1977-50 Approving the Purchase of Various Items from State Bids RESOLUTION N0, 50-77 A RESOLUTION OF T}{E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACIi, FLORIDA, APPROVING THF, PURC}{ASE OF VARIOUS ITEMS FROM STATE RIDS, FLORIllA STATF. CONTRACT NO, 76-4.39, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,862.00 ' TO I3E F.XPENDF.D AS FOLLOWS: $2,228.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO. 12-408 AND $634.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO, 11-408. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM REACI[, FLORIDA: Florida State Contract No. 76-4.39, copy of which is attached to Section 1. The purchase of various items from State bids, this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended as follows: $2,228.00 from Account No. 12-408 and $634.00 from Account No. 11-408. ' Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED T{{IS 10 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR 1 ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk M. anE-. a ~o~~pA><.MEL3>~~.~H DEI~a. R~QUISITIOPI Suggested Vendor. General Electric Company 8675 Executive Center Drive Suite 204 Miami, Fla. 33166 Deliver ro: Dept. of Public Safety 501 U. S. #1 North Palm Beach, Fla. 33408 Attention oF: No. 7 gUANTITY DESCRI-iION ~ ACCOUNT UNIT PAIGE TOTAE 3 GE Model 11PE66RASAl1X 5 Watt Portable 2-408. $532. 00 $1596. 00 3 4238 Batteries 2-408 41. 00 123. 00 3 BB Channel (Two) „ 2-408 51. 00 153. 00 3 4325 Coil Spring Antennas 12-408 10. 00 30. 00 1 362L3C1X Rapid Battery Charger (5 Unit) 12-408 326. 00 326. 00 1 GF. Pfodel 11PE66RASAHX S Watt Portable i1-408 532. OD 532. 00 1 4238 Battery 11-408 41. 00 41. 00 1 BB Channel (Two) 11-408 51. 00 51. 00 1 k325 Coil Spring Antenna 11-408 10. 00 10. 00 2 3 , ..; Florida State Contract.' (176-4.39 p ~`L ~ - ., ,~~~~t P •, ., `' 6 Commodity 11 725-52-94-0100 ~L ~'v~-~%.M`'r~ ~~• ` ~ __ Contract Effective 12-10-76 Expiration 12-9-7 O ~~«~ ~! °~!~ ,F „ ~~ 'Pa--r'm'G'~cac ~ ~_~D __ __ Vii'' . ;` Z, $2862. 00 ~~ , ~~~~ _ DEPARTME IIEAD E---- _ __ VIILLOE MAM~GE]