Patio Reconfiguration Project NarritiveH:\JOBS\Old Port Cove_09-043\Safe Harbor OPC_AA_.001\Documents\Applications\102819 Administrative Amendment to CPUD Patio Reconfiguration.doc Urban Planning and Design Landscape Architecture Communication Graphics Project Narrative Safe Harbor Marinas Old Port Cove Administrative Amendment – Patio Reconfiguration October 25, 2019 On November 10, 2011, the Village Council adopted Ordinance 2011-20, which created the Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) overlay for the 2.28-acre upland site at 112 Lakeshore Drive. For nearly 40 years, the Old Port Cove Yacht Club and Marina Office have operated on site in conjunction with the South Marina. With the adoption of Ordinance 2011-20, the Village Council approved the re-purposing of the existing Yacht Club building to allow for it to reopen with a restaurant, café, and to relocate the Marina Offices from the Boaters’ Building into the Yacht Club building. In addition, the existing Boaters’ Building was approved to be re-purposed to allow for a crew room in addition to the renovation of the building’s existing locker rooms, laundry, and maintenance facilities. New roofs were also approved for the Boaters’ Building and the Yacht Club. This approval included a patio at the east corner of the Yacht Club for outdoor seating accessory to the restaurant use. Pursuant to Section 5. of the adopting Ordinance, a condition of approval D. limits the restaurant intensity to a total of 4,120 square feet based on the approved Shared Parking Analysis. Condition of approval E. limits the outdoor seating area to 200 SF. This patio existed at the time of the CPUD approval and no changes were proposed at that time. The plans of record reflected the existing conditions. The new owner, SHM Old Port Cove, LLC wishes to reconfigure the patio, raising its elevation and adding a ramp and stairs. This reconfiguration impacts the configuration of one planting area of approximately 98 square feet however the proposed changes result in the creation of a 4 foot wide planter adjacent to the existing waterside sidewalk, and planting area on the patio, resulting in plantings remaining in the same location as the existing planter and a greater area of planting overall. The area of outdoor seating accessory to the restaurant use will remain at 200 square feet and will not increase as a result of this reconfiguration. As the reconfiguration of the patio and planter results in the existing plant material being removed, modifications to the approved landscape improvements are proposed. Some of the plant species have been modified from those originally existing and reflected on the approved plans (Cocoplum, Green Island Ficus, Croton and Coconut Palm). Proposed plant materials are of similar character and tolerant of the existing conditions (Silverbuttonwood, Green Island Ficus, Jasmine). This proposed administrative amendment remains consistent with the provisions and conditions of approval in the adopting Ordinance. There is no impact on required parking resulting from this change.