R2019-88 Baker & Taylor Book Leasing ProgramRESOLUTION 2019-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE RENEWAL OF THE BOOK LEASE PLAN WITH BAKER AND TAYLOR PURSUANT TO PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING CONTRACT WITH PALM BEACH COUNTY; AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE RENEWAL AUTHORIZATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, through the adoption of Resolution 2015-69, the Village Council approved a renewed and expanded book lease plan with Baker and Taylor pursuant to pricing established in an existing contract with Palm Beach County (Bid No. 15-025/JJ — Book New and Popular Leased, Term Contract); and WHEREAS, Village Staff requested approval of the fourth of four available one-year renewals of the lease plan at a total cost of $15,504.00; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the renewal of the book lease plan with Baker and Taylor pursuant to pricing established in an existing contract with Palm Beach County (Bid No. 15-025/JJ — Book New and Popular Leased, Term Contract) at a total cost not to exceed $15,504.00, with funds expended from Account No. A7927-33491 (Library — Contractual Services). The Village Council further authorizes the Village Manager to execute the Renewal Authorization on behalf of the Village. Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2019. I (Village Seal) AYOR ATTEST: 0' VILLAGE C ERK [�[BAKER TAYLOR A Follett Company Renewal Notice BAKER & TAYLOR BOOK I_EAS[NG SYSTEM 251 MT. OLIVE CHURCH ROAD COMMERCE, GA 30599-2300 76 renew our Book Leasing Account, 1)1ease make ani! changes neces.vwy. Men sign diad rettu•n to Baker chi T a.vlor Book Leasing Systent rtlong with your- purchase order, Y'tq)p eable, Service Inquiries: 800-775-3800 or FAX: 877-460-6011 RENEWAL AL 1110R17.:'1TION: Andrew D. Lukasilc, Village Manager Nance /Title (Please Print) Signatur Please C onlinn Plione Numbers Phone; (561) 841-3383 Fax (561) 848-2874 For Internal Use Only Contract #: 014 Master #: 510840 Acct #: F1936427 Territory ID: 414 Plan BV040 Beginning On: 10/01/2019 Ending On: 09/30/2020 "I'otal Contract Ami: $7,752.00 Bill To: The Village of North Palm Beach Library Lease Plan 303 Ancliorage Drive North Palm Beach, F1. 33408 Ship "fo: The Village of North Palm Beach Library Lease Plan 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Service Requested: Book Plan Monthly Quota Allowance 40 Annual Quota Allowance: 480 Quota Cutoff: Cutoff: $50.00 2nd Cutoff: $999.999.99 3rd Cutoff: $0.00 Manap-enient Reoort Sentience: (SAME) Catalop,inp_•, (SAME) DeNvey/LC Subject Headings LC/LC Subject I-leadings Pocket on Front Flyleaf Pocket on Back Flyleaf Mylar Jacket Only Machine Readable Cataloging Records Payment Plan Chosen: 1, Monthly Payments of. 2. (quarterly Payments of: 3. Semi -Annual Payments of. 4. Annual Payments of. 571752.00 -- 2%discount formumtl pa. ntent ofprogram cc"ithin 60 rlays of invoice date -- 1 %0 discotrnl,for-send-annual pa. n enl of progr-am within 30 dans of inmice data **PLUS "TAXES NN'HERE APPLICABLE** Invoicing Instructions: 1. Purchase order number, if applicable: 2. Library systems only: Separate invoices by branch One combined invoice Book ldentificatiow. (SAME) Each book will have a white adhesive label that will readily identify it as a Baker & Taylor [.ease Book. Please indicate below exactly how you wish your library name and address to appear on the label. [_ine 1 I-ine 2 Line 3 lte lie\ al 1-or111 07/30/2019 Author Title Ship Date C Summary Only Catalop,inp_•, (SAME) DeNvey/LC Subject Headings LC/LC Subject I-leadings Pocket on Front Flyleaf Pocket on Back Flyleaf Mylar Jacket Only Machine Readable Cataloging Records Payment Plan Chosen: 1, Monthly Payments of. 2. (quarterly Payments of: 3. Semi -Annual Payments of. 4. Annual Payments of. 571752.00 -- 2%discount formumtl pa. ntent ofprogram cc"ithin 60 rlays of invoice date -- 1 %0 discotrnl,for-send-annual pa. n enl of progr-am within 30 dans of inmice data **PLUS "TAXES NN'HERE APPLICABLE** Invoicing Instructions: 1. Purchase order number, if applicable: 2. Library systems only: Separate invoices by branch One combined invoice Book ldentificatiow. (SAME) Each book will have a white adhesive label that will readily identify it as a Baker & Taylor [.ease Book. Please indicate below exactly how you wish your library name and address to appear on the label. [_ine 1 I-ine 2 Line 3 lte lie\ al 1-or111 07/30/2019 1�r BAKER - , -AYLoR f1 f-(DfIen Cotragi:;)oy Renewal Notice BAKER & TAYLOR BOOK. LEASING SYSJ*E14 251 MT. OLIVE CHURCH ROAD COMMERCE, GA 30599-23001 To renew ,or Book Leasingrlccount, please snake anY ch(mge,� necessrrr.r,, then ,vign clard reawn to akar & Tai,/or Book Leasing 51,stem (110m, Ivith your par•c-hase orclur•, rf'applicable. ` er'vice Inquiries: 800-775-31800 or 14.' N. 877-460-6011. RENI{1WAL A111FI-10RIZATION Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager :Name / Title (Please Print) Si;a�at Please { ordirtn Phone Number,, Phone (561) 841-3383 Fax (561)848-2874 For Internal Use Only Contract 4: 005 Master #: 510840 Acct 4: I�950949 Territory ID: 41.4 Plan BV040 Beginning On: 10/01/2019 Ending On: 09!30/2024 Total Contract Amt; $7,752.00 Bill To: The Village of North Palin Beach Library NYT [..,ease Plan 303 Anchorage Drive North Palin l3cac h, FL 33408 Ship "ro: The V itlage of North Palm Beach Library NYT Lease Plan 3013 Anchorage Drl vu North Pahn Beach. FL 33408 Services Reguested: Monthly Quota Allowance Annual (quota Allowance: (a��crtal C'utut'6: Cutoff. -- -- $50.00 2nd Cutoff. $990,999.99 3rd C,Lltorf: `fi0.00 CatalUaiIlQ: (SAIv1E) Dewey/LC Subject Headings LC/LC Subject Headings Packet on Front. Flyleaf Pocket on Back Flyleaf Mylar racket Only Machine Readable Catalogiim Records Payment: Plan Cliosen: 1. Monthly Payments of., Book Plan 2. Quarterly Payments of: 40 3. Semi -Annual Payments of: 480 4. Annual Payments of: $7,752.00 ••- 2% discount for' annual pa.aurrenl of 'pr'ograrrr ivithin 60 cla.Ys of'invoice date --.1 �,i, di,5Y ount for semi-annual pa Invent of program iilithin .30 days of hmoice chile "'PLUS TAXES WHERE APPLICABLE" `Vlailaaenieiit Report Sequence_ (SAME) uNloicing Instructions: 1. Purchase order number, if" applicable: 2. Library systems only: Separate invoices by brancli Book Identification: (SAME) One combined invoice, Fach book will have a ANIiite adhesive label that N�111 readily identif}, it as a Baker & "Naylor Lease Book. Please indicate belcm exactly 11aw you wish your library tiame and address to appear on the label. Line I Line '2 Line. 3 Renewal 1,01,111 07/30/2019 Aullior 0 Title L1 Shin !:)ate 0 Sui11tttary Only, uNloicing Instructions: 1. Purchase order number, if" applicable: 2. Library systems only: Separate invoices by brancli Book Identification: (SAME) One combined invoice, Fach book will have a ANIiite adhesive label that N�111 readily identif}, it as a Baker & "Naylor Lease Book. Please indicate belcm exactly 11aw you wish your library tiame and address to appear on the label. Line I Line '2 Line. 3 Renewal 1,01,111 07/30/2019