1978-31 Award Bid to Washington National Insurance Co. RESOLUTION N0. 31-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTI[ PALM B};AC}f, FLORIDA, ACCF,PTING THE BID OF WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY FOR h1EDICAL ANll LIFF. INSURANCE. BE IT RF,SOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM B};ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Washington National Insurance Company, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. 7'he appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from various departmental fringe benefit accounts. Section 2, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSF,U AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1978. /s/ Al Moore MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~! i~ -- - rnvr wr~~ rv -~nG-va _ ~S Gentlemen: .-/~-~tM~ .., • 'r ,. The undersigned, as bidder,"does declare that no other person other than the ~ bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, ~ and that it is made without any connection with. any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this .proposal for the follot•~ing price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida; to wit: DATE: June 12, 1978 `PROPOSED BENEFITS ITEM 1. Life Insurance and Accidental Death Proposed Life Benefit: Proposed Acc. Death Benefiit:. ITEM 2 Major Medical (Comprehensive) Lifetime Maximum Automatic Annual Restoration: ` $ lOD% of annual earnings to a nax mum o 5,000. (rounded $ to next lower $1,000) $ 250,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Calendar Yeah Deductible: $ 100.00 /Individua Deductible Accumulation Period: calendar rear Nervous and Mental:' $ same'as In-Patient preeen~t p -an Dependent Coverage to Age: 19 Un-married Children $ sar.:e as Family presen .p an ~ same as Out-Patient presen pan 23 Students Co-Insurance• ( Daily Room & Roard Rate: $ 65.00 Hospital Services & Supplies: $ 3,000 in full, 80% of next $3,000, balance 100% In-Patient • Surgical Fees: Attach Separate Schedule ~- Physicians Visits Per Day:, $ ao% _7- ~( Laboratory Fbes: $ BO% { X-Ray: $ 80% Out-Pat- (( Radiation Therapy: $ 80% ient ,Physical Therapy: $ 80/ ITEhI 2a MAJOR t4EDICAL (80/20) Lifetime Maximum: $ Automatic Annual Restoration: $ • Calendar Year Deductible: $ /Individual $ /Family Deductible Accumulation Period: Nervous and Mental: $ in-Patient $ Out-Patient Dependent Coverage to Age: Un-Married Children Students Co-lnsurance• (Daily Room & Board .Rate: $ (Hospital Services & Supplies: $ In-Patient Surgical Fees: Attach Separate Schedule Physicians Visits Per Day $ (Laboratory Fees:- $ X-Ray: $ Out-Patient Radiation Therapy: $ '-Physical Therapy: $ ALTERNATE 1. Maternity Benefits: Attach a description of proposed plan or describe below. ALTERNATE 2. Dental Benefits: Attach a description of proposed plan or describe below. $100 calendar year deductible 80% co-insurance $500 yearly maximum _g_ PROPDSAL 'CO TFIE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALh1 BEAC}i, FLORIDA (Con'td.) Y RATE PROPOSAL ITEt4 1. Life Insurance and Accidental Death Rate Per $1 ,000. Coverage $. .. 6__ ~__r- /Month ITEht 2. Major Medical (Comprehensive) Employee Rate $ z~z /Month • Dependent Rate $ .3~ Month ITEM 2a h1AJOR tdEOICAL (80/20) • Employee Rate $ ________.___ Month • Dependent Rate $ ~~/Month' ALTERNATE 1. MATERNITY BENEFITS ~ Rate $ ./D ~~ /Month + •~R defer./Pe-- loo ~~.neF'~lL ALTERNATE 2 DENTAL BENEFITS _ -~' Empl oyes Rate $ _~ ~ 9 /Month ' Dependent Rate $ 6.G3 /Month RATE GUARANTEE:. otv F Years PRESENT PLAN WITH $1,000,000 maximum Employee Rate $ Z 3. 7 ~ /Month Dependent Rate $ 3 ~ ~ Month PRESENT PLAN WITH NO CO-INSURANCE LIMIT AND NO 100% HOSPITAL COVERAGE Employee Rate $ a /. /Month Dependent Rate $ 3/. j,Z /Month PRESENT PLAN WITEi SEMI-PRIVATE HOSPITAL Employee Rate $ 2 Z /Month P.00`I RATE P,ECOGNIZED Dependent Rate $ 3~f, s'~ /D[onth I"L"tEDIATE ELIGIBILITY FOR EXECUTIVES No charge -g- kEt1ARKS/EXCEPTIONS: was ng on a ona ag ees indicating paid premiums and paid & incurred losses separately for life and accidental i / death benefits and mayor medical. ~ i ( i Officers of Corporation or tderrbers of Partnership: I NAME TITLE ADDRESS E. E. CP.AGG, CLU, FLMI PRESIDENT Evanston, Illinois 60201 • i FIRM: WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY O Corporation- O Partners ip. ~ Indiv C ~ `) SIGNED DY: ~~~ /~. ~- TITLE- Group Manager, Miami Group Office WITNESSES: ~ ~~ ~~~~_ ADD?ESS: - /SJc rh~~~e..<~-tin~i...-e ~t~,-~sL~'~-O,S-o~ ~~