1978-41 Setting Forth those Persons to Whom the Village will Furnish a VehicleRESOLUTION N0. 41-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM RF.AC}[ FLORIDA, SETTING FORT}i THOSE PERSONS TO WHOM T}{E VILLAGE WILL FURNISH A VF,}[ICLE, AND SETTING FORTH A SUBSIDY TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN EMPLOYEES IN LIEU OF T}[E VILLAGE'S FURNISHING A VEHICLE. ' BE I1' RESOLVED BY TI{E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BI:AC][, rr,oRl nA : Section 1. That the following persons shall be furnished a vehi.el.e by the Village of North Palm Beach for their use in the performance of their assigned duties: Director of Public Safety Director of Public Services Code Enforcement Officer Detective on Call Fire Lieutenant Mechanic on Call Maintenance Man on Call Section 2. In lieu of furnishing a vehicle the Village will pay to the following people a subsidy in the following amounts: Stuart Taber $500.00 ' David Panozzo 500.00 Scott Ladd 500.00 Al Weiler 500.00 Rill Reinert 500.00 Ed ]{immelsbach 300.00 Mike Keith 300.00 Gene Walters 300.00 Jack Wood 300,00 Ross Ruskay 150.00 Frank Ostry 100.00 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect inunediately upon passage. YASS}iD AND ADOP1'F.D T}IIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR 1 A7'T}:S7': /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk