1978-03 Authorizing Travel & Establising Reimbursement Rates for Employees Travel Expenses_ . _. RESOLUTION N0. 3-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, }'LORI DA, AUTHORIZING TRAVEL BY VILLAGE OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES AND F,51'ABLISHING RATES FOR REIMBURSEMF,NT OF EXPENSES INCIDENTAL FOR SUCI[ ' TRAVEL. BF. IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIllA: Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter 112.061 Florida Statutes, the Village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts a policy to authorize travel by Village Officials and Employees and to establish rates for reimbursement of expenses incidental for such travels, copy of which is attached hereto, marked exhibit I, and by reference made a part hereof. Section 2. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in ca~flict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSEll AND ADOPTF.ll THIS 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1978. A7'TES T /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk i~ J /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR 1._. F,X}tI13IT I 1'I[F, TEZRVF.L POLICY OF NOIfI'}[ PRLM I3EACIf, FI+ORIDA R. DEFINITIONS (a) Vi..l.lage Official - An individual who in the perf'orm- ance of his official duties is vested by law wi.ih pocvcrs of government and who is elected by the people, or appointed by the Vi7.lage Council and has jurisdiction extending throughout the municipality, or any person lawfully serving as either of the foregoing classes of individuals as designee or successor. (b)' Employee or Public Employee - An individual, other 'Chan a Village official as defined herein, who is occupying a regular or full-time authorized posi- tion and is responsible to the Village Planager. (c) 9'ravel.er - A Village Official or employee who is performing authorized travel. (d) Travel F,xpense -The usual. ordinary and incidental. expenditure necessarily incurred by a tr.avcler. (e) Common Carrier - 1'ra:in, bus, commercia]_ air7.ine operating scheduled i'7.ights, or renta]. cars of an established rental firm. (]') Travel L`ay - A period of twenty-four hours con-- si.sting of four quarters of six hours each. (g) Trave]. Period - A period of tune between the time of departure and time of return. (}~) Ruthorized Travel - That travel approved by Village Council through an appropriation orcl_inance atxl approved in advance by the Village Pianeger; or travel approved by Village Council extemporaneously. (i) Class A Travel. - Continuous travel 01' twenty-ibur hours or more away from the Village which involves overnight absence. (j) Class }S 'Gravel -Travel for a short or clay trip not invol.v.ing overnight absence. (}:) Village - 1'hc Village of North Yalu ]leach, I'l.or.i_rla. -1- B. AUTHORITY TO INCUR TRAVEL EXPENSE (a) All travel must be sanctioned by budgetary appro- priation. Additional authorization must be obtained fran the Village Manager for all employee travel. (b) L'xpenses of travelers shall be limited to those i.n- curred in the performance of a public purpose and shall include, but not be limited to, Village business, conventions, conferences and training or education by which attendance would serve a direct benefit for the Village of North Palm Beach. C. RATES OP SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE For the purpose of reimbursement and to establish method of calculation, subsistence allowances to be paid are as follows• (a) h}eal.s only - Authorized travelers may be allowed for subsistence while on official business for the Village at a maximum amount of: $15,00 per day. (b) Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary ex- penses in excess of the rate above will be per- mitted if substantiated by receipts and so authorized by the Village Manager. P. TRANSPORTATION (a) Travel by common carrier. All travel shall be upon established direct routes, and shall be at coach or tourist fare rates. If a traveler elects to take an indirect air route for his convenience, costs in excess of the rate fora direct route passage shall be borne by him and he shall be reimbursed only for such direct route rate. The Village Manager shall detervnine the most cost effective method of travel for each trip, and in making his determinations, shall consider the i'oilowing conditions: (1) The nature of the business -2- ("L) 1'he most efficient and economical means of travel (consideri.ng time, cost of trans- portation and per diem or subsistence re- quired) (3) 7~he number of persons making the trip and the amount of equipment or material to be transported. (b) Travel by private vehicle. (7.) The use of a privately owned vehicle for official travel in lieu of public vehicle or common carrier may be authorized by the Village Manager, i.f a publicly owned vehicle is not available. If traveling by privately owned vehicle, the traveler shall receive re- imbursement of a mileage allowance not ex- ceeding 17 cents per mile or the common carrier fare for such travel as determined by the Village Manager. (2) All mileage shall be computed from point of origin to point of destination, and when pos- sible shall be computed on the basis of the current map of the State Road Department. Vicinity mileage necessary for conduct oi' office business is allowable but must be shown as a separate item on expense vouchers. (3) No traveler shall be allowed mileage or trans- portation expense if he is gratuitously trans- ported by another person, or when transported by another traveler who is entitled to mileage or transportation expense from the city. };. OTHPR T;XPFNSES 7'hc i'o].l.ow:ing incidental travel expenses may be reimbursed: -3- (a) Taxi. or Limousine fares. (b) Ferry fares, and bridge, road and tunnel tolls. (c) Storage or parking fees. (d) Comrmmication expenses. (e) :Conference or Convention registration fees if at- tendance at such eoni'erence or convention serves a direct public purpose with relation to the per- son attending such meetings. F. RULES RND REGl1LRTI0NS. (a) 1'he Village Manager may promulgate such rules and regulations, and prescribe such forms as shall be necessary to effectuate the purposes o£ this Resolution. G. REVIEW OF RRTES. (a) R11 allowance rates for succeeding years shall be established concurrently with passage of the annual budget appropriation ordinance.