1980-36 Urging Congress to Oppose Legislature for Banks to withold Tax Money on Savings AccountsRESOLUTION N0. 3G-80 A R}:SOLUTION OF T}IE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}[, }'{,OR1llA, URGING AND REQUESTING THE MEMBERS OF THE, l1NITED STATES CONGRESS TO 0]'POSI: LF,GIShATION W}IICH WOULD PROVIDE THAT FIFTEEN (1.5%) I'};RCEN'P BI; W1:17[}II;I,D BY BANKS ON ALh SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FOR U. S. INCOME, TAX DUI; ' 7'}IF,R};ON; AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHF,REAS, The U. S. Treasury Department has requested Congress to enact a ].aw requiring that fifteen (15%) percent of all interest earned on savings accounts be withheld and paid by the bank direct to the }eternal Revenue Service; and W}{EREAS, Such imposition of tax withholding will reduce the use oi' the monies by many citizens as well as the compounding effect oi' :iutcrest on a]]. monies withheld by the banks; and WI{I;R}>AS, More incentives are now needed to increase the amount of savings to provide the capital and employment for a reasonable non-inflationary economy; and ' WI[F,REAS, Ci.tirens are saving less money due to inflation in order to meet reasonable living standards. NOW, T}[EREPORE, BE IT RESOLVF,D BY T}fE VILLAGE COUNCIh OF NORTH MAIM RI;AC}{, FI;ORIDA: Section 1. The members of the U. S. Senate and the Ifouse of Representatives be and they are hereby requested to defeat any bill which provides for withholding of U. S. income tax on interest earned on savings accounts by banks maintaining such accounts and the forwardi_ug of same to the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. Any such withholding proposa] will further lessen the compowrding of interest for additional. income by the savings account holder. ' Incentives are needed to encourage additional savings rather than lessen same. T]re life blood of the construction industry, especia]ly in South Florida, is the ability of banks to lend mortgage monies to provide homes and commercial structures. Any withholding provision as to interest can only have a detrimental effect on the economy as well as the life style of the many senior citizens of this country. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed ' to provide a certified copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Lawton M. Chi.]es, Honorable Richard Stone, }{onorable Daniel A. Mica, ]Ionorable I.. A. Bafalis and such other governmental officials as the Mayor sha]..l direct. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED T}[IS 24T}[ DAY OF JULY, 1980. ~~ ,~~ MAYOR AT1'I;ST: ' V]:I.IJ~GB CLERK 1 -2-