1978-49 Award Bids to Rich Motors, Inc. and Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc.N RESOLUTION N0, 49-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, ]'1.ORIDA, ACCF,PTING THE BIDS OF RICH MOTORS, INC. AND ROWLAND TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC. FOR ONE (1) PACKER TRUCK IN T}iE AMOUNT OF $31,280.05 ' }'ROM ACCOUNT N0. 33-64.10. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REACH, 1'LORIDA Section 1. The bids of Rich Motors, Inc. and Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc. copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Reach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 33-64.10. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. YASSF,D AND ADOPTEll THIS 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978. /s/ Al Moore ____`_ MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker ____~ Village Clerk 1 ... RICH MOTORS INC. ~, 2ezs EOLITH oix~E INTERNATIONAL MOTO/p~R/ TRUCKS wear PALM BEACH . c~{meZLCa i l~01E eom~7LEEe iMi~i ~.~ K FLORIDA 33405 .5781"iP4 PHONE 839-4 d2i SPECIFICATION "A" TYIENTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY Manufacturer Dempster Dumoster Model Nd. Route}:ina - DRK II YOTAL (1) 5__14.899x50 Less Trade-In No. 1 $_ 500 00 less Trade•In Ndo 2 $ 100.00 Total Trade-In $ 600 00 Net Total with Trade Ines 5 11,299050 ALTERNATE NI Lift Bar Rttachment per Specification 5. 2,356~2~ ,~ Exceptions No stop buzzer Street Si be-54 gallon wash out tank .-4AA• YROPOSAL•TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA (Con'td.) REtMRKS/EXCEPTIONS: 50 GALLON FUEL TAN}: - 138" C. A, dependent on successful bodv btanu`,acturer. Addendum No, 1 received but not dated. Officers of Corporation or t4embers of Partnership: NAh1E TITLE ADDRESS •ai.llard CSC Rich President N F],o]ar n.•_ vtaa 1`li~llard N, R;ch, Jr. Exce, V. Pres. & Sic°J, Holty.voo~3 P] ;'1~8 f'~rtha R Rich Tre:a/Asst Sec. N Flan]^r Dr 4;F3 John P Rich Vice Pres. N Flaqler Dr. YIPB FIRM: RICH COTORS~ II;C. ® Corporation O Partnership ~ Individual SIGPlED BY: TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER WITNESSES: ADDRESS: 2829 So. Dixie 'lest Palm Beach° F1. 33405 . §. `~<~ :~, PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALt+i BEACH, FLORIDA 1 Gentlemen: •~ The undersigned, a~ bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named .has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within •specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: ITEM N0. 1 i SPECIFICATION °A' TIJENTY (20) CUBIC YARD PACKER BODY Manufacturer NEIL Model No. MA1zK Iy Less Trade-In No. 1 $ 700.00 Less Trade-In No. 2 $ 100.00 ALTERNATE ;~1 Lift Bar Attachment Per Specification ITEM N0. 2 SPECIFICATION "B" 32000 'GV41R CAB & CHASSIS ONLY $ •800.00 $].1,013.00 $• 730.00 One Each Manufacturer Model Total Trade-I n° TOTAL (1) $11,813.00 e ~` Net Total with Trade In's -4- DATE: October 6. 1978 ~PPOPO~GL 70,THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALt4 BEACH, FLORIDA (Con'td.) REf~41RKS/EXCEPTIONS: 60 gallon Washout tank. 2 1/q cubic vard hopper which will hold the contents of a 3 cubic yard container. Officers of Corporation or tlembers of Partnership: NAh1E TITLE ~ ADDRESS F. R. Y.elley, Jr. President Tavernier, Florida F. A. Yeadaker, Jr. Vice President Miami, Florida .?erry Cooper Sect'y/ Treasurer Tampa, Florida FIRtd: Rowland TRuck Equiptment, Inc. ® Corporation (~ Partnership ~ Individua SIGPlED BY TITLE ~ ~r-rurrr rr. ADDRESS: Rowland Truck Equiptment, Inc. 2900 N. W. 73rd Street Miami, Florida 33147 5, TRADE-IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealer's full trade-in value, which amount may be deducted from his price at the op- tion of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida: The Village of North Palm Beach reserves the right to buy back from the dealer, at the quoted trade-in value, any of the vehicles listed in this section. All Trade-Ins as is date of bid. 1. One (1) 1970 Dodge single axle Model L-700 6-70 Cab & Chassis with mounted Garwood 820 refuse packer with S/N L7IGMSS 108769 $ 700.GC 2. One(1) 1970 Dodge single axle model L700 6-70 Cab & Chassis with Garraood mounted 820 refuse packer with rear loading lift bar. S/N L7ICMOJ108767. ~ No Transmission S 100.00 3. One (1) 3-41hee1 Cushman dump, 1974 Model, Model 40574. S/N 466420 $ 4.` One (1) 3-4Jheel Cushman dump, 1975 Model Model 7510 S/N 494267 $ 5. Two (2) 3-4fi eel Cushman with Cargo Body - 1974 t4odel 40574 Each $ Total Two $ 6. One (1) 1967 Chevrolet 2 ton Pickup with tool box body. Model CS10703 S/N CS67A132709 $ 7. One (1) 1967 Chevrolet 2 ton Pickup Cab/Chassis only. Model CS10703 . S/N CS67A132090 $ -6- n