1980-34 Appointing Civil Defense DirectorRESOLUTION N0, 34-80 A RESOLUTION OF 14}L' VILLAGE COUNCIL OF T}IF, VILLAGE OF NORTH PAil9 BEACII, FLOKIDA, APPOINTING A PF,RSON TO FILL THE POSITION OF CIVIL ll1:P}:NSI: DIRECTOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFF,CTIVE DATE, ' BI; IT KI.SOLVED BY T}~ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NOR17[ ]'AI,M BI;AC}I, 1'I,ORIllA: Section 1. RAYMOND J, }IOWLAND or his designee is hereby appointed as Civil llefense Director for the Village of North Palrn Beach. Section 2, Resolution No, 1-79 is hereby repealed, Section 3, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND AllOPTEll THIS lOTII DAY OF JULY, 1980, ii'2w,~'i'~rs~ /77. ,0 . T MAYOR ATTL;ST: VILLAGY. CLERK