2009-37 Mowing & Landscape Maintenance Services Contract Amendment~soLUTION Zoo9~3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR MOWING AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES WITH TOTAL MAINTENANCE BUILDING SERVICES, INC. TO MODIFY THE SCOPE OF WORK AND TOTAL ANNUAL COMPENSATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, based on the proposals submitted in response to the Village's Request for Proposals, on December 13, 2007, the Village entered into a Contract for Mowing and Landscape Maintenance Services with Total Building Maintenance Services, Inc. ("Contract"); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 17 of the Contract, the Village wishes to modify the Scope of Work, and the VILLAGE and the CONTRACTOR have agreed to execute an Amendment to the Contract to provide for such modification and an adjustment in the total annual compensation paid by the VILLAGE; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the approval of the Amendment to the Contract is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm B each. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the Amendment to Contract for Mowing and Landscape Maintenance Services with Total Maintenance Building Services, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the Amendment on behalf of the Village. Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF JLT (Vi'11age Seal) ATTEST: i~~ VILLAGE CLER AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR MOWING AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT is made as of the J~~ day of ~~~/,~ , 2009, by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as VILLAGE, and TOTAL MAINTENANCE BUILDING SERVICES, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR. WHEREAS, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR executed a Contract for Mowing and Landscape Maintenance Services dated December 13, 2007 ("Contract") to provide all goods and services necessary for the mowing and landscape maintenance of VILLAGE properties as required under the Request for Proposal issued by the VILLAGE; and WHEREAS, Section 17(A) of the Contract provides that the VILLAGE reserves the right to make changes to the scope of work upon notification to the CONTRACTOR, and upon such notification, the CONTRACTOR shall provide an estimate for the increased or decreased compensation based on such modification; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR have agreed to a modification of the scope of work and the total annual compensation and wish to execute an Amendment to the Contract as required by Section 17(C) of the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR agree as follows: 1. The Scope of Work identified in the RFP incorporated into the Contract is hereby modified to include the additional properties designated by the VILLAGE and identified in the Estimate attached hereto as Exhibit "A." 2. The total annual compensation paid by the VILLAGE to CONTRACTOR, as set forth in CONTRACTOR's proposal and incorporated into the Contract, is hereby increased by $8,055.62, as set forth in the Estimate attached hereto as Exhibit "A." 3. All other provisions of the Contract, to the extent not expressly modified herein, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR hereto have made and executed this Contract as of the day and year first above written. [Remainder of page blank -signatures on next page] Page 1 of 2 CONTRACTOR: TOTAL MAINTENANC LDING SERVICES, INC. BY: Print Name: L vu~4,a..~ ,~ C,',sc.~za.~s}+ Position: 6r11 wlo'~Vl. /P/L Cam/ dfl1 ~ VILLAGE: VILLAGE~F N~tTH P~cL~VI BEACH, FLORIDA BY: ATTEST: YOR BY: MELISSA TEAL, VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 02/P.3/2009 11:29 5616244760 TOTAL MAINTENANCE PAGE 01/01 e ' ror~, ~rr>r~v,~c~ BuzinnvG 3690 Constuner St. Suite R West Fain Beach, FL 33404 { Nen're 1 Address ~ VQ.LAGE OF NP)3 ATIN:JOR(3F SANTiOS ' 645 PROSPERTIY FARMS RD NORTH PALM HEACH FL ,33408 Estimate Date Estimate # 1 /19/2009 1696 Project Description caty Cost Total 25l 1 Pepptr\vood cir n 3,900 ~ 0.19 ?41.00 2510 pepperoaood csr r 3,A79 ~ 0.19 660.63 10313 prospeeity farms rd 4,550 ~ 0.19 864.50 2509 Yeppcrwood 4,872 d 0.19 925,68 250$ Pepperwood 4,953 A 0.19 941.0? 2520 Palm Ln 2,520 4 0.19 478.80 10179 Prospeciry 2,342 r~ 0.19 444.96 Zsol Sun cove ~ 7s8o d 0.19 ~ i,Mlo.zo 4 2510 Shn Cove Q,tS6U 0.19 923. 0 2S09 Wabesk~ 3,110 ~ 0.19 590.90 AiW corner of Prospetiry and Richard Rd 234 0.19 44,46 Florida 3slea Tact 6.50% 0.00 Total ss,oss.~2 FBe Edit Yiew Document Tools Window Help ,.. +~ ' ~}c • f ~ '. M - .. '. 711 , ..-, ~ (~ AUAA'ANOAOR ' ..- 1~ - '71f.. „1 ~ . ~_ ~~ - ~~ „1 1 ~. • ~ ,. }~t _ \\rc r-- _'_~~ ' t R~1/, ~ ~ 1 i, ~~1: x ~, is ~ ,.~-~~'~n~ n _..' `~ V s nY ..~ _ 1 fr rt „ ~ 3 ~ A ~ ~~4(/g _n I ~_1L~.r_.,~..~ ~ ' ~ fib 1 C~ , ~n +n / `"--~-- - ~.~ A rl _ ~ 1r y. lit '.~ a N. YO l of Q' \`,~.`.~-.IL__ PROSPERITY _,~ ~~ ~ . JNDR i ~, ~ HARBOR u: ° •~fr 4 r ,~ , o T . 7 -T--r-~ AD -. 0.~ ae u > ~ O as f._ ~ .. i fl to n n i ,r i N f _ { j- 1 ~,'U~ } 9 C J..~~ _~ . u~-_ - - w: Page 1 of 1 ~f~~xC~4,~ Gary R. Nikolits,CFA 't' Palm Beach County Property Appraiser ~~.~*'~ Property Mapping System 00 ~ 1 l~30`\~~D 14 0270 026+D ~0 r _ 0 v.~al t~U~p 0~ Q~' D 013A 0120 0214 180 1 ~ - 414D 0110 17 7100 0240 0194 -- 7130 D150 4100 1D 0784 4174 4180 0840 O1D8 130 1 D174 OpgO 0154 0810 0 _ '°~ r u`~2„<i ~:I: . 0188 0070 ~ ~ it 7p yz~ Otd olsa a~ 412a 1 _ f 0 0 7 .-.:. _ 4204 0654 02.80 0 4110 0120 0130 O1d0 7080 - 6210 pOdp - ~~ J (9.c,Yfu.n £ 6i 0220 OOCiO ~ 0080 OOdO 0030 4420 4010 0040 4234 180 _ 70 7014 0024 i 42A0 8010 iD PIJ Pi i.'...a;, ~{F ' S~~ -~ P~ ' Rd~i?v"F?S11~VCZ r _ /// ~ Da2o ~ 4114 14 >' Dt24 4100 7000 _~ 11 DO®0 e. ~ 70 1 1 .0014 0020 4 a 0894 -- >; :;r, ~.~;; [ie _ 0484 . 0 0150 0488 '`yi -- ~v 0 0070 1 41®6 0670 1 4170 4000 10 Legend Parcel Boundaryr 0120 Lot nurltier Search ~~' ward C2etails - Owner Information wC N : 68434208000007130 Retum to PAPA Name: OCONNELL DENNIS K Location: Rp 13 PROSPERITY FARMS Mallln 10313 PROSPERITY FARMS ~' RD NORTH PALM BEACH, FL Appraisal Value Market Value: ;673,95 ASS~SSOd Value: ;673,95 EXemlat Amnt: 5 TaXatlle: ;673,95 TaX Value Ad Valor@m: X13,594.3 Non ad ValOr~m: $156.0 'TO$al: ;13,750.37 Sales Information Sales bate Pr1e~ Aug-2003 ;665,00 ]u1-2000 ;250,00 Apr-2000 ;10 Nov-1996 ;102,00 ]u1-1996 ;255,00 Dec-1985 120 00 Palm Beach County Property Map Map Scale 1:4608 Map produced on 2/6/2009 from PAPA http://www, pbcgov.comJpapa http://gisweb.co.palm-beach.fl. us/ipapagis/presentation/mapping/printnew. asp?MAPURL=h... 2/6/2009