1980-13 Endorsing Sponsorship 80RESOLUTION N0. 13-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILIAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PATS4 BEACH, FLORIDA, ENDORSING "SPONSORSHIP '80" AS A MEANS OF PROVIDING THE INFER-CITY FIRSSi' AID SQUAD WITH RELIABLE FINANCIAL BACKING WHICH WILL PERNIIT THE FIRS'L' AID SQUAD TLO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE II~?EftGINCY MEDICAL SERVICE AMID AMBULANCE ' SEP,VICE THROUGHOUT THE VIIZ,SGE OF NORTH PAiM BEACH AND NEIGHBORING CONADJNITIES IN PAIIVI BEACH COUNTY. WHEREAS, Inter-City First Aid Squad provides primary ambulance service to residents of the Village of North Palm Beach and surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, Inter-City First Aid Squad provides emergency medical services, trained emergency medical technicians and trained Paramedics to assist the Village of North Palm Beach Public Safety Department and other medical facilities in assisting persons within the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm Beach who are in need of such services; and WHEREAS, Inter-City First Aid Squad basically relies upon voluntary ' contributions as a treans to support its ambulance equipment, its training for staff members, for the purchase of its supplies, and for meeting all other expenses normally associated with providing ambulance service and emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, the Inter-City First Aid Squad is promoting "Sponsorship '80" whereby individuals, couples or families within the Village of North Palm Beach and surrounding areas may become sponsors of Inter-City First Aid Squad for a nominal amount of money and may thereby receive unlimited emergency service to any hospital in the north county area, non-emergency ambulance transfers on all doctor authorized trips within the Inter-City First Aid Squad's zone at no charge, and non-emergency ambulance transfers outside the Inter-City First Aid Squad zone at 50% discount of the regular ' trip charge; and WHEREAS, the Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, believes that the services offered to residents of the Village of North Palm Beach by "Sponsorship '80" are of substantial value to the residents of the Village of North Palm Beach and further believes that the support and participation in "Sponsorship '80" is of real and substantial benefit to the Inter-City First Aid Squad; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, }iereby endorses the "Sponsorship '80" plan of the Inter-City First Aid Squad and urges all residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach and others who are served by the Inter-City First Aid Squad to support "Sponsorship '80" by applying for appropriate sponsorships and by paying to the Inter-City First Aid Squad the sponsorship amounts requested at their earliest convenience. Section 2. The Village Council of North Palm Beach extends i-ts compliments and thanks to the members of the Inter-City First Aid Squad for the services they have rendered to residents of the Village ' of North Palm Beach over the past years and expresses its hopes for a sowed financial future and continuation of excellent ambulance service as a result of "Sponsorship '80" and the dollars to be derived therefrom. Section 3, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSEll AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1980. /s/ W. H. BROWN MAYOR ATTEST: ' /s/ DOLORES R. WALKER VILLAGE CLERK