1980-31 Accepting Resignation of Village Manager Paul NicolettiRhSOLUTION N0, 31-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILTAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}I PALM BEAC}I, FLORIllA, ACCEI"PING T}[I; RF,SIGNATION OF PAUL J. NICOLDTTI; AND RF,P};ACING RF.SOLITPION N0, GG-75, ' BI; IT RF,SOLVED }}Y T}If; VILhAGE COUNCIL OP NORT}I PALM I3F,AC}[, FLORTaA: Section 1, The resignation of PAUL J, NICOLETTI, effective August 8, 1980, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, :i.s hereby accepted. Section 2, Paul J. Nicoletti is hereby relieved oi.' the powers, duties and responsi.bi.l.iti.es of the Office of Village Manager, effective on July 11, 1980, at 4:30 p,m„ EIYP, Section 3, Resolution No, 60-75 is hereby repealed, Sectim~ 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage, PASSI;D ANO ADOPT};D THIS 10TH DAY OF JULY, 1980, 1 ATTEST: VII:IJIGI> CT,F,RK i MAYOR '