1978-08 Declaring Intention of Village Council to Apply to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Program RESOLUT70N N0. 8-78 A RF,SOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}i PALM BEAC}I, FLORIDA, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT' COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT ASSISTANCE FUND PROGRAM FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN COM- ' PLIiTING T}{E F,LEMF.NTS OF PLANS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVF, PLANNING ACT OF 1975, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM REAC}[, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to complete and submit all application forms necessary for the Village's application to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fund Program for financial assistance in completing the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975. Section 2. The Village Council hereby commits itself to provide the necessary matching fun ds required under said Program, Section 3, The Village Council hereby commits itself to use any funds received under said Program solely for elig ible activities as described in 9B-5.08 of said Program during the program year. Section 4. The Village Council will comply with all applicable state and local laws and the rules and regulations of tl~e llepartment of Community Affairs governing the application for and use oI' said funds, Section 5. This Resolution stall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1978, /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR ATTF,ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk w ' ~ . ~ All. applications mu:;i. be pos tma r}:ed by ; PI:F•.APPLICATION FORi•1 I'OR THE: 701 ~~~ 'Zj 1J?J COJIYRE[[LNSIVF, PLANNING PROGRAM to be accepted i`or processinq 1'O Iai; Spisi•IITT3~D 1'O: Mr. John Sidor, Jr., Director Division of Technical AssisL-ance I'].orida Department of Community Affairs ?57.1 Laecutive Center Circle, F•.ast Ta.ilahassee, Florida 31301 F~l'PLICeINT (city, county) A DD_cc, S S VILLAGI; OF NORTH PAhM BEACH SOl lJ. 5, HIG}[[9AY 1 NORTH PALM BF,'nCl{, FLORTllA 33405 Cf[I}:I' ];1,L.C7.'ED OFFICIAL: M. C, J,OVF,, JR., hIAYOR OFI'iCltll, I2}:SPONSIIiLIi FOR PREPAL2ATION OF PRf;F~P}.'LICIt1'ION (if different from above) c }TILL J. NICOLF.TTI, VILLAGE. MANAUF.R `.CELEPHONE (305) 840-347tr `.CELtiPHONf; : (305) 848-3474 '1'ELEPIIONI; : (305) 8ir8-3t1%t+ 'lice App].:icant certifies that to the best of his knocaledge and belief, the data i.n this prcappl.ication are true anct correct, and the filing of the prcapr>Licat::ion has been duly authorized by the governing body of the Applicant .. _; confirmed by an attached resolution. _~ S.i.gnatur~e of the Chief I•accted Official FE13RL1AP,Y 23 , 1978 Date N01'li: Application must' be si€;ned by the chief eJ.ected official and include a }. 1. iclcntifyinf; iufonnation, fiscal need information, and a resolution frut:~ the got~c ruf. itg body. A separate app].icn tion must be submitted by each i;overnr: c_ntal unit t_fc ct. _is ~ncludcd i.n -c ~o_int apQ]icntion.- ---~--- ~ --- FO?t JOB:';'}' APPhIC11N'i'S ONLY: Please indicate below the desgnai_ed common p:Cnnnncr entity (the public or private organ ization staff that caul be rc•;pcr,c<: i hie fo?- perf-ornring any work that is funded under thy. 701 program) . iJ::;nc o.f lnf:~i.ty Contact person erred pho;c:~ r:uctlx•.>~ APPLICANT VILLAGE OY NOR'i9I PAT,?,I B}:r\Cfl FISCAL NEED INFORP4ATION Surplus From Utility Operations i~or each utility operated by the government, please report the net amount of surplus funds transferred to other governmental activities not spc-~cifically related to that utility operation during the 1976-77 fiscal year. Transfers to be included are: funds for general governmental acL-v.i.ties; funds used to pay the principal and/or interest on bonds ;:or activities not related to the specific utility in question, e. g., hospital and airport bonds; and funds used to support other utility operations. Such transfers must be.authorized by the governing body. Local governments which operate utilities through dependent special d'i.str.icts or authorities should report transfers to it from these units. UTILITIES A;nount: of Funds 'i~ransferred To: ELECTRIC GAS WATER SEWER C;emeral Government 0 0 0 0 Other Utilities U O 0 0 Ot-.her Governmental ActivS.ties 0 0 0 O }lO Sp:L t: Ells, CtC.~ 'roTAI, v n 0 0 • ~ - APPLICANT VILLIGB OI' NOIt'C(I 1'RL^f ItL>+Cif PIi:;I•: 'I'iII•: FOLLO;tiING CO.IPREHENSIVE PLAN ELEML;N'lS EVER PRODUCED FOR TILE LOCAL GOVERNMEN`P? YEAR YEAR YEAR MOST }SL1:`lf<i4'I' YES ATO PRODUCED ADOPTED RECENTLY UPDATED Capital. Improvement Program X ].975 1975 1977 I,uut Use Plan X 1975 1975 1975 Circulat.i_on Plan X 1975 1975 1975 Sanitary Stnoer Plan X Solic: 67aste Plan X 1'otabl<: Dater Study X Coris:c'raa".::ion P].an X R.,creation/Open Spa:;e Plan X 1975 1975 1975 Ilou,;i.nq Plan X Co:AStal lone I'rot.cct_on Plan X Intcrcrove.rnmental Coordination L;]cmen~C X Pnbl.c llt:ilities P:Lan X 1975 1975 1975 t9~rss 7'rans9.i. Plan X Port/1lviat:ion Y,ici Cities Plan X