'40U~dT 1. Resurface Courts ;5 F~ 6, NPGCC per Specs. on Lu~p Sup .~..r~p8 t•tateri al Ya hlfg. l.~VR~~,v _u C,l) t}O. COatS ¢7t1(lel'~LCI(e~er Q,V" ti` _ tr'o. Coats Acrylic Ease Sur race ~f/~~-~' ?_. Resurface Courts ,',`7 R II FlF'¢CC per Sp cs. Ltr,~p Suar h}aterial & t•}fg. C~Et1/~c.U_`,~c~0~ • No. Coats binder%Leveler ~,._ DjvL-' Ro. Coats Acrylic ¢;,se Sur ~ a.ccr~t~~ 3. Resurface 7vro courts Anchoragz Par• per Specs !_ump Sury t•Iaterial & hlf9. ~~~1RoN 0~ flo. Coats 6indE~rlLeve e'( 1~--'pp~V~~V viuE . " No. Coats Acrylic ¢ase Surfacer' nf~b';~ -- COt4PLETIOh 7ItS~ FOR FACH SET Of 1't•}0 COURTS ~~ B~G'3SU~C- CLI~'t~CCx=G C~C.~7-S .17UGfiJ11(y'~ G 2ot~~«G C.ou,2ts ~vc~~eGp <-~ ~S c/Q~!-P.~a G t. v US ~" /-c /t P~`~At ~ .~vc (~0 E~ CR~t-~S (=irc-e=d r~~v0 ~1 ro ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4(OR'(.It~G DAPS. -c- .-~--- ____~_. s , a-u. ~ a/EXCEPTIDPiS: ,~~-s,~1t17"~c~' (1JrNpr.~~ ~j7 i ~ O'rr'icers of t~orporat~ion or 14embers of Partnership: rtntaE ~ TITLE /~DDR"cSS ,~ ~ PRA ~ D~ i 8~s (.~ ~ ls-r 1 ~- t=lP,;a: SIGttED GY: TITLE: tJITr1ESS S: ~_ \(~' `V ADDRESSt kY~S' W - al.Si_ Ln~ -.__.301 ., ~ _ ~ r>rrNr~ C.p on O Partn?rs:~ip ~ In?iv~d i -7-