1980-24 Commending Geoffrey BirtRESOLUTION N0, 24-80 A RI;SOLUTION OF THF, VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}[ PALM BEACIi, FLORIDA, COMMI;NDING GEOFFREY BIRT FOR HIS EXTRAORDINARY DEVOTION TO TRUTH AND FAIRNESS IN REPORTING NEWS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTH PALM BEAC}[ ' VILLAGE COUNCIL AND OT}~R ACTIVITIES INVOLVING THE GOVERNMENT, CITE``/,ENS, ANTI RI;SIDENTS OF T}}E VILLAGE OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH. W9}EREAS, numerous aspects of the "media," including radio, television and newspapers, report on the activities of the North Palm Reach Village Council meetings and other governmental activities of the Village of North Pa].m Beach; and W}[ERF,AS, WL'EKllAY newspaper, through the columns written by G1;0}'FREY BIRT, has consistently produced accurate and fair reports of Village Council meetings and other Village activities, which both in quality and quantity exceed all other media presentations and thereby provide a distinct public service to the government, residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach; and W}IEREAS, GEOFFREY BIRT, by his personal charm and consideration, }ris devotion to the high standards of journalism, and his appreciation of the important role which newspapers play in advising the public of gover~mient activities in a balanced and comprehensive manner, has provided outstanding service to the Village Council of North Palm Reach and the citizens and residents of the Village; NOW, THF,REFORE, BF, IT RESOLVED BY T}H; VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}[ PAI,1`7 REAC}I, FLORIDA: Section 1. That GEOFFREY BIRT be, and he is hereby, commended for his outstanding service to the government, residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida in his newspaper reporting ' i.n the WEEKDAY newspaper. Section 2, A certified copy of this Resolution shall be presented by the Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach to G{:OFFRF;Y BIRT, and a separate copy of this Resolution shall be furnished WF,EKIIAY newspaper. Section 3, This Resolution shall take effect immediately ' upon passage, PASSF;D AND ADOPTED T}{IS 22ND DAY OF MAY, 1980, MAYOR ATTEST: VILhAGE CLF,RK I~ -2-