1978-59 Award Bid to Shumacher Buick .• . RESOLUTION N0, 59-78 L A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING THE BID OF SCHUMACHER BUICK, INC. FOR THREE (3) PUBLIC SAFETY AUTOMOBILES IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,516.39 TO BE F,XPENDED FROM ACCOUNT N0. 21-521-64.10. FLORIDA: BF, I1' RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}{, Section 1. The bid of Schumacher Buick, Inc., copy oi' w}tich is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Reach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 21-521-64.10. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSF,D ANll ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1978. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR 1 ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk Gentlemen: '„y i ,[3 ~,i4 tt t vi; y .. w } i., . t3 s. r ••. The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that'no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is all respects flair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within the specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: _ •. DATE: 12f~/7R `-- , ITEM iyl MODEL Skylark (F~E~Q) F10DEL YEAR 19?~ WARRANTY t? ~pnth~ or t~,oco :files ~lhichever comes .first. .;."ALTERNATE ITEM #tl (3) FULL SIZE AUTOMOBILES -- EA. $ F ~R~R-~Z 70TAL $ 17.605,go MANUFACTURER Buick DELIVERY DATE 6-8 yl~ekc f rom order MODEL Le3abre (iJ69) WARRANTY 12 '.onths o° 12; OOC ;'files ~;hichever co~es first MODEL YEAR t9?9 ALTERNATE ITEt•1 ~2 ~M S +, ,' { (3} INTERh1EDIATE SIZE AUTOMOBILES -- EA. $ s,t7a.tn T07AL $ 1;,516.29 MANUFACTURER Buick DELIVERY DATE 6-g ':7eakc'frorn order (1) Am...~'•TTI0;IAL „INTEfLNEDIATE SIZE AUTOMOBILE.,: $ 5,460:33 I M~'iLtFACTURER Buick DELIVERY DATE 6-3•'tveeks froT, order MODEL ro~+~~ry s1,a~t at' (t=na1 • WARRANTY 12 tronths or 12,000 stiles I ~ihichever co. .es first MODEL YEAR 1979' ,.AbTERN,ATE ITEh1 ;;3 `".ice ~~ , • - ~ `" '~ (1) .A~OITIONAL FULL SIZE AUTOi'103ILE •~ ~; $ 5,868.63 .NnNUFACTURER Buick`' DELIVERY DATE 6-8 creeks fro:: r. der t•?JOEL Lesabre tN69) WARRANTY 12 !.onths or )2.,000 ."il:=s .,'hi chewer cores first t•:ODEL YEAR .1979 ' * Vehicle ?quipr^ent Sumr.ary SKYLARK (B69) - CENTURY-SPECIES. ~EO9) -LESABRE (N69) Power Steering Power Steering Po~"ier Steering ~ 305-V8 2BBL 3011-V8 23i3L 301-:'8 2BF.L ' Fo^:2r Di;c 9rakes Popfer Disc '3rakes For+er Disc ssakss "-.ir Conditione: Air Conditioner 1.i: Conditioner ;1uto Transedssion Auto Trans~-assion ,uto Trans^ission t ,.~,:;.. Ti.nted~filass ,. •;; : T.intQd Glass, ,-.' - _Tinted Glass., - ' Heavy Deity Battery -Heavy Duty Battery ~ `Heavy Duty Battery in, of-61 aTp Alt. Lin. of 51 Arrp. Alt ..-. .SC ,~ p Alt. ;. - ._ ;HcELz?",S:?: 111.C Inches 108.1 Inches. - .. • 115.9 Inches ; ~ All Vehicles -Paint Color _ sJhite . , : _ _ - 4 floors , ,.. .. -,. '.<}. ~ t,~ ,. ` . .. 4.. ,. .,, - . ~ ,: - . , -.6A.- - ..-. ~: ~~ L ~:P2Cf.-.u^.S:,L TO THE VILLAGE OF MORTH PALtd BEACH 'FLORIDA Contd. ~., . .~ ... __ - ,REhL4RKS/E''i.CEPTIONS` Prices include-state inspection & dealer-preparation =P.i~t does ~-,+ incL,de anv ~+c~nse n7ates or Sales Taxec if apoiicabie D stynation chaTOes ~.nc,~.,~e7.__r~-ices u coaeis are suo~ect to cnanae by the R Officers of Corporation or t~fembers'of Partnership: ' MAE1E TITLE ADDRESS R. E. Sn~u~a_ h,~r _ Preciden$~ ~0~_Okogchol FIRid: Soh„~~~tior n..:..~ T.,..