1977-49 Determining to Explore the Acquisition of the Water & Sewer Facilities of PBCRESOLUTION N0. 49-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DETERMINING TO EXPLORE T}{E ACQUISITION OF THE WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES OF PALM REAC}{ COUNTY UTILITIES COMPANY IN CONCERT WITH THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS AND THE TOWN OF LAKE PARK. WHEREAS, the Village Council and the Administrative Staff have ' investigated the problems of water and sewer service to the residents and businesses of the Village of North Palm Beach, and W}{ERF,AS, the preliminary conclusions of the Village Council are that it is possible to provide better quality service at an ultimately more reasonable cost to the consumer by virtue of public ownership of Palm }3each County Utilities Company which provides water and sewer service to the residents of the Village of North Palm Beach, and W}{EREAS, the Village Council has concluded that a joint co- operative effort between the three municipalities served by this Utility would appear to be in the best interests of the consuming public, not only in the Village of North Palm Beach, but in the neighboring communities and in the unincorporated areas served by the Utility. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGF. COUNCIL OF T}[E VI{d,AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION I The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby determines to investigate the feasibility of the Village of North Palm Beach, in con- junction with its neighboring cities of Palm Beach Gardens and Lake Park, to acquire the water and sewer assets of Palm Beach County Utilities Company which serve these three communities and the adjacent unincorporated areas in Palm Beach County. SECTION II Upon receipt of advice from the City of Palm Beach Gardens and the Town of Lake Park that either or both of these communities are agreeable to ' pursuing the feasibility of such acquisition, the Village Staff, through the Village D}anager's office, is directed to meet with the Administrative Staffs of the other cities to present alternative methods of engaging in a three party acquisition program, including conclusions of the Staff as to the pros and cons in each method of acquisition, as well as investigation into the total feasibility of acquisition of the Utility by these municipalities. SECTION III Upon conclusion of the directions set forth in Paragraph two of t}~i.s Kesolution, if implemented, the Village Manager is directed to coordinate with the Managers of the other two municipalities in convoking ' a meeting of the governing boards of the three municipalities to consider the Administrative report, and to take whatever further steps the governing bodies of the municipalities deem advisable after receipt of these reports. SECTION IV The Village Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to Mayor and Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, and the Mayor and Commission of the Town of Lake Park, Florida. SECTION V This Resolution is to take effect immediately upon passage. PASSF.ll AND ADOPTF,D THIS 10 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1977. /s/ M. C. Love, Jr. MAYOR (Village Seal) ATT}iST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1