Approved Site Plan 07-13-11Location i 4dp urban1zo'slr,-s'slips riddigni30'Slips(4) 750 2liP Slrps<Sh dSTUDIOS Q lianas Planning it Design Communication c Architecture I cee —N. 1cs we ucipPiaoS-2T]'l 5.aosenary IL suite]lss[Palm Beac, L33d01 P%1-366-119F561-366111111 www.UgKaNtllos.c m 9 Lands ape Legend a IIN Ij F N O 4\MST W F ZN. 70'SIIps C1p a., J1' ps Slip,(6) Yz) s'slit'm Waiver Table EXI ing ,Marini T. nai t all tl ISha:d P9 q debt J-loo Shp M (145 Slips) 100'51rp(1) s<_eq, l t 45-3S 4 1 IL a the Rage mod..die x,tadd.3.+d ab ty pi,h,g ar,alysa ro the I gl ct.0 o°o DUI t S tlrn 6 Itti the\511agc r I hod t II ,-tv ddit- jI vpsgns. r n tt x,ith and as t ttxu.(<,rtha rstacrant. I ` a ry v Sept 3 I ,1 w.1e does not ^ a e ldr,g, r I Q - L m IL c r. Ord E t-gN 1t k 3 P Ova z a Site Data Bufl4ing Da'. Parking P I IT FE f ) e in,,-,1 a 'f D A 's h3 3 u._ f e i.- I R.iR 5 W (ROFF(1 1 S. )v,, n 'NORTHt F, r.. r rJ''-,i e1 .wr.e.e....v.r...zzr: r .sa .re 0 20' 40' Bo'L o n Iceshote Dri z 1 on e Scale: 1-40'.0 I 3 J .].].:,., P IJ,aJ J .1N. D2 ,1,..>kIN SJ I'F i t6 I ,r NsH e..:w,N.., N zz n u A SP-1 of 2It Y,T T 1 ta. 5 moe urban MASTERSIGN PLAN-FREESTANDING SIGN a l nP j I FORRESTAVRANTAND MARINA NETS A ki IVVWda 5 STUDIOSY1 Urban Planning&Design Landscape Architecture DI5A8LED PAVEMENT,',AAkKING DETAIL Communl-tion Graphlca t mymace rvunnEXISTINGSIGNTOBEREMOVEDCONCURRENTs.rvo:emarynee,suitezz WITH INSTALLATION OF NEW SIGN. Il aaaot 3661111z1' www.atlkstudlos.rom y.."."" Sign FaceArea Max.—3n SF Old rcrtCowe Marna EXIiTIN' 'IAI:INA SIGN Y,ASE aP2P05FDLEIHTIXIMVME') P,20P05F.D 516N FA . SF,^.AAXIMV,+I,OSF) DIS;\BLFD PARKING SIGN PROPOSED 5'SETKACK FRO,',A PROP.LINE(,MIN 5'5ETIBACK) NT MASTERSIGN PLAN-WALLSIGNS o w c,.vic NTS 0P:\kI:ING^STALL DET.E\ ILFLJF c' L Nls a roposa onaeon a O LL 'E nn eataurantsign=z,sr. d;e a Wai„er: v i setainexi.sLngsign IncatlOfl- roposPd location torn>,w u IP,tn Vpal, ewlPttPring for Manna Office=2FS.f. slaurarR Sign=20 s.f. Proposad lore[iorrforanew Q -owm.. YACHTCLUB BUILDING YACHTCLUR BUILDING YACHTCLUR BUILDING a (0 SOVTHWESTELEVATION SOUTHEASTELE ATION NORTH EASTELE ATION d rp o Ai r .R CIO) Z in DI/NP.TLk LNCLOS.1kL WlT4.l'[CYCLING-?L1N NTS nuaownxu E L--J L-_ NORTH 0 20' 40' 80' DVMPSI ER ENCLOSURE A'11I 1 REC`CLING-ELEVMION NTS Scale: 1”=40'-0" SP-2 of 2