1980-40 Declaring Intent of Village Council to Apply to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Funding ProgramRESOLUTION N0. 40-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO APPLY Zn THE LOCAL GOVEL2rME'NT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT ASSISTANCE FUND PROGRAM FOR FINPNCIAL ASSISTANCE IN CCriPLETING THE ELEMEN'I5 Or PLANS REQUIRID ' BY THE I.0(.[.L. GOVF.RN~LT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT OF 1975. BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALSi BEACH, FIARIAA: Section 1. The Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to complete and submit all application fornis necessary for the Village's application to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fiord Program for financial assistance in completing the requiranents of the Local Govermment Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975. Section 2. The Village Council hereby commits'itself to provide the necessary matching funds, by services in-kind, required under said Program. Section 3. The Village Cowzcil hereby co~miits itself to use any funds received wider said Progr~n solely for eligible activities as described ' in Chapter 9B-5 of said Progr~n during the program year. Section 4. The Village Council will comply with all applicable state and local laws and rules and regulations of the Department of Cotinan~ity Affairs governing the application for and use of said funds. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1980. MAYOR ATTEST: V