1979-15 Asking City of WPB to name Village of NPB as Plaintiff in Suit against State of FloridaRESOLUTION N0. 15-79 A KESOLU'I'ION OF 1'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FhORIDA, REQUF,STING THE CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH TO INCLUDE T}[F, VILLAGE OF NORTU PALM BEACH AS A PLAINTIFF IN A SUIT TO BF. FILF,D BY 77tE CITY OF WEST PALM REACH SEEKING DF,CLARATORY RELIF,P CONCERNING ' 7'I[F. RESPONSIBILITY OF TI{E STATE OF FLORIDA TO MAINTAIN SIDEWALKS ABUTTING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STATE ROADS. WIiEREAS, the City of West Palm Beach has requested that the Village of North Palm Beach and other municipalities in Palm Reach County join in a suit for declaratory relief to be filed by t}ie City of West Palm Beach seeking a determination as to the responsibility of the State of Florida for maintaining sidewalks constructed along primary and secondary State roads; and WHEREAS, participation in said law suit would be at no cost to the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has determined that it is ' in the Uest interests of the Village of North Palm Beach, its citizens and taxpayers, to join with the City of West Palm Beach in having such a determination made by the Courts; NOW TF[EREFORE, BF, IT RESOLVED BY T}{E VILLAGF. COUNCIL OF NOR1'lI PALM REACH, FLORIDA: Section L The Village Council of North Palm Beach hereby requests that the City of West Palm Beach include the Village as a plaintiff in a suit for declaratory relief to be filed by the City of West Palm Beach seeking a determination as to the responsibility of the State of Florida for maintaining sidewalks constructed along primary and secondary State roads, said participation by the Village to be at no cost to the Village. Section 2. The Village Clerk is directed to furnish ' a certified copy of this Resolution to the City Attorney for the City of West Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 1 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR ATTF,ST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk