1979-09 Indicating Concurrence with Management Recommendations Presented in the PBC Areawide Waste Treatment Management PlanRESOLUTION N0. 9-79 A RESOhUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIllA, INDICATING ITS CONCURRENCE WITH THE MANAGEMENT RECOMMF,NDATIONS PRF.SF,NTF.D IN T}IE PALM BEACH COUNTY AREAWIDE WASTE TRF,ATMF,NT MANAG};MF,NT PLAN, 1{ERFAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "208 PLAN," AND ITS UNDERSTANDING ' OI' THE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AGENCY DESIGNATION PROCESS WHICI[ IS OR]:F.NTED TO IMPLEMENTATION OF SAID PLAN FOR THE DESIGNATF,D PALM REACH COUNTY "208" PLANNING AREA, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS T}{E "PLANNING AR}:A . " WI}EREAS, The Village of North Palm Beach recognizes t}~at, pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as amended (YL 92-500), the Governor of Florida shall designate a management system consisting of one or more water quality management agencies to carry out appropriate portions of the 208 Plan developed for the Planning Area under Subsection 208 (b) of said Act; and W}{F,REAS, pursuant to Resolution Number 32-74, dated May 9, 1974, the Village has previously resolved to join with other ai'fected general-purpose units of local government to develop a 208 Plan resulting in a coordinated waste treatment management system for designation by the Governor of Florida; and W}{ERF.AS, the said 208 Plan has been prepared, in draft form, by the Area Planning Board of Palm Beach County with the assistance of several advisory bodies representing the various public and private interests of the Planning Area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REACI[, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, concurs with the basic management recommendations of the 208 Plan, namely: 1. That the South Florida Water Management llistrict (SI'WMI)) upon the enactment of appropriate enabling legislation, which would include but not be limited to proper checks and balances of the SFWMD taxing authority and financial 1 responsibility to the local or regional electorate, be designated Water Quality Management Lead Agency for its entire jurisdiction; and 2. That, until such time that the SFWMD is designated, t}re Palm Reach County Board of County Commissioners be desig- nated as Interim Water Quality Management Lead Agency for the Palm Beach County Planning Area. Section 2. That the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, shall consider the adoption of the attached Water Quality Management Strategies when preparing or revising its Local Government Comprehensive Plan as required by Chapter 163.3167 of the Florida Statutes. Section 3. That the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, shall continue to support the ongoing 208 Planning Effort by cooperating to the extent practicable in the development and implementation of specific water quality management tools, as recommended in the 208 Plan and its annual updates. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND AllOPTED T}{IS 25TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1979. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR I~I ~__ ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk